More at: 18 April 2024

The University of Michigan's 10th president, in an inaugural address, said that universities are responsible for training and research that serve current economic and cultural needs.

That was predictable and uninspiring. What was said next is fascinating and highly relevant to the transition we are now beginning. A public university also, "has a fundamental responsibility to be critical of society's current arrangements and to entertain, construct and test alternative visions." Now that is a radical and exhilarating thought.

The localization papers take up this responsibility. They help envision an alternative to our current arrangement with the planet. They anticipate an end to cheap, high-density energy and a drop in the availability of high-quality resources during this century. One implication of these historic changes is that everyday life will differ substantially from conventional expectations. There will be reduced consumption and less specialization, curtailed mobility, and decentralized settlement patterns. Life will be much less affluent, more agrarian. And yet, unexpectedly, psychological well-being will improve.

We can accept that this downshift is inevitable and yet be uncertain as to its timing. We might debate the timing, but this is a dangerous distraction since, afterwards, we'd still need to develop a response. It is more sensible to accept the downshift as plausible, explore the many implications of resource limits, and then construct reasonable responses and test them. It is prudent to start this transition while we still have surpluses of material, energy and social capital.

The Localization Papers have several goals: Helping individiuals, families, neighborhoods, and communities get to a downshift moment where the energy descent is understaood to be happening now. Helping form responses that plan for, motivate and maintain a wholesome and durable existence under this descent. Pre-familiarizing ourselves with becoming indigenous-to-place. In short, exploring the need for, and the features of, an urgent transition to living well within local ecological limits.