Technology Management Checklist:


When planning for a technology project, make sure to do all of the following:


q       The curriculum should guide the lesson, not the technology

Technology is only a learning tool. Unit first, then technology.

q       Make sure that your technology requirements are reasonable, and you are comfortable with the technology that you are asking your students to use.

Consider students ability level.

q       Assignment Sheet that includes

á               Research/Content requirements
(should be seperate)

á               Technology requirements
(some PowerPoints have 2 slides, some have 20)

á               Rubric grading scales for both research and technology
(very specific requirements; ask for too much; quick survey before making rubric; project should guide technology used, not vice versa, give them some choice)

q       Sample Finished Product to show the students at the beginning of the project
(do it yourself to show that you can do it, show great, good, and OK examples from previous students)

q       Resources for the students to use in the project

q                Websites

q                Periodicals

q                Multimedia

q       Daily/Weekly Goals for the project (Check points)

q       Contact the Integration Specialist, they may be willing to help.

q       Sign up for lab and technology equipment

q       Built in Technology Learning timeÉwhere students will be taught how to use the proper technology.

q       Built in Open Lab time (before or after school, during lunch, or study halls), Do not assume that students have access to technology at home

q       Back up plans on days when students are using technology

q       Alternative assignments for students who have not handed in an Acceptable Use Policy

q       If working in groups, define roles for studentsÉfor example

á               Group LeaderÑdelegate, help where needed, meet with teacher.

á               ResearchersÑGathering information for project

á               StenographerÑtyping in the information from the researchers

á               Graphic Designers/Graphic Artist Ðgathering and creating multimedia


Creating a Lesson that Integrates Technology:

Building a Website

q       Define what your curricular goals are for the project.

q       Talk to your schoolÕs integration specialist

q       Select the software you want to use for creating websites



Adobe PageMill

Netscape Composer

Microsoft Publisher



Macromedia Dreamweaver

Microsoft FrontPage



Adobe Golive



q       Select any other software you would like students to use in the project

á      iMovieÑto create QuickTime movies for the website

á      Macromedia FlashÑto create animations for the website

á      Adobe PhotoShop or Elements or ImageReadyÑto create graphics and animations for the website.


q       Learn how to use all of the software for your project (become competent in what your students will need to know).

q       Sign up for Lab Time and Technology equipment

q       Write your Assignment Sheet:



Assignment for __________________________ Project.

Description of the Project:



Research Requirements:  _____points possible

q       .

q       .

q       .

q       .

q       .

q       .

q       .

q       .

q       .

q       .




Technology Requirements: _____points possible

á      .

á      .

á      .

á      .

á      .

á      .

á      .

á      .

á      .




Check Points for Project: _____points possible


Checkpoint #1:  Date_______________

q       Due:

q       Due:

q       Due:


Checkpoint # 2:  Date_______________

q       Due

q       Due

q       Due


Checkpoint # 3:  Date_______________

q       Due

q       Due

q       Due


Timeline for Project:


Week/Day 1:


Week/Day 2:







Resources for Project:

á      Web-based Resources



á      Periodicals




á      Multimedia




Open Lab Times:


á      .

á      .

á      .

á      .



Due Date:



Late Work:



Ideas for Group Roles:


á      Group LeaderÑmaking sure group stays on task, helps in every role, and reports to teacher.

á      ResearcherÑinformation gatherer, using the web and other periodicals

á      StenographerÑinformation sorter and input information into the web-editing software

á      Graphic Designer---create graphics and design the storyboard for the website

á      PresenterÑput all the information on the website in an organized manner and present it to the class.




Rubric/ Assessment

Three Assessments

1.  Research 20%

á      Checkpoints

á      Reliable Sources (use recommended websites or permission by teacher)

á      Documented Resources in proper format MLA or APA

á      Completed on time

á      Gathered all required information

2.    Content 50%

q       Whatever your requirements are

3.    Technology 30%

á      Design and Structure of Website is legible and professional

á      Navigation between pages on the site is easy

á      Navigation links are included on every page.

á      Graphics and images relate to purpose of site



Examples of Rubrics




Student Created Websites.


Copyright and Website Evaluation Resources

Evaluating Appropriate Webpages


Copyright Information, what is or is not legal


Permission Forms for using graphics and other information from other web resources


Citing online Resources


Storyboard for Website

Name of Site: ___________________Created by___________


Title of Page#___:______________.html

















Title of Page#___:______________.html




Classroom Management: Agenda & Notes, Technology Checklist, The One Computer Classroom
Home Page, About Me, ePortfolio, Lesson Plans, Papers, Old Site

Daniel D. Slosberg |
October 31, 2003