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November 01, 2004


Articles: Humor

What your choice of Linux distribution says about you

Saturday October 30, 2004 (02:00 PM GMT)
By: Joe Barr

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Many Linux newbies -- or wanna-be newbies -- get hung up over the choice of their initial distribution. We here at NewsForge have put a lot of thought into this, and have decided to share our best thinking on the subject in order to help ease you newbies out of the monopoly spread into the Linux world. The most important thing for newbies to consider is this: what does your choice of distributions say about you? Updated to include Slackware.

that end, we have created this brief list of observations of the users of specific distributions, highlighting their most notable traits, in order that you can weigh this important aspect of distribution selection in your final, initial decision.


  • This distribution is popular with those who always count in binary, and are politically correct in a free software kind of way. Many are suspected of having been nursed on a TTY. Debian users take pride in the fact that their distribution is always several releases behind the latest version of the kernel, but makes up for that by being more difficult to install and use.


  • If John Wayne had been a Linux user, he would have used Gentoo. Gentoo users are pioneers, people who like to live close to the metal, and don't mind hurting themselves on sharp objects. Some feel that Gentoo users are simply lazy louts who always want to have a ready excuse for why they are not doing constructive things with their computer, other than compiling or recompiling the latest kernel, app, or hapless passerby. The official Gentoo motto is, "If it moves, compile it."


  • Knoppix users are pushy and aggressive. It's not at all unusual for them to hand you a CD and tell you to boot from it. Mainly, they like to stare at the console during the boot process while its sniffers check out the current hardware and network configuration. While this is a flashy and very useful distribution, it never seems to stick around on the systems it is used on as long as the other distributions. Don't trust Knoppix users in matters of the heart.


  • This distribution is popular with the timid and the meek. Often this includes those straying away from Windows for the very first time. With a womb-to-grave GUI interface, which can download and install software packages with a single click, Linspire provides its users more ease of use than they deserve. When you think of Linspire users, think of a princess whose culinary repertoire is limited to making reservations.


  • Mandrake users are suave and sophisticated. They prefer to focus on a polished desktop environment rather than just serving others. It's also said that they enjoy sipping -- but only late in the year -- the new crop of Beaujolais each year. Red Hat users say that Mandrake users don't love freedom. Mandrakians insist it is only freedom fries they hold in disdain.


  • This newbie distribution attracts people who can't decide whether they'd rather have Knoppix-like LiveCD ability or Linspire's easy install and GUI-all-the-way interface: It has both. MEPIS is also totally the distro of choice for people who like to hum John Denver's song, "Country Roads," under their breath, because it's the only one headquartered in West Virginia. Go Mountaineers!

Red Hat

  • Red Hat is not synonymous with Linux, but many of its users believe that it is. Long the king of the Linux street, Red Hat is most popular with middle-of-the-road types who always end up following along with the crowd, even when everyone in the crowd is wearing a silly hat. Red Hat is very strict about the licensing of the apps it includes with the distribution, but doesn't seem to mind abandoning customers who are not large corporations.

Updated: Thanks to Joshua H. for this lightly edited synopisis of Slackware and Slackware users.


  • This distribution is for those that don't care for the overhead of configuration interfaces, and have a great appetite for raw text files. No need for dependency checks, since they always know what they are doing. Especially important to Slackware users are the bragging rights of using the oldest distribution still in development. Plus the fact that it has been supported by the same diety all that time, Patrick J. Volkerding. Newbies should be cautious around Slackware users, because they will cut you none.


  • If you like beer, horns, or green eggs, you'll like SUSE. The recent acquisition of SUSE by Novell is similar to Vince Lombardi's Green Bay Packers adopting the West Coast offense. SUSE users like a clean, well-lighted desktop, and are far less concerned about where things are kept in the filesystem than they ought to be.

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Debian (Score:0)
By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 9:33 (#101027)
The latest debian installers for sarge
have come a long way.

Debian's package update system is second to none.

Many interfaces are available for it
gnome-apt etc.
[ Reply to This ]
  • Re:Debian by Anonymous Reader (Score:0) 2004.10.30 10:49
    • Re:Debian by Anonymous Reader (Score:0) 2004.10.30 11:34
      • Re:Debian by Anonymous Reader (Score:0) 2004.10.31 11:15
      • Re:Debian by Anonymous Reader (Score:0) 2004.10.30 11:52
        • Re:Debian by Anonymous Reader (Score:0) 2004.10.30 14:06
          • Re:Debian by Anonymous Reader (Score:0) 2004.10.30 17:07
            • Re:Debian by Anonymous Reader (Score:0) 2004.11.01 3:04
      Counterproductive and naïve (Score:0)
      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 9:43 (#101029)
      Hey, let's further (some of) the popular stereotypes surrounding the various distributions. Let's simplify other people's choices of distribution down to pseudo-teenage MTV-like standards. Let's feed the trolls instead of encourage cooperation and the very thing that has brought us this wonderful OS: Cooperation and levelheaded competition. Yay.

      (For the record: I use (not entirely by choice, but by profession) various distributions and tend to like most of them, even though I mostly run one of them at home, mainly because of personal taste, not because of stereotype personality features).
      [ Reply to This ]
      Slackware (Score:0)
      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 9:58 (#101030)
      Where is slackware on the list?

      [ Reply to This ]
      ubuntu! (Score:0)
      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 10:07 (#101032)
      [ Reply to This ]
      Sense of... (Score:0)
      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 10:08 (#101033)
      Humor, kids.  It's supposed to be tongue in cheek.  No need to get up in arms about it.

      My only complaint is he left Slackware off the list!

      [ Reply to This ]
      We don't count in binary... (Score:0)
      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 10:55 (#101041)
      We count in hex. Get it right.

      And yes, Debian's installer does suck.
      [ Reply to This ]
      What about people who make their own distro? (Score:0)
      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 10:58 (#101044)
      What about people who make their own distro?
      [ Reply to This ]
      Gentoo == LFS for the weak, lazy and/or stupid. (Score:0)
      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 10:59 (#101045)
      Gentoo has all the scripts, bits and peices, you have to put it together like Ikea furnature. LFS, you have to cut down the trees, process the wood, , design the furnature, then build it.

      John Wayne would use *BSD anyways. (inset /. BSD/John Wayne is dead joke here)

      But of course, choice of a distro, (at least at first) falls into "follow what your friends have done so they can help you" rule.
      [ Reply to This ]
      Distro's are for whimps (Score:1)
      By Mr.Liberty (189536) on 2004.10.30 11:08 (#101048)
      Distributions are for whimps. Obtain http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/Historic/li nux-0.01.tar.gz and start building your kernel and system from there. You'll learn Unix on the side.
      [ Reply to This ]
      SuSE (Score:0)
      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 11:12 (#101050)
      i'm guessing the author of this article really doesn't know what they are talking about.

      if a general broad statement is made about an os, suse for example about the placement of files i would like an explaination of what specifically they mean.

      there is many standards,opinions and other ways of doing things. init scripts in /sbin vs /etc/rc.d, xinetd vs inetd /opt vs /usr/local etc.. etc..

      not to mention, you didn't even mention that yast is probably just as easy as click and run and twice as sexy ..

      'msft core fonts' right in the online update, how cool is that?

      [ Reply to This ]
      lol... (Score:0)
      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 11:25 (#101055)
      I like beer, horns and green eggs and I've been known to get aggresive and shove live cd's into people's pc.

      So it's no wonder I use SuSE on my laptop and knoppix on my other box.

      thnx, made me laugh.
      [ Reply to This ]
        Who wrote this? (Score:0)
        By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 11:30 (#101058)
        I think it's quite obvious that this was written by a Mandrake fanboy. It's the only distro that didn't get bashed ... and instead was pampered beyond belief. I thought this thing would say things like, "Slackware/Debian/... users enjoy being able to actually SEE linux." I had Mandrake installed once ... for one day. Then I realized that it was just an operating system for people who don't want to know just what operating system they're using. So you know what, Joe Barr? Mandrake sucks. Yeah ... yeah ... take that. You and your little distro can go live your happy little lives. Just don't tell the other people how much the and *their* distro sucks.
        [ Reply to This ]
        distro says nothing!! (Score:1)
        By ggvrsn (163954) on 2004.10.30 11:42 (#101065)
        I think people choosing linux depends on what they want to do and how they want to get to where they are going.

        Me, I have been a linux user since 95.

        I use Xandros OCE for my desktop at home and office.
        Lindows for my laptop, since it was the only distribution which did not have me pull my hair out configuring my wifi card.

        I use knoppix/Mephis/SuSE live CD when I travel on work to use the Desktops in my remote location, since I cannot stand using Windows.

        I think this article is for making people chose a distro as per the author wants, just like when people ask you to wear levis jeans even though wrangler or eddie bauver jeans fits you best.

        It is a waste of time to write such articles, instead you should be asking people to try out all the distributions and let them make up their own mind as to what fits them best.

        For me I do not want to mess around with 3500 applications, I want KDE, openoffice, a good admin tool to configure my desktop, a good tool to add software I want and mozilla, opera, kmail, evolution, gaim and knotes.

        Each user should decide this themselves than try to stereo type them and make them shy of certain distributions they might chose on their own accord.

        These are my thoughts.
        Rajiv G Gunja
        [ Reply to This ]
        Fedora ?!!! (Score:0)
        By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 11:50 (#101067)
        Not a word about Fedora ?

        This news is a joke !
        [ Reply to This ]
        Great idea for humor, but it went bad from there (Score:0)
        By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 11:51 (#101068)
        I'm a Linux geek that likes jokes, and it started off okay, but then it lost its punch when it got more into the mundane. "Knoppix users are known to be pushy" etc. It would have been more funny and productive to have poked fun at side things that Linux users like about their distribution of choice.

        Like "Debian users love their package manager so much they forget they could also compile from source [the non-Debian way!]" etc.
        Or poke a bit of side-fun at some of the tricker aspects:
        "Red-Hat, the distribution famous for dependency hell"

        And Slackware being left out isn't a trivial thing, because at one time it was the only distribution, and that shows that the person writing the article doesn't know enough about all of the distributions before having written this.

        Nice try. Great idea, but it just didn't have enough geeky details to be worth reading it.
        [ Reply to This ]
        Debian description... (Score:0)
        By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 11:52 (#101070)
        You've nailed this one right on... why people continue to think that Debian is superior is beyond me. In the meantime, I'll use Gentoo. It's a looser, more friendly dist than Debian ever will be.
        [ Reply to This ]
        clever (Score:1)
        By xand77 (189537) on 2004.10.30 11:59 (#101076)
        Very clever and HUMOROUS - which I believe many people have fail to comprehend. Look at the freakin' category, folks. Anyway, this is funny because these distributions are well known enough to have these traits in their users readily identifiable - just another example of how pervasive the varying distributions of Linux are in the world. Instead of bashing it, relish the fact that the author is able to succesfully use this kind of humor!
        [ Reply to This ]
          well (Score:0)
          By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 12:06 (#101079)
          insulting and not even slightly funny. wtf? at least try.
          that was BORING!
          [ Reply to This ]
            Flamebait (Score:0)
            By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 12:20 (#101086)
            This article must have been posted by a troll. Debian's testing branch is certainly NOT OUT OF DATE!!

            [ Reply to This ]
            Odd (Score:0)
            By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 12:33 (#101088)
            never heard of these "distros" you speak of, there is only slackware
            [ Reply to This ]
            • Re:Odd by Anonymous Reader (Score:0) 2004.10.30 12:45
              • Re:Odd by Anonymous Reader (Score:0) 2004.10.30 20:34
                Don't like his sense of humour? Make your own rev! (Score:1)
                By Ocelot Wreak (189539) on 2004.10.30 12:58 (#101098)
                Smile - it's humorous! In the spirit of the article, here's my take on a few distros not covered...

                Yellow Dog Linux
                Listen dog's breath, you just can't believe how much fun and freaky this PPC distro is until you watch some Macintosh bigot wrench his head out of its socket and explode seeing YDL running on a Mac screen. ROFL! Seriously, it's a fast distro with a nice interface and looks good on your desk, especially when you can tell the boss "No sir, no Mac computers around here sir!" Not to be confused with the Yellow Running Dog of the Western Capitalist Hedgemony & Military Industrial Entertainment Complex disto, better known as the Red Penguin distro made in and for China.

                Stand at attention there, soldier! If the idea of being so secure you can't cut and paste between user windows, can't back up your system without feeling like a doctor's finger is reviewing your prostate's health, and you need to know you have Trusted Path, B2 Level of Trust, and all the other things that 'The NSA Knows Is Good For You' ©, then baby is this distro for YOU! A virus or worm would not willingly go NEAR one of these puppies.

                On the other hand, for 99.99% of us, enforcing the Bell Lapadula "star property", no read up no write down, and other spook-geek talk of the NSA's world will be as much fun and productive as inviting the local chapter of the Hells Angels over for tea.

                Hey! Nobody said that REAL security was easy or fun! Sir, yes sir! Sir, we are secure, sir! Quick - tell me where to stand so I can be hit by the falling safe and be put out of my misery!

                -Ocelot Wreak

                "I figure you're here 'cause you need some whacko who's willing to stick his finger in the fan. So who are we helping?" - Keith Szarabajka

                [ Reply to This ]
                forget someone? (Score:0)
                By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 13:21 (#101102)
                hey! what about slackware!?!? were just as big as the rest of them, and uhh, yeah. were cooler too! :P
                [ Reply to This ]
                Country Roads (Score:0)
                By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 14:10 (#101109)
                John Denver is singing about the western part of Virginia, not, as most people believe, West Virginia.
                [ Reply to This ]
                Damn Small Linux (Score:0)
                By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 15:10 (#101123)
                What up? Damn Small is doing really well since they added the MyDSL on-line upgrade feature in 7.0.
                          With that, you can have the majority of the latest apps and still stick with a fast, lean barebones desktop. In my experience that's what most people making the switch find really intriguing. Most of them are turned off by all the bloat in XP and KDE3.0 is just more of the same. I mean I love KDE 3.0, but for an old PC it's not a good idea and something that makes old hardware good again is far, far better than just tossing it.
                          DSL is hardly an unknown either, it's #10 and climbing at DistroWatch. I've used it on plenty of machines that couldn't handle the full KDE setup of Knoppix. The really sweet thing about DSL is you can almost always run the whole thing in RAM. They say you need 128Megs, but I've done it with 64Megs. That's sweet. I've saved old notebooks by converting them to DSL too.
                [ Reply to This ]
                  OpenBSD 3.6 released (Score:0)
                  By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 15:15 (#101126)
                  The funniest part is where you got serious and put the "OpenBSD 3.6 released" link at the end.
                  [ Reply to This ]
                    Brilliant - piss off 80% of Linux users at once (Score:0)
                    By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 15:34 (#101132)
                    ( eom )
                    [ Reply to This ]
                      Which distro's users have the best sex lives (Score:0)
                      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 16:47 (#101138)
                      Why not report on the REAL issues of the day?
                      [ Reply to This ]
                      Linux Users Highly Strung & Humourless Lot (Score:0)
                      By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 17:01 (#101139)
                      Get a life guys, Joe is making light!

                      Arn't we taking this a little to personally & preciously-Smegol????

                      As Mike says @ http://www.theinquirer.net/, "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!"

                      Keep it up Joe & bring some of these airheads back down to earth.

                      Greek Geek on Debian Sarge.
                      *humour comes pre-installed!*
                      [ Reply to This ]
                      gentoo users lazy? (Score:1)
                      By TheInterloper (189544) on 2004.10.30 18:10 (#101147)
                      what about windows users? yea i thought so.. gotta love ppl that talk out of their ass out of boredom.
                      [ Reply to This ]
                        was this supposed to be funny? (Score:0)
                        By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 18:55 (#101155)
                        seriously. if this kind of "humor" is the best we can do, is it any wonder the mainstream view us with disdain?

                        hint: if you think "user friendly" is funny, don't write "humorous" posts on the net.


                        [ Reply to This ]
                          Distro Demographics (Score:0)
                          By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 19:17 (#101156)
                          Debian is for lazy people.

                          Slackware is for crazy folk.

                          Gentoo is for compulsive compilers.

                          Red Hat is for populists with bad hair.

                          Mandrake is for amateur magicians.

                          Suse is for herpetologists.

                          Nice going, Joe, but I bet you could've fleshed those out some more. You have real belly-laugh potential in some of your lines. :)

                          BTW, I've used all the distributions I listed above and had a blast with each. The least time I spent with each as my main "desktop" system was 3 months so I did get to know them. Some I used for years. I am currently settled on one, and very lazy with it.

                          To those complaining about the article: lighten up. Or as Suse puts it, have a lot of fun!

                          [ Reply to This ]
                          Slack? (Score:0)
                          By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 20:41 (#101163)
                          No Slackware? This article isn't even worth reading!
                          [ Reply to This ]
                          • Re:Slack? by Anonymous Reader (Score:0) 2004.10.30 20:47
                            Fedora (Score:1)
                            By King P (189547) on 2004.10.30 20:45 (#101164)
                            ( http://www.ind-music.com/ )
                            Granted it was a dirty trick of Red Hat to abandon the home users, but Fedora really does have a lot to offer, and if you want my opinion, is somewhat better than even Red Hat 9. I currently use FC 2 and have been very impressed with it. But there are several other distros that are unfortunately missing from this list, and most notably Slackware since it was (basically) the first distro for Linux, but it would probably take too much bandwidth to put up comments for all of them, but we should all remember that regardless of what Distro you are using, the point is you are not using MS, and that is what sets Linux apart.
                            [ Reply to This ]
                              How about... (Score:0)
                              By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 21:11 (#101166)
                              [ Reply to This ]
                              What about Conectiva? (Score:0)
                              By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.30 22:39 (#101170)
                              Not much of a community for non-Portuguese speakers, but it is a pretty solid distro overall. I started using it when I got tired of the run-of-the-mill distros. I've tried Debian, Redhat, SuSE, Mandrake, LFS, Gentoo, Slackware, Fedora, OneBase. All of them felt shaky and fidgety, like traversing a rope bridge over a ravine. Conectiva somehow felt different.

                              It's like Debian in a way that it evolves slower than other distros but is a bit more up to date than Debian and far more relaxed when dealing of license terms of included apps.

                              J. Baller

                              [ Reply to This ]
                              For your next article... (Score:1)
                              By hardcode57 (188069) on 2004.10.31 1:55 (#101178)
                              how about covering the important question of what the editor you use says about you? :-)

                              [ Reply to This ]
                              One large group missing (Score:0)
                              By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.31 7:58 (#101190)
                              There is also a group who has tried them all and some more. I suppose RH is the first for most.

                              Personally I am now a MD user much because I feel they have had "moral" also during hard times with
                              ISO -images and the like.

                              [ Reply to This ]
                                What if you just can't pick one? (Score:0)
                                By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.31 17:38 (#101200)
                                I am currently using somewhere in the range of 15 to 19 different OS's simultaniously with not one repeated twice on any machine or group of machines.
                                Some machines of course have more then one like thew machine that tells the world it's XP but uses Co-Linux to actually have a usefull and hardy OS under the hood.
                                I am using OS's from CMP on my WORKING KayPro 4 (go look it up) Linux M68k and os7 on some old macs, Redhat 5.2 on the cluster, Slackware on an old 386, Xandros on a laptop for work, SUSE, ...
                                My most promising is just a machine with the latest kernel and whatever packages I put on it. No particular Distro used at any time.

                                What does this say about me?

                                \\//_ LLAP
                                [ Reply to This ]
                                Heck War starter. (Score:0)
                                By Anonymous Reader on 2004.10.31 18:30 (#101201)
                                I use Debian for servers
                                Fedora or Mandrake for fun.
                                and Knoppix when any think stuffs up windows XP included.

                                Each has there place Debian more console configure tools handy for server with a 12" monitor that just refuses to die.

                                Note I hope in the next few years I can drop a disto or two as Debian based distros get the desktop end sorted out. This is only hope.

                                Reason for not running SUSE lack of iso access to burn it.

                                What is a distro unfussy who just want one that works.
                                [ Reply to This ]
                                  where is BSD ? (Score:0)
                                  By Anonymous Reader on 2004.11.01 4:04 (#101214)
                                  kinda missing FreeBSD on the list
                                  [ Reply to This ]
                                    Caldera/SCO's United Linux (Score:0)
                                    By Anonymous Reader on 2004.11.01 8:52 (#101222)
                                    Obviously you _live_ for satire and thought this article was really funny. You are likely a former Novell employee or a daily Groklaw reader, or both.
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