For each of these three required sections, you must include the information for each bullet. You may find you need to explain other special circumstances about your experience so additional material is allowed.

Professional Background
In this section, describe your professional background. This includes:

  • your college
  • your major and minor
  • a picture of yourself, and
  • any other relevant information (for example, previous work experience that positively impacts your teaching with technology).

Keep this to about one paragraph.

School and Student Population
This section will describe where you did your student teaching.

  • Tell us where you taught and what you taught (grade, discipline).
  • Give a bit of background on the school (size, community, etc.)
  • Describe your classroom.
  • Describe your students and indicate any special characteristics about them that would help someone understand your unique classroom situation.

You should not assume that the person reading your portfolio will know anything about the unique characteristics of where you worked. For most students, this will take about three to four paragraphs. You can include a picture of your school, images of your classroom, or pictures of your cooperating teacher.

Technology Enviroment
Describe the technology at your school.

  • Indicate what technology is available in the classroom where you teach (equipment, network access, teacher tools). Indicate the age of the computers if they are not current technology.
  • Describe technology that is shared but accessible (computer labs, equipment on carts, resources in the library or media center).
  • Indicate the kinds of software available.
  • Indicate any maintenance, security or safety policies or procedures that may have limited your ability to use technology in ways you might have wanted or needed.

This should be about two paragraphs but can be longer if you need to explain special circumstances. You may include photos or links to web sites that explain more. Consider how the school you taught in may compare to the levels of technology you have seen or read about in other schools. Keep these responses on a single Web page.

Your Name Here
Student Teaching

Southern Michigan University
King Elementary School
Heaven, Michigan
3rd Grade Mathematics
Unit Topic: Michigan History

--The personal information above should be customized to your own personal information.--

Professional Background
School and Student Population
Technology Environment