Radiation Lab and Demo

This applet is experimental (in particular, an excuse to learn Java). It's possibly too technical for 100-level astronomy, and too elementary for science majors. However, hopefully elements will suggest themselves as useful for abstraction and further development for either of those tracks. Comments, suggestions, and requests welcome. Background and instructions follow the applet.

HINT: Sliders rarely slide smoothly; try clicking on the slide bar or arrows.

Choice Buttons

The line of buttons at top enables the user to choose a continuum, absorber and filter. The Applet starts by default with BlackBody continuum (6000K), no absorber, no filter. The current options are:


NB. The plot is logarithmic if that is normal practice for the waveband.


Absorbers take effect only for the continua for which they make sense -- optical lines for the BlackBody, HII for the synchrotron, etc. In particular, both line and dust absorption may be used with both "regular" and OB-star BlackBody continua; however, because of the logarithmic scale used for the latter, and the arbitrary line depths used, invoking line absorption on the OB-star continuum is not very illuminating. NOTE: There is no attempt to show the true line width; this would be unresolved for all but things like BAL spectra on this scale.


Filters take effect only for the continua for which they make sense -- U, B and V for the BlackBody etc. Note that they cannot be invoked for the OB-star continuum, because of its logarithmic scale. NOTE: when reselecting a continuum, the absorber and filter are reset to none.

Guide Strip

Below these buttons a graphic representation shows from left to right: the continuum, the absorber, the filter and a telescope. Use this as a visual guide to the current selections.

Plot Area

The spectrum is plotted in the main part of the Applet area, and adjusts immediately in response to any user changes. NOTE: The vertical axis is in arbitrary units, and rescales upon adjustment. In general, changes make such a large difference to the peak (e.g., T=2000K to T=10,000K for the BlackBody) that absolute scaling is not viable.

Visual Spectrum

If, and only if, the continuum is a BlackBody, a strip below the plot area gives a visual representation of the continuum and lines. This is depicted as realistically as is practical: CIE Color Matching Functions and Chromaticity Coordinates for the XYZ to RGB vector transformation have been taken from Bruton, 1996.

Continuum Slider

Enables the user to adjust one parameter associated with the continuum.

Continuum Doppler Slider

Enables the user to change the redshift (-0.95<z<4.9) of the continuum.

Absorber Doppler Slider

Enables the user to change the redshift (-0.95<z<4.9) of the absorber.

Memos to Self

The main plot is done with Leigh Brookshaw's Graph2D, with the following changes:
P. A. Hughes. Last changed 29 March 2000. Email: phughes@umich.edu