Intensive 293








Residential College
Intensive Russian Program
RC Core 293/Slavic 203
MTThF 11-1, 68 Greene
Instructor: Alina Makin
Winter 1998

Course description 

The goal of this course is to expand vocabulary and to master grammatical structures and syntax to the level of competency required to pass a proficiency examination.  This entails developing the ability to communicate with some ease with a native speaker in spoken and written language.  Students must be able to understand the content of texts and lectures of a non-technical nature, and of general (non-literary) interest. 

In class students review grammar, receive intensive training in speaking, listen to dialogues and lectures about various aspects of contemporary Russia, and discuss the assigned texts. 

The Proficiency exam evaluates the student’s level of performance in communicative skills at the end of the term (see Proficiency Exam). 

The pace will be fast and the work demanding, so plan on working at least two hours a day on your Russian.  Catching up is not easy, so ask for help right away if you start to fall behind. 

You will meet with your instructor four days a week for two hours in class and an hour of daily language table held in room 164 1-2 p.m, and two hours of Russian Tea (Tuesday 3-5, Greene Lounge). 

Required Texts and Materials: 

1.  Martin, Sokolova, 1997. Stage Two (Video Edition).   This set includes the textbook, the workbook, the keys, grammar analysis, audiotapes and a videotape. 
2.  Gerhart, 1994 The Russian’s World: Life and Language. 
 These materials can be bought at Ulrich’s, Michigan Book and Supply, or Michigan Union Bookstore. 

Recommended, but not required purchases: 

1. Katzner, Russian-English, English-Russian Dictionary. 
2. Maltzoff, Essentials of Russian Grammar. 
These texts can also be bought at Ulrich’s, Michigan Book and Supply, Michigan Union Bookstore, or Borders. 


Your evaluation (or, if you are an LSA student -- your grade) for this course will be based in roughly equal parts on your classwork and homework on weekly quizzes and tests, the midterm and the Proficiency exam (see attached), classroom participation and attendance. 

Requirements for this class: 

Remember that you are registered for an eight-credit course that covers two regular semesters of Russian in one.  In order to receive those eight credits, you need to: 

Attend classes.  Attendance policy is that each student is allowed up to four absences (excused or unexcused)! Please note, that it is your responsibility to contact us if you are absent and tell us what the reason was, and to document it.  Remember that we cannot guess whether you are sick, cutting classes, etc. 

Submit all written assignments on time. In this class, late written assignments will also count as absences.  We do not accept any delays or make-ups. 

Attend Russian extra-curricular activities at least four times a week.  Extra-curricular activities include: language tables (MTThF 1-2, room 164) and Russian tea (Tue 3-5, Greene Lounge).  We will regularly take attendance at these events. 

Observe the honor code when taking take-home and in-class quizzes, and exams. 

Late comers, chewing gum and food are prohibited in the classroom. 

Your instructor is always available for help and discussion outside of class.  Please get in touch with your instructor if you have questions or problems. 

Alina Makin
Office: 110 Greeene, East Quad
Phone: 647-4376
Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday 2-3 p.m. & by appt.
To see the course syllabi, press HERE. 
Please submit all questions and comments to