Ancestors and Relatives of Don Ritter with the surname BRADFIELD.
  1. BRADFIELD, Ada ..................... 1864-BEF. 1964
  2. BRADFIELD, Evertine ................ 1867-BEF. 1967
  3. BRADFIELD, Henry ................... 1823-1883
  4. BRADFIELD, Ida Maude ............... 28 Sep 1872-21 Feb 1957
  5. BRADFIELD, John Henry .............. 1861-13 Jan 1946
  6. BRADFIELD, Jonathon ................ c 1800-BEF. 1910
  7. BRADFIELD, Lionel Bertram .......... c 1854-BEF. 1954
  8. BRADFIELD, Mary Elizabeth .......... 1856-BEF. 1956
  9. BRADFIELD, Thomas .................. 1869-27 Feb 1938
Last Update: 11-14-1997
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