Part I. Prologue. Witness to the Coming One: In the Wilderness (1:1-8)

Part II. The Ministry of Jesus: In and around Galilee (1:9-8:21)

Baptism, Testing, and Beginning of Ministry (1:9-15)

Jesus Calls His Companions (1:16-20)

A Day with Jesus (1:21-39)

Cleansing a Leper (1:40-45)

Conflict with the Religious Authorities (2:1-3:6)

At the Seaside (3:7-12)

Polarizations, Parables, and Mighty Acts (3:13-6:13)

The Passion of the Baptist (6:14-29)

Jesus Feeds His People and Rules the Waters (6:30-52)

Healing the Sick, the Dispute about Qorban, and Making All Foods Clean (6:53-7:23)

A Ministry to Gentiles (7:24-8:10)

The End of the Galilean Ministry (8:11-21)

Part III. Jesus Teaches the Way of the Cross: On the Road to Jerusalem (8:22-10:52)

Part IV. The Passion of Jesus: In and around Jerusalem (11:1-15:41)

Ministry in Jerusalem (11:1-12:37)

The Farewell Discourse (121:38-13:37)

The Passion (14:1-15:39)

Setting the Stage (14:1-11)

The Passion Narrative Proper (14:12-15:39)

Part V. Epilogue. Witness to the Crucified and Risen One: At the Tomb (15:42-16:8)

This page maintained by rick jones, G411 Mason Hall

Copyright © 1999
Robert D. Wallin, G411 Mason Hall, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA