Syntax Resources


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Syntactic Theory

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Basic Resources

An on-line introduction to syntactic theory by Beatrice Santorini

Syntax tutor – a program to practice writing phrase-structure grammars

Syntactic Theory Seminar – a course based primarily on Government and Binding Theory

Syntax links from Paul Hagstrom


Syntactic Theories

Minimalist Syntax Archives at the University of Arizona

HPSG (Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar) homepage at Ohio State University

The HPSG page from Stanford University

Lexical-Functional Grammar page from Stanford University

Lexical-Functional Grammar from University of Sydney

Construction Grammar from the University of California at Berkeley

Role and Reference Grammar page from SUNY-Buffalo

Autolexical grammar

Dependency Grammar

Categorial grammar

Word grammar – from Richard Hudson

XTAG – Tree Adjoining Grammar


Other research projects

University of Pennsylvania: Syntax Bibliographic Database

Internet grammar of English

List of e-print articles on syntax available through CogPrints

The syntax and semantics of questions – resources from a seminar taught by Paul Hagstrom at John Hopkins University (now at Boston University)


Fun Syntax Links

InterArbora – a program that draws syntactic trees (if you tell it the constituent structure of the sentence)

Presidential Syntax and Morphology – keeping track of the president’s speech errors

Participate in pscyholinguistic experiments – answer questions about you judgements of English sentences and help someone with their research

The World’s First Collaborative Sentence – go ahead, add to it…

Language humor site with several pages of ambiguous sentneces from the Vancouver English Centre