Our aim is to bring together those working on common problems in the field of extragalactic, Galactic, and gamma-ray burst jets, with an emphasis on theoretical facets of the subject, and forge closer ties between those in the various communities (astronomy, physics, laboratory astrophysics, numerical simulation, etc.) with an interest in this field of study.

We expect the meeting to have a distinctly pedagogical flavor, with oral sessions focused on a number of comprehensive and substantial reviews, which will form the basis of the published proceedings, the majority of attendees contributing posters. Our financial situation will not be clear for some months, but we hope to have funds to support the attendance of (some) graduate students.

The first morning will comprise three overview talks (45m), providing an observational context, highlighting theoretical successes and problems, and carefully planned to initiate a cross-discipline dialog:

 Five sessions will then be devoted to each of the five broad themes
  The proceedings will be distinctly pedagogical, and will comprise eight twenty-plus page reviews reflecting the material presented during the overview talks itemized above, further developed by the authors to incorporate material from contributed papers and discussions as they see fit. We will ask each attendee to provide a copy of their talk or poster (by the day of their talk at the latest) which will be made accessible from the conference web page. We will strive to make this record as archival as is feasible, and the formally published reviews will be able to make liberal reference to this body of work. Major advantages of this approach are that: each attendee will have a full account of their work made available (not the almost valueless, one or two page summary that is usual), with no additional effort needed to prepare a document by some post-meeting deadline; the proceedings authors will have access to the entire body of presented material; and, as the conference facility is WiFi enabled, attendees will be able to use their laptops during sessions for immediate access to previous talks/posters of relevance.