Standard III

This is where you will write about what you actually did in the classroom, and give some indication of how you thought the technologies you used enhanced the learning of the unit you were teaching.

Most important in this section is showing a range of technology uses. You should include the ways you used technology in the classroom, and must include how your students used technology themselves. In some cases this may be actual work samples, in other cases may be photographs of students working or testimonials from students, teachers, or parents. Notice that here the links are within the text.

Be sure you go beyond the “here is what we did” approach, and include information on “here is what was learned and why it mattered.” How did your teaching improve higher order thinking? What management techniques did you use to make your classroom work?

For most student teachers, this is the longest piece you will write. Be sure you fully cover the unit description. If the text is long, consider breaking up the material with headings or using bullet points for some of what you want to present.

You must show exhibits that indicate student work and uses of technology in learning the content. Notice that exhibits, which are required for this standard, are linked from words in the text (the underlined examples). You can use this format, or the exhibits linked at the end of your written narrative as shown on the previous page (standard II). Whichever style you choose to use, be consistent throughout your portfolio.

Your Name Here
Student Teaching

Southern Michigan University
King Elementary School
Heaven, Michigan
3rd Grade Mathematics
Unit Topic: Michigan History

--The personal information above should be customized to your own personal information.--

III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum.
Teachers implement curriculum plans, that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning.


  1. Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
  2. Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
  3. Apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and creativity.
  4. Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.