I have moved to MIT! My new website is web.mit.edu/rzhu/www

    I am currently a first year graduate student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In the past, I spent my freshman and sophomore years in the UMich-SJTU Joint Institute at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

    Research interests: My research interest lies at the boundaries of learning and decision makeing, networks, and game theory with applications drawn from engineering (e.g., communication and social network systems) and operations (e.g., pricing and revenue management).

    My objective is to provide pratical insights into the design, analysis, and operation of complex systems by combining various tools from engineering and social science, such as algorithm design, machine learning, differential privacy, game theory, and mechanism design.
    Conference Papers:
  • Differentially Private and Strategy-Proof Spectrum Auction with Approximate Revenue Maximization 
    Ruihao Zhu and Kang G. Shin.

    in Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2015), Hong Kong, China, April 2015. [pdf] [technical Report] [slides]
  • Differentially Private Spectrum Auction with Approximate Revenue Maximization 
    Ruihao Zhu, Zhijing Li, Fan Wu, Kang G. Shin, and Guihai Chen.

    In Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (ACM MobiHoc 2014), Philadelphia, USA, August 2014. [pdf] [slides]