TITLE : Burn Data OWNER : Leo Breiman - Stat. Dept. CASES : 981 VARIABLES : 30 (see commemt #4 below) FORMAT : Lines Per Case : 1 Data-Point Separator : none Default Missing Value : Field of 9's Fortran Format : I7,I2,3I1,I6,I1,I2,2I5,I1,I2,I1,I6,3I1, I3,I2,I3,I2,2I1,3I3,3I2,I2,6I1 ( Note : this format sequence recodes variables 9,21,22,23 as 2,2,3 and 3 variables resp. so the #variables is apparently 36 not 30. ) VARIABLES --------- NO. NAME COLUMNS MEANING 1 PATID 1-7 Patient file number. 2 AGE 8-9 Age ( in years ). 3 SEX 10 Sex : 0 - male 1 - female 4 RACE 11 Race : 1 - white ( white or Spanish American ) 2 - non-white ( Black, Oriental, Indian and others ) 5 WEIGHT 12 Weight : 1 - malnourished 2 - obese 3 - other 6 ADMDATE 13-18 Date Admitted ( month / day / year ). 7 DAYSINJ 19 Days injured prior to admission date : 0 - one or more days 1 - less than one day 8 HRSINJ 20-21 Hours injured prior to admission. 9 3DEGTBA 22-31 Ratio of 3-rd degree burns to total burn area. ( given as : cols 22-26 / 27-31 ). 10 TYPE 32 Burntype : 1 - flame 2 - scald 3 - contact / chemical 4 - explosion / flash electric / other 11 CAUSE 33-34 Cause of injury : 1 - house on fire car accident flammable liquid : fuel, gassoline etc. cigarette, match, smoke in bed etc. 2 - hot water, steam, oil, coffee, iron etc. 3 - stove, heater etc. chemical : acid, caustic soda, gas etc. 4 - electrical short other col 33 - principal col 34 - secondary 12 PLACE 35 Place injured : 1 - indoor 2 - outdoor 13 PATHOLS 36-41 Pathological conditions prior to burn : 0 - none 1 - yes cols 36-37 principal " 38-39 secondary " 40-41 other ( Examples of pathological conditions :- congenital abnormalities unhealed fractures chemical, alcoholic or drug abuse endocrinological cardiovascular infectious psychiatric or neurological tumors or cancer arthritis, liver or annemia ) 14 RESPDIS 42 Prior respiratory disease : 0 - none 1 - yes 15 EDEMA 43 Airway edema : 1 - not present 2 - present 16 SOOT 44 Sootiness : 1 - yes 2 - no 17 paO2 45-47 Partial pressure, oxygen. 18 paCO2 48-49 Partial pressure, carbon dioxide. 19 pH 50-52 pH ( acidity ) reading. 20 CbHg 53-54 Percentage of CbHg. 21 TREATS 55-56 Initial topical treatments : 0 - other 1 - open 2 - vaseline 3 - HAC 4 - AgNO3 5 - AgSD 6 - Ag Sulfamalon 7 - NS 8 - porcine dsgs 9 - not indicated col 55 - primary col 56 - secondary 22 OPERS 57-65 Type and post-burn days of operation during first week : 0 - none 1 - tracheotomy 2 - intubated 3 - homograft 4 - autograft 5 - debridement 6 - excision 7 - amputation 8 - eye and lid 9 - swan ganz 10 - eschartomities 11 - others cols 57 - 59 primary " 60 - 62 secondary " 63 - 65 other 23 COMPLICS 66-71 Pathological conditions developing within first week of injury : 0 - none 1 - fractures 2 - mechanical traumas other than fractures 3 - chemical abuse 4 - endocrinological 5 - cardiovascular 6 - pneumonia 7 - behavior disorder ( suicide, homocide attempts etc. ) 8 - neurological 9 - bronchitis 10 - otitis 11 - unary tract infected 12 - anemia reqiring blood transfusion 13 - leukopenia ( < 4000 ) 14 - other infections requiring antibiotics 15 - cellulitis 16 - hypertension 17 - jaundice 18 - diabetes 19 - diarrhea 20 - hematuria 21 - cardiac arrest 22 - respiratory arrest 23 - abscess 24 - graft slough 25 - ileus 26 - pleural effusion 27 - renal failure 28 - corneal abrasion 29 - hypothermia 30 - other 31 - wound sepsis 32 - pneumothorax 33 - pulmonary edema 34 - septicemia 35 - fluid overload 36 - ulcers / GI bleeding 37 - metabolic imbalance, kalemia, natremia, calcemia or chloremia cols 66 - 67 principal cols 68 - 69 secondary cols 70 - 71 other 24 DISPO 72-73 Disposition : 1 - died 2 - survived 25 ETIOLOGY 74 Etiology : 1 - flame 2 - scald 3 - chemical 4 - electrical 26 SMOKE 75 Smoke : 1 - no edema with / without soot 2 - edema, no soot 3 - edema, soot 27 O2 76 Oxygen : 0 - normal 1 - abnormal 28 CO2 77 Carbon dioxide : 0 - normal 1 - abnormal 29 ACID 78 Acid : 0 - normal 1 - abnormal 30 HEMO 79 Hemoglobin : 0 - normal 1 - abnormal COMMENTS : 1) AGE - there were infants in the population. 2) 3DEGTBA - some cases did fall in the 0-4 % burn area. 3) paO2 to CbHg - 0 represents "NORMAL" and no reading was taken. 4) Note that variables 6 9 11 13 21 22 23 are multiple variables. For example, avoid reading variable 9 as a single integer of length 10 - you might get nonsense if the machine word size is insufficient.