The following are registered as of Fri Dec 9 14:21:30 EST 2005.

Akerlof, Carl         Michigan (Physics)        
Aller, Hugh           Michigan (Astronomy)      
Aller, Margo          Michigan (Astronomy)      
Bach, Uwe             INAF,Torino               
Bicknell, Geoffrey    ANU (Astron & Astroph)    
Blackman, Eric        Rochester (Phys & Astron) 
Boutelier, Timothe    Lab. d'Astro. de Grenoble 
Bregman, Joel         Michigan (Astronomy)      
Capelo, Pedro         Yale (Astronomy)          
Carini, Michael       W.Kentucky(Phys & Astron) 
Cawthorne, Tim        Central Lancs (Astron)    
Coppi, Paolo          Yale (Astronomy)          
Drake, Paul           Michigan (AOSS)           
Dutan, Ioana          Max-Planck (Bonn)         
Fender, Rob           S'hampton (Phys & Astron) 
Fleishman, Gregory    Ioffe Inst., Russia       
Fruchter, Andy        STScI                     
Gelderman, Richard    W.Kentucky(Phys & Astron) 
Ghanbari, Jamshid     Ferdowsi, Mashhad         
Godfrey, Leith        ANU (Astron & Astroph)    
Gomez, Enrique        Alabama (Phys & Astron)   
Hardee, Philip        Alabama (Phys & Astron)   
Henri, Gilles         Lab. d'Astro. de Grenoble 
Hughes, Philip        Michigan (Astronomy)      
Ito, Hirotaka         Waseda, Tokyo (Physics)   
Jorstad, Svetlana     Boston (Astronomy)        
Kaiser, Christian     S'hampton (Phys & Astron) 
Khangulyan, Dmitry    Max-Planck (Heidelberg)   
Komissarov, Serguei   Leeds (Math)              
Kuranz, Carolyn       Michigan (AOSS)           
Kylafis, Nick         Crete (Physics)           
Le, Truong V.         NRC/NRL                   
Lyutikov, Maxim       UBC (Physics)             
Manchester, Ward      Michigan (AOSS)           
Marscher, Alan        Boston (Astronomy)        
McKay, Tim            Michigan (Physics)        
McKinney, Jonathan C. CFA                       
Medvedev, Mikhail     Kansas (Phys & Astron)    
Meier, David          JPL                       
Miller, Jon           Michigan (Astronomy)      
Mizuno, Yosuke        NSSTC                     
Nagataki, Shigehiro   Kyoto (Yukawa Inst.)      
Niemiec, Jacek        Iowa (Phys & Astron)      
Nishikawa, Ken-Ichi   NSSTC                     
Perucho i Pla, Manuel Max-Planck (Bonn)         
Reighard, Amy         Michigan (AOSS)           
Richardson, Georgia   Alabama-Huntsville        
Roca-Sogorb, Mar      Inst. Astro de Andalucia  
Rossmanith, James     Wisconsin-Madison (Math)  
Roussev, Ilia         Michigan (AOSS)           
Rowell, Gavin         Max-Planck Inst.f.Kernph. 
Sari, Re'em           Caltech (Th. Astro)       
Schwartz, Dan         SAO                       
Silva, Luis           IST,Lisbon (Physics)      
Swan, Heather         Michigan (Physics)        
Swift, Carrie         Michigan (Dearborn)       
Uzdensky, Dmitri      Princeton (Astrophys)     
Wannawichian, Suwicha Boston (Astronomy)        
Watson, Michael       Fisk (Physics)            
Wong, Diane           Berkeley (Astronomy)      
Yost, Sarah           Michigan (Physics)        
Yuan, Fang            Michigan (Physics)