Disability: A New Genesis

After Aimi Hamraie, Building Access: Universal Design and the Politics of Disability

image of a curb

Audio of Disability: A New Genesis

Cracked bits emerge from the seams of the street
The curb cuts seared into an 
earthen Vine
ground In the crevice where the
selfThresholds, Voice, Stimming
worldInvocation, Thresholds, Vine
meet The
voicesVoice, Precarity
of the
disabledInvocation, Thresholds
resound In the beginning there was disability Diverse
formsThresholds, Voice, Vine
bespoke Universal truths And shaped a Universe in harmony With crips and cyborgs, as with age and youth Yet post-paradise came
fragmentationThresholds, Stimming
Of crip experience into being Of a kaleidoscope of subversion Of normate templates breaking, upending In breaking the
we create Can we rebuild before it is too late?
Previous: Fragmented Thresholds