Monday, November 18 -- Film: A Family of Chimps

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A cute film about chimps in captivity. They live in a zoo in the Netherlands, in a large enclosure with stuff to stimulate them and only natural barriers- moats with water in them is all you need, since chimps can't swim. We were instructed to watch for social interactions between males and females, and also between adults and infants. While watching a chimp determined to get up into a tree and trying to make a ladder out of a stump, we should also think about primate cognition, which is coming up- how intelligent are they? What kind of intelligence are they using?

Wednesday, November 20 -- Parent-Offspring Conflict

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Remember your inclusive fitness

We will begin by refreshing our minds on this since parent-offspring conflict is something that can be explained by inclusive fitness. Remember that it can explain apparently altruistic actions towards relatives. It includes both offspring that you can have plus the offspring that your relatives can have, but the offspring of relatives are weighted less since they're not as related to you as your own offspring. So remember that

inclusive fitness = individual fitness + fitness of others devalued by their relationship to you.

Also remember Hamilton's equation, Cr>B

Examples of parent-offspring conflict

Parent-offspring conflict is easy to observe in humans. It takes all sorts of forms. It's common enough that millions of theories have been developed to explain it, particularly in humans. For example, there's freudian theories and theories about socialization of infants (humans are born savage and greedy and the parents' job is to teach them to rein in their selfish drives and to become a part of society.) However, parent-offspring conflict is not specifically human- it's very widespread in the animal kingdom. Anyone who has looked at parents and offspring in primates has reported parent-offspring conflict of some sort or another.

Weaning conflict
Think about how in the first stage, the mother is maintaining proximity to her offspring, following him, restraining him from leaving her, and initiating most nursing bouts. In the second stage,the infant becomes more independent and initiates most nursing. In the last stage,the m other trails off efforts to maintain contact, and she stops wanting to nurse. In this later stage, the mom will begin rejecting the infant, gently at first and then more strongly. The infant spends a lot of time whining and crying. Trivers once said that if you want to find baboons in the morning, listen for the sound of infant weaning; crying and tantrums.
So all this hullabaloo costs the kid a fair amount of calories, and it also could attract predators or enemies. There must be some benefits that come with it. For about the first two months, baboon moms don't reject at all. At around 2 months, the infants get their first rejection, and by about 3-4 months old, the moms are resorting to pushing, hitting, and biting to get rid of the kid. The question arises, why don't infants wean themselves? Obviously they need to be weaned if they're going to be independent, right?

Carrying conflict
Another conflict which is common is over riding/carrying. It is pretty similar to weaning conflict; the mom does everything at first, then less, and the kid gets upset about it. So the parent doesn't want to carry the kid and the kid still wants to ride. The kids obviously need to learn to walk for themselves, so why is there a conflict when they should both have the same goal?

Temper tantrums
Another manifestation is temper tantrums. As babies get older and the mom begins rejecting the baby, it begins throwing tantrums- screaming and yelling, flailing arms, pulling hair etc. This is not specific just to orangutans, but happens a lot in many primates such as chimps, and humans, especially at the height of weaning.

Why is there conflict?

Kinship theory says...

Remember that we're talking about investments which are limited- time is limited, food is limited, energy is limited. Mom has to choose whether to continue lactating her present child, or she stop and begin preparations for a new baby. Mom might have to decide whether to give her energy to an older or a younger sibling or maybe even to an as yet unborn one.

Conflict over how long to invest: A cost-benefit analysis

Natural selection will act on parents and will shape them to act in a way that maximizes the total number of offspring. From the point of view of any one of those offspring, the other ones aren't as important as him, so the interests of the parent and any one offspring can collide.

In these formulas,
Benefits to both parties=survival of the present offspring
Cost to both parties= decrement in ability of parent to produce future offspring

Parents are expected to invest when:
benefit(to child) > cost (to parent)
or to put it another way, when benefit/cost>1

Offspring are expected to continue to demand investment when:
benefit > 1/2 cost

This is because each offspring is related to itself by at least twice its relationship to its siblings- so to be worth it to the kid for the parent to save her energy for someone else, the energy she could have spent on him will have to make two siblings for his genes to carry on.
(Can also be expressed as Benefit/cost > 1/2)

So, like, if all the offspring were always identical twins, then the situation would be different. All the genes would be the same, so as long as the benefit to my sibling was better than the costs to me, I wouldn't mind 'cause my genes would still get passed along. However, since they're usually just full siblings, only half of their genes are the same as mine and so it's got to help them twice as much to be worth it to me to give up my mom's resources.

Offspring are expected to demand investment over a longer period than parents are willing to invest.

We must remember that the costs and benefits change over time- an ounce of milk to a newborn will be a great benefit, but to an already-established child, an ounce of milk will not provide too much benefit. However, the cost to the mother of producing an ounce of milk will not go down. It may even go up because the mom may be getting run down during this high-cost lactating time. So, the benefit:cost ratio will drop over time- the shape of the line/curve will vary depending on the ecological environment, species etc., but there will be a point at some time where the costs will outweigh the benefits. (See fig 11.1 from coursepack article.)

From the parent's point of view, as long as B:C >1, then it's good to continue to invest in the present kid. However, from the offspring's point of view, it's still beneficial to him (and his genes) for the parent to continue investing until b:c=1/2. This is assuming that the future siblings will be full siblings with r=.5. If the future siblings are only half siblings, then their r is .25 so the present offspring won't want to stop taking resources from the mom until the b:c is at .25.

Now, note that this engenders some predictions- at first, the mom and the kid should be in agreement that nursing is necessary. If the kid is likely to have full siblings, it should resist weaning for a shorter period than if it's likely to have half siblings. Also, in multimale groups where the highest male gets all the matings, a kid should stop fighting the weaning earlier if the same male is in residence as was when he was conceived, but should want to nurse for longer if a new male has arrived. (Because with a change in alpha male, any kids his mom has now will only be half siblings, whereas they would be full siblings if his father was still the alpha male who gets all the matings.) No one has really done any experiments or collected any data on these things, so we don't know how well the predictions hold up.

Note that the other siblings don't already have to be around for this to apply-because the mom will have to stop lactating for a while and build up resources to be able to have another kid, thus witholding resrouces from her present kid.

REMEMBER: Primates are not sitting around drawing cost:benefit graphs in the dirt and doing all this math- natural selection just only lets the ones reproduce who follow these formulas. The ones who acted otherwise didn't cause their genes to survive as well and so their genes are not represented.

Conflict over how much to invest

The same kind for reasoning defines how much a parent should invest while they're still doing so.

"Since the costs of parental expenditure to the parent will be double the cost incurred by the offspring, offspring will be selected to favor a level of parental investment that maximizes the difference between benefit and 1/2 cost.

In contrast, parents will be selected to favor a level that maximizes the difference between benefit and cost."

Rather than saying that the parent gets twice the costs, we could say that the benefits are only half as important to the offspring since they're only half related to any other siblings the parent might be thinking of having, while they're fully related to themselves.

This is again based on the idea that even if the investment by the parent goes up and up, the benefit of that will level off. If the parent gives the offspring a cup of milk, they'll benefit a lot. However, after five gallons, if they give the kid the same cup of milk, its benefit won't be as great. However, the cost of every cup of milk stays the same or keeps on increasing.

So the benefit levels off, but the costs keep increasing. As long as the costs are less than twice the benefit, the kid doesn't care if it costs the parent more than it benefits him since he's only really half related to the mom or the future offspring- so the parent will only want to give as long as the benefit is greater than the cost, while the kid will keep wanting more and more until the cost is twice as much as the benefit; the cost is devalued by half. See graph in the CP reading.

The bottom line is, offspring will always favor receiving more investment than parents are wanting to give. So there will always be conflict- how will it be resolved?

Manipulation by offspring

Some people might assume that parents always winin a parent-offspring conflict. The parents are bigger, right? So what can the kids possibly do to win?

They can try to get more by psychological manipulation. Even though there's a big asymmetry in power, the infants have a better knowledge of their needs than their parents; The infant knows when it's hungry, cries or otherwise lets the parent know, and the parent responds appropriately. This is how they communicate. It makes a system where the kid gets enough food so that it can live and propagate the family line. It also creates a system which the infant can exploit- the infant can keep insisting that it needs more than it really does. There are a few different ways that kids use to manipulate their parents.

One is regression: An infant who has been rejected will begin to act more young and helpless than it really is. Since younger kids need more investment, the kid might trick its parent into giving it more. A regressing infant who has been riding sitting up will begin riding lying down, acting like a younger infant.

Temper tantrums are another case of psychological manipulation. In this case, the infant is trying to get more by threatening to hurt itself. Do they work? Jane Goodall says that in chimps, the tantrums make the mom tense and nervou,s and when the infant begins throwing a tantrum, she runs to comfort him and then he begins to nurse. So, yes, they generally work.

Friday, November 22 -- Infanticide

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(Case Sensitive)

We have a gruesome lecture topic today! But interesting because it's got a controversial history and it's a pretty strange set of behaviors which we never would have made sense of without thinking of them in terms of modern evolutionary theory. The scientist who has played the biggest role in infanticide, and also wrote the cp article, is Sara Hrdy.

Infanticide among langurs

We're talking about the Asian leaf monkey, from the genus presbytis. They form polygynous bands ( one male groups.) In langurs, males disperse and female remain. Males, instead of going off alone, often form all-male groups which wander around getting into trouble. One thing they do is look for opportunities to overthrow a male with a harem and take over his group of females. Then one of the band will become alpha and kick all the others out again. When this happens, he usually kills all the babies who haven't weaned yet.

This is the usual scenario- a male has a group of females and a group of males will drive him out. Sometimes this is drawn out over a period of time; it's a while before they drive him off and a new male is established. At that time, any unweaned infants in the group will usually be killed by the new male. This was first documented in the 60's by Sugiyama.

Taxonomic distribution

Infanticide occurs in lots of different kind of birds including common ones like sparrows, and swallows. It also happens in rodents like mice and ground squirrels. You also see it in lions. It's a similar sort of situation- females live in matrilineal groups and only the males disperse. A set of several males (usually related) live with the group and enjoy mating privileges until they're driven out and then the new males kill all the babies.

There are plenty of infanticidal primates- lemur catta, red howlers, red colobus, silver leaf monkeys. There are several cercopithecine examples- red-tails, blue monkeys among them. A couple of different savannah baboons, and also chimps and gorillas among the apes.

The two main hypotheses

Population density hypothesis

This was the early explanation. It says that infanticide is a pathological behavior. It isn't part of the normal makeup of the species but is because of abnormally high population densities. Like the way when you crowd lab rats together they kill each other. This made sense for the langurs since one of the groups that was studied was being crowded into little areas by deforestation, and in other study areas people were feeding them and this usually makes levels of aggression rise.

Sexual selection hypothesis

There was a lot of initial resistance to this idea (it was primarily Sara Hrdy's) but there is some really convincing evidence for it.

Some examples from chimps- when a new female with an infant comes into the group, usually the infant will be killed by the males in the group. As a result, soon the female is in estrous again, which she wouldn't have been for years- and so one of the males in group can have a child by her.

The Data: Circumstances and victims of infanticide

In most cases of infanticide, you just assume it happened, but you don't know for sure- a new male comes in and begins chasing the mom with baby- they disappear and when you come back the next day, the baby is gone, so you assume infanticide. This data, however, is from a database in which they used cases where they actually knew that infanticide had occurred.

Evaluating the hypotheses: predictions and tests

Predictions of high population density hypothesis
Infanticide occurs as high population densities
Infanticide will not necessarily benefit the killer

Does infanticide actually occur at higher population densities? When you plot data matching infanticide occurrences and the population densities, the data points are pretty scattered. However, when you separate them out by one-male groups and multi-male groups, you see that infanticide is a lot more common in one-male groups than in multi male groups. This is consistent with the sexual selection hypothesis because it's the males coming into the groups who are doing the killing when they take over.

Predictions of sexual selection hypothesis
Infanticidal males will not typically be the fathers of the offspring killed
Mothers will become sexually active earlier than if their infants had lived
Infanticidal males benefit reproductively by killing offspring

Prediction 1- relatedness of infanticidal males an infant victims

Prediction 2- the effect of infanticide on interbirth intervals

Note that there are two reasons why a male would want to have the females in estrous quickly- one is just to have more kids in his lifetime. The second thing to consider is that he is going to get overthrown sometime too, so he needs to get kids started early so they're weaned by the time some new male comes in so the new guy doesn't kill them.

Prediction 3- reproductive benefits derived by infanticidal males

Response of females to infanticidal attacks

What do the females have to say about all this? This guy comes and kills their kid and then wants to mate with them! Why would they put up with it?!

The answer is, they're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place, being in one male groups. If a female doesn't mate with the new guy, then she decreases her own reproductive success. Females who hold a grudge and don't mate are thus selected against, so females who forgive an forget end up having more kids.

Also, if you mate with the guy who killed your baby, then you know that your future sons will have good genes for getting mates for themselves when they grow up and take over a group.

Data from gorillas: When a usurper comes in and kills a female's baby, even though the silverback was trying to save it, females are more likely to leave the old guy and go with the new guy! This new guy has shown how tough he is, and the guy who tried to protect her obviously wasn't able to do it, so she may as well go with the tougher guy and get his tougher genes for her future kids.

Females do have some ways of responding to this threat to their reproductive success. Although refusing to mate won't really work, there are things they can do.

Female coalitions

One is to form a coalition of females against the infanticidal male. In some cases, this method is effective and together they can protect their babies from the males- see description in CP. This happens in langurs, redtails, and blue monkeys. Note that they are all matrilineal species, so females are living with relatives.

Help from the males

A-- male defense in patrilineal societies
In these female-dispersing species, you don't tend to see coalitions between females- but if there are multiple males in the group they will form coalitions to try and protect the babies against potentially infanticidal males. For instance, a new male who has just joined and couldn't have fathered any of the offspring, or else a male who has just risen up in the hierarchy and hadn't mated before so wasn't anyone's father. (Although if he's related to other males who have mated, then he wouldn't be as likely to commit infanticide.)

B-- male-female coalitions: baboons
When a new male joins a group, he wants to (well really his ancestors have been selected to) kill the babies, but a female and the guy who was likely to have fathered her baby will join together to protect the infant. Sometimes they're effective and sometimes they're not, but it seems when the male tries to help, they are more likely to be successful in protecting the infant. This could be why there's less infanticide in multi male groups.

Post-conception estrus and promiscuity

This is not necessarily a conscious deception- it's just a behavioral trait that has been selected for. Sometimes when a male takes over a group and begins attacking, pregnant females will extend estrous or even back come into estrous even though there's no way they could possibly conceive- he copulates with them when when she later has an infant he figures it's his and so doesn't kill it. This has been documented in colobines, including langurs and red colobus. Females will extend estrous longer into their pregnancy, and they will copulate a lot more, especially with the new male.

Outstanding problems

This doesn't fit into the picture very well, but it's about chimps. All infanticide we've spoken of so far was committed by males, and this is the rule in primates and other animals. There are some exceptions, and one was documented by Jane Goodall.

A female named Passion began killing and eating several of the babies in her community. Together with her daughter Pom, over a period of many years they attacked and killed infants in their group. Usually when males kill a baby, they don't eat it, but these females seemed to be after meat; they'd chase and consume the infant. They were actually seen to eat 3, chase 3 others, and there were 8 others who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. In this period, there were almost no infants weaned successfully.

So this is kind of a question mark because it's only been these two individuals documented- and the daughter probably learned it from the mom- so maybe we can label this one pathological and say that it's not a part of normal chimp behavior.

Discussion --

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Today we discussed our term papers, got back a paper, got back our quizzes, made appointments to see her about our papers, and reviewed the recent lectures.

Let me know your thoughts:
Last modified: November, 1996