Reel No. 5


Mss EVR D 508 Private Telegram

India Vol. I. July 1895-Dec. 1899.

Letters to the Earl of Minto, 1905-1908. Vols I-III

Letters from Lord Minto to Lord Morley 1905-1907.

1. Private. From viceroy, 12th Oct. 1895. Appointment of Woodburn.

2. Private. From Secretary of State to Governor, Bombay, Oct. 19, 1895. Shoehy's appt. as judge of Bombay High Court.

3. Private. From Viceroy, Oct. 20, 1895. Expenses for Bhagalpen-Bamsi Railway.

4. Private. From Sec. of State to Gov. Bombay, O t. 21, 1895. If Tyabji would accept puisne judgeship. Bombay High Court.

5. Private. From Sec. of State to Viceroy, Oct. 21, 1895. Lyall's proposal to be appointed to Assam Chief Commissionership.

6. Private. From Sec. of State to Viceroy, Oct. 21, 1895. Woodburn apptd. to Viceroy's Council.

7. Private. From Viceroy, Oct. 24, 1895. Woodburn's acceptance.

8. Private. From From Vicroy, Oct. 24, 1895. Lyall's appts.

9. Private. From Gov., bombay, Oct. 24, 1895. Tyabji's acceptance..

10. Private. From Viceroy, Oct. 27, 1895. Pritchard desire to be considered for India council.

11. Private. From Sec. of State to Viceroy, Oct. 28, 1895. Bhagalpur-Bansi Railway.

12. Private. From Sec. of State to Viceroy, Oct. 31, 1895. Lyall's acceptance.

13. Confidential Private Telegrams, Nov. 1895. From Viceroy to Sec. of State and from Sec. of State to Vicroy. Proposed visit of Princess Catherine and Bamba Dhulip Singh to Punjab and Kashmir; Lyall; Tyabji's appt.; Reminder of Viceroy's agent at Kabul.

From Sec. of State to Gov. of Madras and Gov. of Madras to Sec. of State. Appt. of Danies to High Court Judgeship.

From Viceroy to Sec. of State. Revisit of Dulip Singh to Kashmir; Lockhart application for military membership of Council.

From Sec. of State to Viceroy. Reprotective duties.

From Viceroy, Nov. 15, 1895. Cotton duties.

From Sec. of State to Viceroy. Cotton duties.

From Gov., Madras, Nov. 22, 1895. Ries apptd. Madras member of Viceroyal Council.

From Viceroy, Nov. 1895. Miss Hamiltonete visit to Kabul.

From Sec. of State to Viceroy. Expanding of Nuban Pasha A. G. C. S. I.

14. Confidential Private Telegrams, Dec. 1895. Re-appt. on Council of those supporting frontier policy of the Govt. of India.

From Sec. of State to Viceroy. Necessity of decorating Natives to match the same effort of Russians on their side of the frontier.

From Viceroy, Dec. 1895. Cotton Duties.

From Sec. of State to Viecroy, Dec. 12, 1895. Proposed Legislation re. Cotton Duties.

From Viceroy, Dec. 15, 1895. Rumors of discontent in Hunza Nagar. Assurage by distribution of presents, etc.

Sec. of State to Viceroy. Re: Enquiry into the landing of Italian troops at Zeyla.

From Sec. of State to Viceroy. Cotton duties; Gazetting of Chitral; Honours, etc.

15. Private telegrams, January, 1896. From Sec. of State to Viceroy and latter to former.

From Sec. of State. Chitral honors.

From Viceroy. Cotton duties.

From Sec. of State to Viceroy, Jan. 8, 1896. Afghanistan: Submitting of Kafuicheefs without resistance.

From Sir James Westland, Jan. 28, 1896. Re: cotton duties; Danger of pushing Manchester claims too much.

From Viceroy. Mandalay Kuirlun Railway.


16. Private Telegrams, Feb. 1896.

From Viceroy, Feb. 3, 1896. Cotton Bill passed.

From Sec. of State to Viceroy. Congratulating on successful management of the Cotton Duties bill and thus settling a real political danger.

Private Telegrams, March 1896.

From Sec. of State to Gov. Madras, March 5, 1896. Moplah outbreak.

From Viceroy, June 30, 1896. Rly. construction and irrigation grants.


17. From Viceroy, June 30, 1896. Re: difficulty of callin g Ranade as witness before Finance Committee.


18. Private Telegrams, Jan. 1897.

From Sec. of State to Viceroy, Jan. 1, 1897. Famine: likely agitation of Congress Party.

From Viceroy, Jan. 19, 1897. Native chiefs attendance at Jubilee celebrations proposed.

From Gov., bombay, Jan. 20, 1897. Re: hospitals for different native communities.


19. From Viceroy, Feb. 15, 1897. Re: Sarwar Jury.

From Viceroy, Feb. 17, 1897. Re: prohibition.

From Viceroy, Feb. 19, 1897. Re: jubilee attendance by Chiefs of Native States.


20. From Sec. of State to Gov., Bombay, June 23, 1897. Re: outrages upon officers who stamped out plague in Poona.

From Gov. of Bombay, June 30, 1897. Re: Poona outrages.

From Viceroy, June 30, 1897. Hyderabad loan.


21. Confidential, Private Telegrams, July 1897. Hyderabad loan; Contagious diseases; Poona Plague Committee; Poona assassinations; Gokhale and his associates in connection with Poona Plague and policy of India Govt.; Chitpur outbreak; Vernacular Press and its libelour action; Deccan Sabba memorial and enquiry into Gokhale's changes by the Govt. of India; Honours; Offensive article in obscure journal "Justice"; Connection btwn public incitement to violence and crime; Morvi; Maintenance of the policy of closed minds; Gov. of Portiguese Possessions in India; Currency; Tutor for Nizam's son; Report in the Press of outrages on Hindu girls; Articles by Pandita Ramabai.

From Viceroy, July 24, 1897. Truth of alleged outrages on Hindu girls; Press restriction and legislation agreed upon.

Viceroy to Sec. of State. Proposed legislation against sedition.

Sec. of State to Viceroy. Currency problems.

Sec. of State to Viceroy. Press legislation.

Gov. of Bombay to Sec. of State. Reported outrages at plague camp.

Viceroy to Sec. of State. Outrages at plague camp. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Currency and price levels. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Currency.

Viceroy to Sec. of State. Press restrictions.

Sec. of State to Viceroy. Custody of military weapons and ammunition.


August, 1897.

1. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Military weapons and ammunition.

2. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Prosecition of Hyndman article.

3. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Press legislation.

4. Sec. of State to Gov. of Bombay. Sattara press sentence.

5. Gov. of Bombay to Sec. of State. Sattara press sentence.

6. Sec. of State to Gov. of Bombay. Rand's murderers confession.

7. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Famine commission.

8.Sec. of State to Viceroy. Frontier policy.

9. Gov. of Bombay to Sec. of State. Confession by murderer of Rand.

10. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Law of sedition.

11. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Gold standard. Budget.

12. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Press legislation.

13. Viceroy to Sec. of State Press legislation.

14. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Amendment to Penal Code.

15. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Amendments to Penal Code and Proicedure Code.

16. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Amendment to Penal Code and Procedure Code.

17. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Fiscal position and deficit.

18. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Finances.

19. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Frontier and Afridi policy.

20. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Amendment of Penal Code and Procedure code.

21. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Amendment of Penal Code and Procedure Code.

22. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Sedition.

23. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Sedition Laws.

24. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Puyblication of report on fanaticism and agitation.


January, 1898.

1. Sec. of State to Gov. Bombay. Facts on Tilak's health in Jail.

2. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Frontier policy and Parliament.

3. Sec. of State to Govr. of Bombay. Deention of the Natus.

4. Viuceroy to Sec. of State. Penal Code Bill.

5. Sec. of State to viceroy. Penal Code Bill.

6. Gov. of Bombay to Sec. of State. Plague prevention measures.


February, 1898.

1. Sec. of State to Govr. of Bombay. Detention of Natus.

2. Govr. of Bombay to Sec. of State. Detention of Natus.

3. Viecroy to Sec. of State. Military expenditures.

4. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Amendment to Procedure Code.

5. Govr. of Bombay to Sec. of State. Plague operations.

6. Sec. of State to Govr. of Bombay. Bombay riots.

7. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Plague operations.


March, 1898.

1. Sec. of State to Govr. of Bombay. Plague regulations.


May, 1898.

1. Sec. of State to Govr. of Bombay. Resignation of Magistrate.

2. Sec. of State to Govr. of Bombay. Petitions for release of Natus.

3. Govr. of Bombay to Sec. of State. Detention of Natus.

4. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Appt. of Lyall to India council.

5. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Murder of Dr. Sircar.

6. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Murder of Dr. Sircar.

7. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Cantonment coder Rules.

8. Sec. of State to Govr. Bombay. Attachment og Natu's property.

9. Viceroy to Sec. of State. ARrest of soldiers who murdered Dr. Sircar.

10. Sec. of State to Govr. Bombay. Attachment of Nathu's property.

11. Govr. of Bombay to Sec. of State. Attachment of Nathu's property.

12. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Amendment of Law and Sedition.

13. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Sedition papers.

14. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Cantonment rules.


June, 1898.

1. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Proposed Plague Commission

2. Sec. of State to viceroy. Attack on Frontier Policy by Finance Commissioner, Punjab.


July, 1898.

1. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Speech on Frontier Policy by Mr. Thorbur

2. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Thorburn's speech on Frontier Policy.

3. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Dargai Railway.

4. Gov. of Bombay to Sec. of State. Whereabouts of one of Rand's murderers.

5. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Cantonment rules.

6. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Handling of Thorburn.

7. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Currency Commission.

8. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Thorburn.

9. Viceroy to Sec. ofState. Character witnesses before Currency Commission.

10. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Arrival of new Viceroy.


August, 1898

1. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Arrival of new viceroy.

2. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Impressment of carriages in Punjab.

3. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Native witnesses before Currency Commission.

4. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Impressment of carriages in Punjab.

5. Sec. of State to Viceroy. curzon to be new Viceroy.


September, 1898

1. Gov. of Bombay to Sec. of State. Release of Natus.

2. Viceroy to Sec. of State. communications with Frontier tribes.

3. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Witnesses for Currency commission.

4. Sec. of State to Gov. of Bombay. Release of Natus.

5. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Witness for Currency Commission.


February, 1899

1. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Chitral affairs.

2. Sec. of State to Gov. of Bombay. Detention of Natus.

3. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Detention of Natus.

4. Sec. of State to Gov. of Bombay. Poona murders.

5. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Effect on India of bounty-aided sugar.

6. Gov. of bombay to Sec. of State. Poona murderers. Natus.

7. Sec. of State to Viceroy. French lease of a coaling station.

8. Sec. of State to Viceroy. French at Muscat.

9. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Sugar bounties.

10. Sec. of State to Viceroy. French coaling station.


March, 1899

1. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Calcutta Municipal Bill.

2. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Calcutta Municipal Bill.

3. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Sugar duties.

4. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Gardiner as Acting Member of Council.

5. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Sugar duties.


April, 1899

1. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Sugar Duties.

2. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Land alienation in Punjab.

3. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Muscot Despatch.

4. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Russians prospecting for gold in Tibet.

5. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Regarding the Natus.


July, 1899

1. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Rangoon outrage.

2. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Currency Despatch.

3. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Indian opinions on current policy.

4. Sec. of State to Gov. of Bombay. Detention of the Natus.

5. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Native opinion on Currency Despatch.

6. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Rangoon outrages.

7. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Currency Report.


August, 1899

1. Sec. of State to Gov. of Bombay. Detention of Natus.

2. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Rangoon outrage.

3. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Frontier decoration or medal.

4. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Cost of a contingent for war in S. Africa.


September, 1899

1. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Rangoon outrage trial.

2. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Rangoon outrage trial.

3. Sec. of State to viceroy. Rangoon outrage trials.

4. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Rangoon outrage trials.

5. Viceroy to Sec. of State. South Africa.

6. Viceroy to Sec. of State. South Africa.

7. Viceroy to Sec. of State. collapse of Rangoon trials.

8. Sec. of State to Gov. of Bombay. Plague innoculations.

9. Sec. of State to Viceory. Gold coinage.


October, 1899

1. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Bombay governorship.

2. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Rangoon outrage.

3. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Rangoon outrage.

4. Sec. of State to Viceory. Finances.

5. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Bombay governorship.

6. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Rangoon outrages.

7. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Bombay governorship.

8. Viceory to Sec. of State. Rangoon outrage.

9. Sec. of State to Viceory. Rangoon outrage.

10. Viceory to Sec. of State. Bombay governorship.

11. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Rangoon outrage.


December, 1899

1. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Rangoon outrage.

2. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Rangoon outrage.

3. Sec. of State to Viceroy. The Natus.

4. Viceroy to Sec. of State. The Natus.

5. Gov. of Bombay to Sec. of State. The Natus.

6. Sec. of State to Viceroy. The Natus.

7. Sec. of State to Viceroy. Horses needed for S. Africa.

8. Viceroy to Sec. of State. Soldiers for S. Africa.


B. Letters to the Earl of Minto, Vols. I-III, 1906-1908

1. From Sec. of State, Jan. 11, 1906. Comments by Kitchener; Frontier troubles; Tibetan Convention; Partition of Bengal; Curson's actions.

2. From Sec. of State, Jan. 25, 1906. Kitchener; Curzon and Kitchener; Russia and Persia; The Indian Association; Commons and India; Foreign Policy.

3. From Sec. of State, Feb. 23, 1906. Military costs; Military organization; Curzon's request for files; Partition of Bengal.

4. From Sec. of State, Mar. 2, 1906. Army organization; Curzon's views; An "Honor" for Curzon; Commons and India; Unrest in Indian Army; F. Younghusband.

5. From Sec. of State, Mar. 8, 1906. Curzon's behavior; native sentiment on the Partition of Bengal; Bearing of British officials toward Indians; Russian military strength.

6. From Sec. of State, Mar. 15, 1906. Deputation of Lancashire textile workers; condition of labor in India; Strategic needs of the Empire; Defense costs.

7. From Sec. of State, Apr. 11, 1906. Criticisms of Kitchener; Congress influence.

8. From Sec. of State, Apr. 19, 1906. Congress viewpoint; Military problems; Sir Bampfyld Fuller and the Partition; Repeal of the Duty on Salt.

9. From Sec. of State, Apr. 25, 1906. Kitchener and Army questions; Growth of Con ress ideas; Removal of Punjab Govt. from Simla; Anglo-Russian relations; The Barisal affair.

10. From Sec. of State, May 3, 1906. Lord Curzon's desire for an Honor; Employment of natives in high office; Character of correspondence with Indian princes; The Barisal affair and Fuller's circulars; The arrest of Bannerjee; The Aden hinterland.

11. From Sec. of State, May 11, 1906. Prince of Wales views on the administration of India; Govt. and the Congress; Frontier Policy.

12. From Sec. of State, Jun. 1, 1906. The opium business.

13. From Sec. of State, Jun. 6, 1906. Indian political advancement; Varisal affair and Commons; The new spirit in India; Sir B. Fuller; Possible visit by the Amir of Afghanistan to India.

14. From Sec. of State, Jun. 15, 1906. Frontier questions; Visit from Gokhale; Possible addition of natives to the legislative councils; Question of reforms; Possible prolongation of Lord Kitchener's term; condition of labor in India.

15. From Sec. of State. Jun. 22, 1906. Indian Budget debate; Possible reform of the legislative councils; Possible Council of Native Princes; Sir B. Fuller and Partition; Russian Affairs; The possibility of Muslims joining Congress.

16. From Sec. of State, Jul. 27, 1906. The Budget debate; Gokhale's reactions. Possibility of reform; The Partition issue; Rumbold's claims; Relations with Native States; Question of an Indian on the Council of India; Sir B. Fuller.

17. From Sec. of State, Aug. 2, 1906. Sir B. Fuller's resignation; Curzon on the Fuller Case; Public feeling and the Partition; A talk with Gokhale; Reforms of the legislatures; Indian desire for superior administrative posts; Flogging.

18. From Sec. of State, Aug. 6, 1906. Resignation of Sir B. Fuller; Foreign policy; Russian affairs; Visit by the Amir to India; Extension of Kitchener's term.

20. From Sec. of State, Oct. 5, 1906. Rise of extremism in Bengal; The Fuller episode; and an interview with Sir B. Fuller; Fraser responsible for Partition; Frontier policy.

21. From Sec. of State, Oct. 11, 1906. Ford Minto's Muslim speech; Partition; Feud between Extremists and Moderates in Congress; Need to support Moderates; Views on the Muslims; Visit from the Gaekwar of Baroda.

22. From Sec. of State, Oct. 19, 1906. Calcutta officialdom; Visit with Lord Roberts; Press prosecution in Bombay; Risley in E. Bengal; The Partition.

23. From Sec. of State, Oct. 26, 1906. The Agha Khan; Lord Minto's meeting with Muslims; B. Fuller's case.

24. From Sec. of State, Nov. 9, 1906. Frontier matters; The Amir's visit; Attitude of officials towards Indians; Indian students in England; Military affairs; Indian funds for Persia.

25. From Sec. of State, Nov. 23, 1906. Admission of an Indian to the Viceroy's Council; Anglo-Indian nervousness; Need to retain full executive power; The Arundel Report on admission of an Indian to the Council; Receiving a Congress deputation; East Bengal.

26. From Sec. of State, Dec. 27, 1906. The annual Congress sessions; Appts. of the India Council; Lord Curzon's Memorial project.

27. Sec. of State, Jan. 2, 1907. Lord Kitchner's Policy; Congress plans; Military problems of Empire; Govt. and land tenure problems.

28. Sec. of State, Jan. 10, 1907. Viceroy and the Native Prices; The Salt Tax; The Arundel Report on Reforms.

29. Sec. of State, Jan. 24, 1907. Treatment of natives; A Native Member in the Viceroy's council; Parliament and the Congress; The role of the Muslims in the reforms; Kitchener's military policy; The Amir.

30. Sec. of State, Mar. 7, 1907. The Amir's visit to India; Russian fears; Relations with native prices; The Arundel Report on reforms.

31. Sec. of State, Mar. 14, 1907. Press prosecution at Lahore; Problem of understanding India; The Govt. of India and bureaucracy; Frontier matters.

32. Sec. of State, Mar. 22, 1907. The Arundel despatch; Reforms and parliament; The Council of India; Proposed commissions on the employment of natives; The Indian Budget.

33. Sec. of State, Mar. 28, 1907. The Indian Budget; The proposed reforms; Military matters; Kitchener's opposition to a native on the Viceory's Council; The Amir.

34. Sec. of State, Apr. 12, 1907. Lord Cromer and Egypt; India and the Empire; The Arundel despatch; A native member in the Viceroy's Council.

35. Sec. of State, Apr. 17, 1907. The Indian Council and Reforms; Prerequisites for the I.C.S.; Talks with a Congress member; Correspondence with Sir B. Fuller on the reforms; LaTouche on the reforms.

36. Sec. of State, Apr. 26, 1907. The Arundal despatch on reforms; Hensman on Indian unrest; Unrest in the Punjab; Question of a Native Member of the Viceroy's Council; The Colonial Conference.

37. Sec. of State, May 9, 1907. Punjab unrest and the reforms; Possible press controls; Racial affairs in S. Africa; Unrest in Bengal; Afghan affairs; The Council of India; Reply to the Arundel despatch; The Reforms and the future; English views on reforms.

38. Sec. of State, May 24, 1907. The Budget Speech and the reforms; Racial feelings in India; Afghan affairs; Press prosecution; The Irish Bill.

39. Sec. of State, May 31, 1907. Deportations; The Reforms; The Official Mind; Military Policy; Egypt.

40. Sec. of State, Jun. 13, 1907. Ibbetson's policies; The Russian negotiations and Afghanistan; Parliament and repression; Deportations; The Decentralisation Committee; Possible names of Natives for the Council of India; Report of the Imperial Defense Committee.

41. Sec. of State, Jun. 21, 1907. Military requirements of Egypt. The Punjab Colonisation Act; Press Acts; Decentralisation Committee; Reforms and the future; Opinions on reform; Decentralisation; Sedition.

42. Sec. of State, Jul. 11, 1907. English reactions to sedition in India; Council of India Bill; Arrival of Risley; Indians as Army officers; Sedition and the Native Army; Honors for Natives; The proposed Council of Notables; Russian affairs.

43. Sec. of State, Aug. 2, 1907. The Reforms; Native Members for the Council of India; Press laws.

44. Sec. of State, Aug. 8, 1907. A Press Law; Fidelity of the Native Army; Causes of unrest; The effects of the Plague; Military Command.

45. Sec. of State, Aug. 8, 1907. Secret postscript; The Army and a new Press Law.

46. Sec. of State, Aug. 15, 1907. British rule in India; Indian officers in the Army; The India Council; Cost of the India Office; The Press Act.

47. Sec. of State, Aug. 23, 1907. The House of Commons; Indian views of Reform; An Indian member on the Viceroy's Council; Deportments and prosecutions; Lord Curzon; Military policy in India; russian affiars; The Reform Circular; The Military Press Act; Race dominance in India.

48. Sec. of State, Sep. 4, 1907. Reports on military unrest.

49. Sec. of State, Oct. 3, 1907. The Anglo-Russian Convention and Indian official opinion; Lord Kitchener's behavior.

50. Sec. of State, Oct. 25, 1907. Problems of policy-making; The Seditions Meetings Law; A Mohammedan meeting in Meerut.

51. Sec. of State, Oct. 31, 1907. A letter from Kokhale on the split in the Congress; Opinions of Morley in India; Military Supply; Order plus Progress; Relations between the Races; The Seditions Meetings Act; Lord Kitchener.

52. Sec. of State, Nov. 8, 1907. Military costs; Persian expenses; Separation of Judicial from Executive power; Release of Lajpat Rai; Seditions Meetings Act; Letter from Gokhale.

53. Sec. of State, Nov. 14, 1907. Release of Lajpat Rai; Lord Kitchener's views on the Anglo-Russian Conveintion; Indian participation in cost of Imperial Defense; Proposed change in age of candidates for the I.C.S.; Letter from S. Banerjee.

54. Sec. of State, Nov. 29, 1907. The Railway Strike; The Seditions Meeting Bill; Viceroy's interview with Gokhale; Behavior of an official; Military affairs.

55. Sec. of State, Dec. 5, 1907. The Reforms scheme; Behavior of English in India; The Railways; Frontier problems; A letter from Gokhale on the problem of reforms.

56. Sec. of State, Dec. 20, 1907. Persia; Proposed Imperial Federal Council for India; The Madras Administration.

57. Sec. of State, Dec. 26, 1907. Publication of a letter from Fraser on repressions; Indian hostility; The Congress meetings; The Reforms plans; The Hobhouse Commission.

58. Sec. of State, Feb. 14, 1908. Careers for young Indian gentlemen; Baker's alleged indiscretion; The right of the Sec. of State to correspond with Indian officials; Curzon on the Frontier; Defense of India; American views on British rule in India.

59. Sec. of State, Mar. 4, 1908. Frontier affairs.

60. Sec. of State, Mar. 26, 1908. The Reforms; Administrative reforms; The promition of Natives; Indian immigrants to Canada.

61. Sec. of State, Apr. 15, 1908. India Office organization; Separation of Judicial from Executive; Bureaucratic behavior; Lajpat Rai's treatment.

62. Sec. of State, Apr. 23, 1908. A letter from Gokhale; American opinion on British rule in India; The Anglo-Russian Convention.

63. Sec. of State, Apr. 30, 1908. English politics.

64. Sec. of State, May 7, 1908. Afghan affairs; Unrest in India; Repression; Need for reforms; Appts.

65. Sec. of State, May 15, 1908. House of Lords; Reforms ploans; Pay of the Native Army; Deportations.

66. Sec. of state, May 21, 1908. Indian problems; Unrest; Visit from R.C. Dutt; Decentralization Commission; The Gaikwar of Baroda; Curzon's views.

67. Sec. of State, May 28, 1908. Press controls; Unrest; English opinions on repression; Afghan affairs.

68. Sec. of State, Jun. 4, 1908. Repressive legislation; Indians in the Council of India; Unrest; Afghanistan.

69. Sec. of State, Jun. 8, 1908. B. Fuller's attack in the Times; Reduction of the British garrison; Repression; The Press Act; British nervousness in India; A talk with Gokhale; A Press Law; The Amir of Afghanistan.

70. Sec. of State, Jun. 24, 1908. Parliament and India; Racial enmity; The Hobhouse Commission; Proposed Cadet Corps; Pay of the Native Army.

71. Sec. of State, Jul. 16, 1908. Tilak's trial; Afghanistan.

72. Sec. of State, Jul. 24, 1908. The Budget; Education in India; Tilak's conviction; Afghanistan; A Factory Commission.

73. Sec. of State, Jul. 30, 1908. Persia; Risley for the India Council; Local affairs in India; Repression; Proposed India League; The Amir.

74. Sec. of State, Aug. 6, 1908. Problem of Native Officers; Pay of the Native Army; Russia and the Convention.

75. Sec. of State, Aug. 10, 1908. Appts.; An Indian on the Viceroy's Council; Reforms and official cuation; The Hobhouse Report; Russia.

76. Sec. of State, Aug. 26, 1908. Afghanistan.

77. Sec. of State, Sep. 3, 1908. Reforms; An Indian member of the Viceroy's Council; Gov. General versus the I.C.S.; Lajpat Rai to visit England; The Amir; Appt. of Thomson to the Council of India; The Tinnevelly case and official repression;. An Indian legal member.

78. Sec. of State, Sep. 10, 1908. Afghanistan; Reforms; Maintaining order.

79. Sec. of State, Sep. 11, 1908. A bad decision by a court; Native officers in the Army.

80. Sec. of State, Sep. 18, 1908. The proposed Cadet Corps; Kitchener's successor.

81. Sec. of State, Sep. 24, 1908. The Amir; The Russian Convention; The Reforms; Race relations; Judicial harshness; Unrest.

82. Sec. of State, Oct. 7, 1908. The Reforms proposals; Tensions; Political amnesty.

83. Sec. of State, Oct. 23, 1908. Arrival of the Reforms Despatch; The Hobhouse Commission; Kashmir; Military Commissions for natives of Princely States; Appts.

84. Sec. of State, Nov. 5, 1908. The Reforms; Risley; The office of Commander-in-Chief; Reduction of the Tinnevelly sentence.

85. Sec. of State, Nov. 12, 1908. Violence in Bengal; Fraser's retirement; The Extremists; Reforms; The Congress and Extremists; An Indian immigration controversy.

86. Sec. of State, Nov. 27, 1908. Sedition; Reforms.

87. Sec. of State, Dec. 4, 1908. Jenkins for the Viceroy's Council; Risley for the India Office; A talk with Gokhale; British-Indian opinion of Morley; Native Officers.

88. Sec. of State, Dec. 18, 1908. The Reforms; Jenkins going to India; Deportations.

89. Sec. of State, Dec. 24, 1908. Deportations; Repression; The Reforms.

90. Sec. of State, Dec. 31, 1908. Reforms and the Congress; The Muslims.


Letters from Lord Minto to Lord Morley, 1905-1907.

1. Dec. 13, 1905. Correspondence btwn Sec. of State and the Viceroy; Demands on the Viceroy's time; The Partition of Bengal; Military Administration; The Army Dept.; Frontier questions.

2. Dec. 20, 1905. Military reorganization; Partition of Bengal; Frontier matters; Lord Curzon's rule.

3. Jan. 3, 1906. Congress meetings; The Partition question; Military Administration; Tibet.

4. Feb. 22, 1906; Lord Curzon's request for Secret papers; Persia; Agricultural Devpt. in India; Military Administration.

5. Feb. 5, 1906. Budget; Military Administration; Waziristan; Bengali Agitation; Partition.

6. March 29, 1906. Budget Debate; Curzon's interference; The Amier and L. Curzon; Gen. DeBrath; Mr. Fuller and Bengal.

7. Apr. 3, 1906. Lancashire workers and the Bombay mills; Imperial defense; Receipts of a Congress deputation.

8. Apr. 9, 1906. Punjab canal settlements; Frontier; Curzon's behavior.

9. Apr. 18, 1906. Budget speech; Frontier defense; Amir's proposed visit to India; Chirol's attack on Kitchener; Seistan.

10. Apr. 25, 1906. Russian intrigues; Agitation at Barisal; Surendranath Banerji; Curzon's request for secret papers; Appts.; Sec. of State's correspondence with Kitchener.

11. May 9, 1906. The Budget Speech; Foreign relations; Appts.; Troubles at Barisa; Working of the Bombay mills; Travel to Tibet; Absence of Native Chiefs from their States; Salt Tax; Mahomedan feeling about a war with Afghanistan; Frontier Affairs; The Congress; The ARmy; Enclosed letter from Arundel; Enclosed letter from B. Iyengar; Enclosed Petition from a meeting of Muslims on Turkey and Barisal.

12. May 16, 1906. Partition of Bengal; The Barisal incident; An Honor for Mr. Rees; The Turkish Crisis and Muslim opinion.

13. May 24, 1906. The Gaekwar of Baroda; Indian claims to public posts; Barisal disturbance; Reinstatement of students; Persian loan; A Muslim meeting.

14. May 28, 1906. Relations btwn Europeans and Natives; Custom of barring Natives from a Ball; Congress nad the disloyal press; A Council of Native Chiefs; Frontier; Persian Loan.

15. Jun. 20, 1906. Opium; Mr. Gokhale; J.B. Fuller; Tibet; Aden; Anglo-Russian negotiations; Enclosed note on an interview with Raja Hira Singh of Nabha.

16. Jun. 27, 1906. British rule in India; Indian Budget Debate; Visits to Tibet.

17. Jul. 5, 1906. J.B. Fuller's administration and the Parittion; Question of a Native on the Executive Council; Frontier; Reform of the Political Dept.; Enclosed letter from J.B. Fuller; Enclosed note from Risley to Fuller.

18. Jul. 18, 1906. Reforms; Measure to deal with problems in E. Bengal; A Native Member in the Viceroy's Council; The Budget debates; Agricultural devpt.; Aden Hinterland.

19. Jul. 25, 1906. Budget Speech; A Successor for J.B. Fuller; Persia; Frontier problems; Enclosed note on a talk with an Austrian about India and unrest.

20. Aug. 1, 1906. J.B. Fuller's resignation; Effect of the change of Lieut.-Gvrnr.; Congress and the Bengal agitation; Disloyalty in India; Treatment of Native Chiefs.

21. Aug. 8, 1906. J.B. Fuller and E. Bengal; Budget Speech.

22. Aug. 15, 1906. J.B. Fuller; The Times of India; Gokhale and the Agitation; The Native States; The reform proposals; The Amir's visit; Enclosed Note on the Proposed Reforms.

23. Aug. 22, 1906. J.B. Fuller's resignation; Mohammedan feeling in E. Benal; Arundel's Committee on Reform; The Frontier; Relations with Native Chiefs; the Gaekwar; A Cadet Corps; Flogging in the Army.

24. Aug. 29, 1906. J.B. Fuller; Reports on Parition agitation; Mohammedan feelings on Fuller's resignation; A Muslim Deputation; Possibility of a Native Member; Talk with Mr. Malabari; Relations with Native States; Papers on Fuller's resignation; The Amier's visit; Note on the interview with Malabari; Note from Mohsin-ul-Mulk on Muslims and the Congress and Muslim representation.

25. Sep. 3, 1906. J.B. Fuller and the administration of E. Bengal; Lord Kitchnerer; Amir's visit; Newspaper clippings on E. Bengal and the Agitation; Extracts from the Native Press.

26. Sep. 10, 1906. J.B. Fuller; The Mahommedan Deputation; Conversations with the Maharaja of Kolhapur; A Commission of Inquiry into the administration; Memorial from the India Association; The Arundel committee; The Amier's visit; Military Policy; Enclosed notes btwn. S. Banerji and C.J. O'Donnell; Note by Hare on Agitation in E. Bengal; A Further Note from Hare on affairs in E. Bengal; A Note from Lawley on a Native member.

27. Sep. 26, 1906. The Middle East; The Amir's visit; Sir J.B. Fuller; Police Reports from E. Bengal; Viceroy's Legislative Council; The Draft Muslim Address and the Viceory's reply.

28. Oct. 4, 1906. The Muslim Deputation; Arundel's Committee; Imperial Policy; The Muslim Address (Copy)

29. Oct. 17, 1906. Improvement of water supplies; Frontier matters; Popular feeling on the Muslim Deputation; Persia; Enclosed note on agitation; Enclosed note on the Deputation.

30. Oct. 24, 1906. The Muslim deputation.

31. Oct. 28, 1906. Kashmire; Arundel Committee Report; Kitchener on Frontier policy; Enclosed note on agitation and the Partition; Conditions in E. Bengal.

32. Nov. 4, 1906. Tilak and the Congress; Treatment of the Moderates; Nationalism in India; Recogniation of the Muslims; Persian affairs.

33. Nov. 11, 1906. The Amir; Reorganization of the Foreign Dept.; Reports from E. Bengal; Arundel's Report; A Persian Loan.

34. Nov. 18, 1906. Administrative problems; Lytton's views on Indian official life; Articles in the National Review; Military vacancies; Fuller's resignation.

35. Dec. 12, 1906. Arundel Committee Report; Native member in the Viceroy's Council; The Congress; E. Bengal matters; An Article in the Bengalee; The Amir; Russia; Enclosed note on politics in India; Enclosed note on a talk with the Raja of Nabha.

36. Dec. 19, 1906. The Amir; The Native States and Govt.; Control of Native Chiefs; Gaekwar's visit to Calcutta; Budget estimates; Industrial exhibition in Calcutta; Employment of Muslims; Arundel Report; Tilak and Rai and Sedition; Enclosed Speech at the National Social Conference by C.M. ghose; An Extract from Bande Mataram; An extract from The Englishman.

37. Dec. 26, 1906. Dealings with Native Chiefs; Tilak's attitude; The Congress; Native Press and the Native Army; British bad manners; A Muslim appt.; Russia; Tibet.

38. Jan. 2, 1907. Control of Native States; The Gaekwar; The Congress meetings; Arundel Report; Proposed Parliamentary enquiry into Indian affairs; The House of Commons and India; Employment of Muslims; Frontier; The Amir; Views of Maharaja of Darbhanga on the congress.

39. Jan. 10, 1907. Finlay's collapse.

40. Jan. 23, 1907. The Amir; The Military Finance Dept.; Partition of Madura; Arundel Report; Native Member in the viceroy's Council; Letter from the Aga Khan on Japan.

41. Feb. 18, 1907. Arundel Report; British-Indian relations; Press prosectuions; Frontierp Proposed Delhi Memorial.

42. Feb. 27, 1907. Arundel Report; A Native member; Proposed Council of Prices; Russia; The Amir.

43. Mar. 5, 1907. Arundel Report; Frontier problems; The Amir; The Punjab Press prosecutions; Sedition among Native soldiers; Dealings with Native States; Sir J.B. Fuller; A Native Member on Council; Dealings with teh educated class.

44. Mar. 19, 1907. Arundel Report; The Amir; Tibet; Hindu-Muslim Deputation; condition of India; Note from Maharaja of Darbharga on E. Bengal; Correspondence with Viceroy's Council on the Native Member; Memo of a talk with Editor of the Amrita Bazaar Patrika on E. Bengal; An opinion on the Arundel Report; An opinion on the Arundel Report.

45. Apr. 2, 1907. The Budget speech; Indian Reforms; Question of a Native Member; Press prosecutions; Frontier troubles; The Amir.

46. Apr. 17, 1907. The proposal for a Council of Notables; Reforms; Lord Kitchener's views; Frontier; Tibet; Enclosed extract from the Englishman.

47. Apr. 25, 1907. Lord Kitchener; Risley's deputation to England; Arundel Despatch; Affairs in E. Bengal; Native rowdy's; clippings from the Civil and Military Gazette.

48. May 2, 1907. A native member; Legislative Councils; E. Bengal; Press Opinions; European treatment of natives; Seditions circulars; The Clive Memoria; Lord Curzon; Race feeling in India.

49. May 8, 1907. Sedition in the Punjab; Deportations; Hindu-Muslim tenstions; Riots in E. Bengal; Apathy of officials; Official behavior; Unrest; Plague; Press sensations; Native aspirations; Arundel Report; Tibet.

50. May 16, 1907. Affairs in Punjab and E. Bengal; Punjab Colonization Act; Events in India; Soldiers at a seditious meeting; E. Bengal; The administration of India; The Clive Memorial; Enclosure on E. Bengal.

51. May 21, 1907. Native press on arrests and ordinances; Possibility of disorders; Causes of discontent; Rivaz's views on India; Question of a Native Member; A Medal for the Army.

52. May 29, 1907. Sedition and the Indian Army; Punjab Colonization Act; Affairs in E. Bengal; The Amir; Russia's Central Asia policy; Unrest in India; The Press Act; Clippings from the Indian Mirror.