Ronnie Order’s

Amber Page






Spinning card done by Andrew Prill



Welcome to my Amber page. I haven’t updated this page in a loooooooooong time, so I revamped the colors to something that’s at least legible.  Maybe you can glean something useful from these pages.  Good luck with your own campaigns.

 Possibly useful campaign links:

 Kill Corwin! – This was the last campaign I ran, back in like 2004-2005 or something.

 Trump  Here are some (old) ideas I had for extending Trump Artistry

Huge, Disorganized List of Names

Really, Really Old Campaign Stuff – Good luck if you follow this link; no updates in years.  I’d imagine it’s a scattered heap of info.


 The Day the Pattern DiedMy very own American Pie parody.  Enjoy.

 Half Empty or Half Full? Ask an Elder

You are Amberite number [some number]to Trump in.