MCIT Online Technical Newsletters

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Some links are not yet connected.

1 COBOL INSPECT Verb performance
2 Job and Step Control
3 Cut, Paste and Append Edit Macros
4 COBOL Millenium Date Coding
6 Fault Tolerance
7 COBOL Parameter Passing
8 COBOL Progress Reporting
9 ZERO Down Time Reorgs
10 Symbolic Replacement in Data
11 COBOL Dynamic GDG Allocation
12 Insuring Data Set Availability
13 Condition Code Modelling
14 Patient Confidentiality - Encrypting patient data
15 Forcing A Batch Job To Wait For An Event
16 GET Edit Macro
17 Smart Batch to Improve Batch Job Performance
18 COBOL Shorthand
19 Flow Control (Easy way to run or skip specific steps in batch jobs)

Last Update: Wednesday, 24-Dec-2003 10:32:35 EST