Reel No. 2

Letters from India 1883-90 (Selections)


1. Foreign Department No. 158 of 1886

Secret -- External

Letter from the viceroy of India to the Secretary of State for India regarding the possible partition of Indo china between France and England and its possible repercussions on Indo-Chinese relations.

Enclosure No. 1 -- Confidential. August, 1886

Letter of viceroy to Secretary of State re. French and British relations to Siam.

Enclosure No. 2 -- Confidential. August, 1886

Communication for the Viceroy to the Secretary of State for India of the French proposal for partition and annexation of Siam. English reluctance to enter any entente cordiale which might displease Peking making the British position precarious in relation to China.

2. Political Department No. 158, Oct., 1886

Memoranda on the various claims of Mahraja Duleep Singh

3. Foreign Department Internal No. 159, 1886

Letter from India to the Secretary of State viscount Cross regarding the claims of Mahraja Daleep Singh, the conditional proposals of the Government of India to the Mahraja's rejection of the terms proposed. Communication of the details of the Mahraja's claim. And the results of the enquiry of the Govt. of India.

4. Foreign Department Secret External No. 177, 1886

Letter from India to the Secretary of State. Abstracts of contents regarding the claims of certain burmese, of other British Subjects, and of foreigners, european and American, against the late Avan Govt. communication of the grounds on which the India govt. refused to recognize the claims.

5. Foreign Department Secret External No. 177, Oct. 1886

Abstract of the contents of a Dispatch to the Secretary of State for India dealing with the details of claims made by British Subjects and other nationalities against the late Avan Govt.

" "

Continued. Enclosures of letter to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for India -- Abstracts from details of claims as mentioned above.

Enclosure No. 31

From H. Thirkell White, Secretary for Upper burma to the Chief Commissioner.

To The Secretary to the Govt. of India.

Submitting list of claims made by foreigners against the late Avan Govt. Likely acceptance by the Britishs Govt. of certain claims. List of claims of foreigners, European and American, against the late Govt. of Upper Burma.

Enclosure No. 32. Foreign Dept., June 1886

From H. Thirkell White, Secretary for Upper burma to the Chief Commissioner.

To The Secretary to the Govt. of India.

Submission of some of the claims which had been preferred against the late burmese govt. Showing the amount claimed, the amount already paid and the amount which the Chief Commissioner recommends for payment.

" "

Notes on claims by British subjects and Asiatics against the late Govt. of Upper Burma with the Chief Commissioner's remarks.

Enclosure No. 33

Same as above, regarding the claim of certain French Subjects.

Enclosure No. 34 (Confidential)

Letter -- same as above dealing with table of claims against the late Govt. of Upper Burma.

List of claims by British Subjects and Asiatics against the late Govt. of Upper Burma.

Enclosure No. 35

Submission of two affidavits in support of the claims of certain American Subjects.

6. Dept. of Finance and Commerce No. 340, Oct. 1886

Letter from India to the Secretary of State for India Viscount Cross regarding the inability of the Govt. of India to provide employment to some officials of the late Govt. of Burma.

Enclosure to Dispatch No. 340, 1886

Letter regarding the inability of Govt. of India to provide employment to some officials of the late Govt. of Burma until order is restored.

7. Foreign Dept. Secret. Dec, 1886

Letter to the Secretary of State for India, Viscount Cross regarding the appointment of a political and intelligence officer in India to help in the suppression of Thagi and Dacoity and proposing Sancdory of Salary and approval for the post.

8. Foreign Dept. Internal No. 203, 1886

Disposed of articles contributed by Native Chiefs in India for exhibition at the Indo-Colonial Exhibition.

9. Letter from India, No. 393, December 1886

a) Foreign Dept. # 209, 1886. Secret

Submission of papers on the subject of the settlement with China, of the boundary between Burma and that country.

b) List of enclosures in Despatch no. 209 (Secret/Ext.) Dec. 28, 1886

From the govt. of India in the Foreign Dept. to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for India.

c) Enclosures of letter from India no. 209, Dec. 1886 (Secret)

Regarding the Pekin Convention between India and China. Question of Burma-Yunan border as settled by the Convention. Proposed sending of a small boundary commission. Consideration of the difficulty arising due to the Kachin Chiefs of Burma constituting and important factor in the boundary demarcation.