
Instructions on cat grooming product, simplified for your convenience:

1. wet cat thoroughly
2. apply product and comb through cat’s wet coat.
3. keep cat from grooming for 10 minutes.
4. rinse product thoroughly off of cat.
5. dry cat to make sure (product) is completely off cat.

Actual sequence of events:

0. cat senses you’re up to no good, hides under table.
0.2 cat runs under couch.
0.4 cat resists being picked up.
0.6 cat realizes it is being brought towards the sink.
0.8 mortal komcat!
1. wet cat thoroughly
1.2 put cat back in water and get another 1% of cat wet before cat gets out again.
1.4 amazingly, cat has managed to writhe into a position where she’s holding herself away from the faucet with all four legs, her head, and her tail.
1.6 reassure kitty that everything’s okay, yank head back to avoid claw in eye.
1.8 wet cat the rest of the way.
2. apply product and comb through cat’s wet coat.
2.2 apply product with one hand while holding cat with the other
2.4 cat lunges for freedom, hides in bedroom.
2.6 find cat in box, continue grooming.
2.8 box falls to shreds, cat’s coat is fully combed through.
3. keep soaking wet cat from grooming for 10 minutes
(no, really. these people are insane.)
4. rinse product thoroughly off cat.
4.2 carry festival of whirling sharp claws back to bathroom.
4.4 put cat near stream of water.
4.6 every movable object in the bathroom falls to the floor as cat struggles in matrixesque bullet-time and attempts to propel herself through ceiling.
4.8 cat gets washed.
5. dry cat thoroughly.
5.2 chase cat around apartment with towel.
5.4 wrap cat in towel, fluff dry.
5.6 cat gets out of towel.
5.8 see 5.4
6. cat stares balefully from the top of a bookshelf.
6.2 cat stares balefully from the top of a bookshelf.
6.4 cat stares balefully from the top of a bookshelf.
6.6 cat stares balefully from the top of a bookshelf.
6.8 cat stares balefully from the top of a bookshelf.

Posted: 2004/12/27 in:


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  1. You forgot the howling and yowling that will go on as you wet the cat….

    Comment by Paula — 2004/12/27 @ 13:28

  2. You also forgot application of bandages and cleansing of wounds caused by the howling, hissing cat. Not to mention removing blood from carpets, walls, and ceiling. Then there is the mandatory guilt-feeding (usually of tuna) that must be distributed within 30 minutes of the cat bath. Without this last step, you are guaranteed to have a shredded couch or curtains in the morning.

    Comment by Leah — 2004/12/27 @ 14:44

  3. Very well written.
    And so incredibly true…

    Comment by Frosty — 2004/12/27 @ 20:02

  4. Its easier to put the shower on, drench your cat, squish it against the floor, rub in product, wrap the cat in a towel, wait 10 mins, shower it again, then get another towel to dry.

    Comment by Wonderful — 2004/12/27 @ 20:09

  5. Kids, Do not try this at home. These stunts are to be performed by highly trained proffesionals under controlled conditions.
    With that said once you get the pussy all wet you half the battle won.

    Comment by Curly — 2004/12/27 @ 20:42

  6. This is the funniest thing I have ever read in my life!

    Comment by meh — 2004/12/27 @ 21:01

  7. This can also be applied for “Bathing a rat".

    Comment by narfette — 2004/12/28 @ 00:11

  8. I don’t like cats……that joke still sucked.

    Comment by MT — 2004/12/28 @ 03:19


    Comment by B — 2004/12/28 @ 05:08

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