aab2140 Burt's illustrated guide of the Connecticut valley, containing descriptions of mount Holyoke, mount Mansfield, White mountains, lake Memphremagog, lake Willoughby, Montreal, Quebec, &c. / By Henry M. Burt.  
aan1582 Rambles in the path of the steam-horse. An off-hand olla podrida, embracing a general historical and descriptive view of the scenery, agricultural and mineral resources, and prominent features of the travelled route from Baltimore to Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Wheeling, Cincinnati, and Louisville. / By Ele [i.e. Eli] Bowen.  
aan8038 Notes on North America, agricultural, economical, and social, / by James F. W. Johnston.  
aar8960 The Old Colony railroad: its connections, popular resorts, and fashionable watering-places / By Burleigh [pseud. for Smith, Matthew Hale, 1810-1879.]  
aas0215 The Adirondack; or, Life in the woods. / By J. T. Headley.  
aas0952 Woods and waters; or, The Saranacs and Racket ... / [by Street, Alfred Billings, 1811?-1881]  
aav8375 Wilson's illustrated guide to the Hudson River.  
aav9985 Roose's companion and guide to Washington and vicinity ... / [by Wyeth, Samuel Douglas]  
aaw0172 My diary North and South. / By William Howard Russell.  
aaw0177 South and North; or, Impressions received during a trip to Cuba and the South / By John S.C. Abbott.  
aaw0183 Jottings of a year's sojourn in the South; or, First impressions of the country and its people; with a glimpse at school-teaching in that southern land, and reminiscences of distinguished men ... / [by Van Buren, Anson De Puy]  
aaw0193 The South since the war, as shown by fourteen weeks of travel and observation in Georgia and the Carolinas. / By Sidney Andrews.  
aaw1607 Resources of West Virginia, / by M.F. Maury, and Wm. M. Fontaine. Prepared under the direction of the State board of centennial managers.  
aaw2336 A winter in Florida; or, Observations on the soil, climate, and products of our semi-tropical state; with sketches of the principal towns and cities in eastern Florida. To which is added a brief historical summary; together with hints to the tourist, invalid, and sportsman ... / [by Bill, Ledyard.]  
aaw3350 The adventures of Big-Foot Wallace, the Texas Ranger and hunter, / by John C. Duval.  
aaw3628 Mr. Greeley's letters from Texas and the lower Mississippi: to which are added his address to the farmers of Texas, and his speech on his return to New York, June 12, 1871 / [Greeley, Horace, d 1811-1872]  
aaw3927 A journey through Texas; or, A saddle-trip on the southwestern frontier; with a statistical appendix / By Frederick Law Olmsted.  
aax3749 The pine and the palm greeting; or, The trip of the northern editors to the South in 1871, and the return visit of the southern editors in 1872, under the leadership of Maj. N. H. Hotchkiss ... / Ed. and comp. by N. J. Watkins.  
aaz9581 Thirty years of army life on the border. Comprising descriptions of the Indians nomads of the plains; explorations of new territory; a trip across the Rocky mountains in the winter; descriptions of the habits of different animals found in the West, and the methods of hunting them; with incidents in the life of different frontier men, &c., &c. By Colonel R. B. Marcy.  
aaz9986 The new Northwest: an address by Hon. William D. Kelley on the Northern Pacific railway, in its relations to the development of the northwestern section of the United States, and to the industrial and commercial interests of the nation.  
aaz9989 The great West and Pacific coast; or, Fifteen thousand miles by stage-coach, ambulance, horseback, railroad, and steamer--across the continent and along the Pacific slope ... among Indians, Mormons, miners and Mexicans. By order of the United States government. With a map of entire route and eight full-page engravings. With a chapter of advice to emigrants and settlers. By James F. Rusling.  
aba0383 Minnesota and Dacotah: in letters descriptive of a tour through the North-west, in the autumn of 1856. With information relative to public lands, and a table of statistics.  
aba0393 Minnesota: its advantages to settlers. 1868. Being a brief synopsis of its history and progress, climate, soil, agricultural and manufacturing facilities, commercial capacities, and social status; its lakes, rivers and railroads; homestead and exemption laws; embracing a concise treatise on its climatology, in a hygenic and sanitary point of view ...  
aba0780 Organization, objects, and plan of operations, of the Emigrant aid company: also, a description of Kansas. For the information of emigrants.  
aba0861 Report of explorations across the great basin of the territory of Utah for a direct wagon-route from Camp Floyd to Genoa, in Carson Valley, in 1859, by Captain J. H. Simpson ... Made by authority of the secretary of war and under instructions from Bvt. Brig. Gen. A. S. Johnson.  
aba1066 Beyond the West; containing an account of two years' travel in the other half of our great continent far beyond the old West, on the plains, in the Rocky mountains, and picturesque parks of Colorado. Also, characteristic features of New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho ... Oregon, Utah, Nevada, and ... California, the end of the West ... the great continental railroad, together with the ... most wonderful natural scenery in the world ... by George W. Pine.  
aba1422 Report of an expedition up the Yellowstone River made in 1875, by James W. Forsyth and F.D. Grant, under the orders of Lieutenant-General P.H. Sheridan, commanding military division of the Missouri.  
aba1664 Report of the survey of the north end northwest lakes: by Capt. George G. Meade, being Appendix I of the Report of the chief topographical engineer, accompanying Annual report of the secretary of war, 1858.  
aba1776 Rocky Mountain life; or, Startling scenes and perilous adventures in the Far West during an expedition of three years ... by Rufus B. Sage.  
aba4801 Arizona as it is; or, The coming country. Comp. from notes of travel during the years 1874, 1875, and 1876. By Hiram C. Hodge.  
aba4855 Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a reconnoissance of a new route through the Rocky Mountains. By Howard Stansbury, captain, Corps Topographical Engineers, U.S. Army.  
aba4881 The husband in Utah; or, Sights and scenes among the Mormons: with remarks on their moral and social economy. By Austin N. Ward. Ed. by Maria Ward.  
aba5409 Prairie and Rocky mountain adventures, or, Life in the West. To which is added a view of the states and territorial regions of our western empire: embracing history, statistics and geography, and descriptions of the chief cities of the West. By John C. Van Tramp.  
aba5412 The iron trail. A sketch. By A. C. Wheeler, (the Nym Crinkle of the N. Y. World.)  
aba5450 T. Butler King's report on California. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the report of T. Butler King, esq., heretofore appointed bearer of despatches and special agent to California ...  
aba5455 California illustrated; including a description of the Panama and Nicaragua routes. By a returned Californian.  
aba5511 California: for health, pleasure, and residence. A book for travellers and settlers. By Charles Nordhoff.  
abb2532 Exploration of the Red river of Louisiana in the year 1852, by Randolph B. Marcy; assisted by George B. McClellan. With reports on the natural history of the country, and numerous illustrations.  
abe0943 A voyage round the world: with a history of the Oregon mission ... To which is appended a full description of Oregon Territory, its geography, history and religion; designed for the benefit of emigrants to that rising country. By Rev. Gustavus Hines.  
abe3241 A memorial to Congress to secure an adequate appropriation for a prompt and thorough improvement of the Mississippi River, with an appendix by Sylvester Waterhouse, of Washington university.  
abe3320 Central route to the Pacific, from the valley of the Mississippi to California: journal of the expedition of E. F. Beale ... and Gwinn Harris  
abe4921 Journey through Kansas; with sketches of Nebraska ...  
abe5962 Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. By the Hon. Amelia M. Murray.  
abe6139 Rachel and the New World. A trip to the United States and Cuba. Tr.from the French of Léon Beauvallet.  
abe6262 America as I found it. By the mother of Mary Lundie Duncan.  
abe6268 Way-side glimpses, north and south. By Lillian Foster.  
abe6446 The two Americas; an account of sport and travel. With notes on men and manners in North and South America. By Major Sir Rose Lambart Price, bart.  
abe6449 Scenes in America, for the amusement and instruction of little tarry-at-home travellers. By the Rev. Isaac Taylor.  
abf6887 The homes of the New world; impressions of America. By Fredrika Bremer. Tr. by M. Howitt.  
abf6931 The United States illustrated; in views of city and country. With descriptive and historical articles, ed. by Charles A. Dana.  
abf6935 Summer rambles in the West. By Mrs. Ellet.  
abf7940 What I saw on the west coast of South and North America, and at the Hawaiian Islands. By H. Willis Baxley, M.D.  
abf8635 Home authors and home artists; or, American scenery, art, and literature. Comprising a series of essays by Washington Irving, W. C. Bryant, Fenimore Cooper, Miss Cooper, N. P. Willis, Bayard Taylor, H. T. Tuckerman, E. L. Magoon, Dr. Bethune, A. B. Street, Miss Field, etc. With thirteen engravings on steel, from pictures by eminent artists, engraved expressly for this work.  
abf8644 America, and American Methodism. By the Rev. Frederick J. Jobson. With prefatory letters by the Rev. Thomas B. Sargent ... and the Rev. John Hannah ... Illustrated from original sketches by the author.  
abf8697 Atlantic and transatlantic: sketches afloat and ashore. By Captain Mackinnon.  
abj1094 The poetry of travelling in the United States. By Caroline Gilman. With additional sketches, by a few friends; and A week among autographs, by Rev. S. Gilman.  
abj1295 Haw-ho-noo; or, Records of a tourist. By Charles Lanman.  
abj2063 Life and liberty in America; or, Sketches of a tour in the United States and Canada, in 1857-8. By Charles Mackay.  
abj2998 Westward by rail: the new route to the East. By W. F. Rae.  
abj3346 The great republic; a descriptive, statistical, and historical view of the states and territories of the American union. By James D. McCabe, jr. Illustrated with over two hundred engravings.  
abk8507 Woman on the American frontier. A valuable and authentic history of the heroism, adventures, privations, captivities, trials, and noble lives and deaths of the Pioneer mothers of the republic. By William W. Fowler.  
abl0942 Mission of the North American people, geographical, social, and political. Illustrated by six charts delineating the physical architecture and thermal laws of all the continents. By William Gilpin.  
abl6083 Resources of the state of Arkansas, with description of counties, railroads, mines, and the city of Little Rock.  
abt1030 Hunter's panoramic guide from Niagara Falls to Quebec. By Wm. S. Hunter, jr.  
aby9683 Adventures of a deaf-mute.  
acd7801 The loyal West in the times of the rebellion; also, before and since: being an encyclopedia and panorama of the western states, Pacific states and territories of the Union. Historical, geographical, and pictorial. Illustrated by more than two hundred engravings ... taken ... by the authors. By John W. Barber ... and Henry Howe ...  
acp1970 Travels in the United States, etc., during 1849 and 1850. By the Lady Emmeline Stuart Wortley.  
acp1978 Adventures in the wilds of the United States and British American provinces. By Charles Lanman. Illustrated by the author and Oscar Bessau ... with an appendix by Lieut. Campbell Hardy.  
acp2610 North America. By Anthony Trollope.  
acp4940 My life on the plains. Or, Personal experiences with Indians. By Gen. G. A. Custer, U. S. A.  
acr4661 Ohio boys in Dixie: the adventures of twenty-two scouts sent by Gen. O. M. Mitchell to destroy a railroad; with a narrative of their barbarous treatment by the Rebels and Judge Holt's report ...  
adq3957 Report of a reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana teritory, on the upper Missouri, to the Yellowstone national park, and return, made in the summer of 1875, by William Ludlow.  
adu2374 Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in 1857 and 1858 by Joseph C. Ives.  
aec2760 Proceedings of the River improvement convention, held in St. Louis February 12 & 13, 1867 / published by order of the Union Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis.  
aec8847 Senatorial excursion party over the Union Pacific Railway, E. D.; speeches of Senators Yates, Cattel, Chandler, Howe, and Trumbull; Hon J. A. J. Creswell, Hon. John Covode, M. C., and Hon. Wm. M. Mcpherson, on the Pacific rail road question.  
afj6736 The Sandwich Islands as they are, not as they should be By Mrs. E.M. Wills Parker [Hawaii].  
afj7252 The White Mountain guide book.  
afj7445 From the Hub to the Hudson, with sketches of nature, history and industry in northwestern Massachussetts by Washington Gladden.  
afj7467 The Merrimack River; its source and its tributaries. Embracing a history of manufactures, and of the towns along its course; their geography, topography, and products, with a description of the magnificent natural scenery about its upper waters. By J. W. Meader.  
afj7482 Old landmarks and historic personages of Boston. By Samuel Adams Drake.  
afj7520 The stranger's new guide through Boston and vicinity. Being a complete handbook, directing visitors where to go, when to go, and how to go ...  
afj7981 Country margins and rambles of a journalist by S. H. Hammond and L. W. Mansfield.  
afj8148 Sunshine and shadow in New York. By Matthew Hale Smith. (Burleigh.)  
afj8697 The Washington and Georgetown directory, strangers' guide-book for Washington, and congressional and clerks' register. Comp and pub. by Alfred Hunter.  
afj8728 Behind the scenes in Washington: being a complete and graphic account of the Credit Mobilier investigation... by Edward Winslow Martin.  
afj8846 Appletons' hand-book of American travel. The southern tour; being a guide through Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky ... With maps of the leading routes of travel and of the principal cities. By Edward H. Hall.  
afj8852 The South : a tour of its battle-fields and ruined cities, a journey through the desolated states, and talks with the people: being a description of the present state of the country -- its agriculture -- railroads -- business and finances ... / by J. T. Trowbridge.  
afj8891 From Cape Cod to Dixie and the tropics. By J. Milton Mackie.  
afj8942 After the war: a southern tour, May 1, 1865 to May 1, 1866. By Whitelaw Reid.  
afj9234 The West Virginia hand-book and immigrant's guide. A sketch of the state of West Virginia ... By J. H. Diss Debar ...  
afj9422 Guide to Charleston illustrated.  
afj9563 Camp life in Florida; a handbook for sportsmen and settlers. Comp. by Charles Hallock.  
afj9737 The Mississippi valley : its physical geography, including sketches of the topography, botany, climate, geology, and mineral resources : and of the progress of development in population and material wealth / by J. W. Foster.  
afk0736 Gazetteer of the St. Joseph Valley, Michigan and Indiana.  
afk1076 The prairie traveler. A hand-book for overland expeditions.  
afk1140 The Pacific tourist.  
afk1214 Tourist's guide to the upper Mississippi River: giving all the railroad and steamboat routes diverging from Chicago, Milwaukee, and Dubuque, toward St. Paul, and the falls of St. Anthony; also, railroad and steamboat routes from Chicago and Milwaukee to Lake Superior together with an account of cities and villages, and objects of intereston the route and in the upper valley of the Mississippi.  
afk1368 The Englishman in Kansas : or, Squatter life and border warfare / With an introduction by Fred Law Olmsted.  
afk3913 Adventures in the wilderness; or, camp-life in the Adirondacks, William H. H. Murray.  
afk3938 The great metropolis; a mirror of New York.  
afk4045 Incidents of a Southern tour : or, The South, as seen with Northern eyes / by H. Cowles Atwater.  
afk4050 Letters from the slave states.  
afk4089 The Virginia tourist. Sketches of the springs and mountains of Virginia: containing an eexposition of fields for the tourist in Virginia natural beauties and wonders of the state; also accounts of its mineral springs: and a medical guide to the use of the waters. etc., etc. By Edward A. Pollard...Illustrated by engravings from actual sketches.  
afk4201 Braman's information about Texas Carefully prepared by D. E. E. Braman.  
afk4300 Sailing on the Great Lakes and rivers of America; embracing a description of lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan & Superior, and rivers St. Mary, St. Clair, Detroit, Niagara & St. Lawrence; also, the copper, iron and silver region of Lake Superior, commerce of the Lakes, etc. Together with notices of the rivers Mississippi, Missouri and Red River of the North; cities, vilages and objects of interest. Comp. and pub. by J. Disturnell.  
afk4346 Wisconsin gazetteer, containing the names, location and advantages of the counties, cities, towns, villages, post offices, and settlements, together with a description of the lakes, water courses, prairies, and public localities, in the state of Wisconsin, alphabetically arranged by John Warren Hunt.  
afk4378 An overland journey, from New York to San Francisco in the summer of 1859.  
afk4383 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.  
afk4388 The Pacific railroad--open. How to go: what to see. Guide for travel to and through western America.  
afk4392 California. A pleasure trip from Gotham to the Golden gate.  
afk4418 Floral home, or, First years of Minnesota : early sketches, later settlements, and further developments / by Harriet E. Bishop.  
afk4419 The seat of empire / Charles Carleton Coffin.  
afk4427 Iowa as it is in 1856: a gazetteer for citizens and a hand-book for immigrants embracing a full description of the state of Iowa... by Nathan H. Parker.  
afk4433 The Black hills. A minute description of the routes, scenery, soil, climate, timber, gold, geology, zoology, etc.... By Richard Irving Dodge.  
afk4434 Report of a reconnaissance of the Black hills of Dakota, made in the summer of 1874. By William Ludlow, captain of engineers, Bvt. Lieut. Colonel, U.S. Army.  
afk4546 Report on the United States and Mexican boundary survey / made under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, by William H. Emory, Major First Cavalry and United States Commissioner.  
afk4571 Exploration of the Colorado River of the West and its tributaries. Explored in 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872, under the direction of the secretary of the Smithsonian institution.  
afk4700 The city of the saints, and across the Rocky mountains to California. By Richard F. Burton ...  
afk6711 An American merchant in Europe, Asia, and Australia; a series of letters from Java, Singapore, China, Bengal, Egypt, the Holy Land, the Crimea and its battle grounds, England, Melbourne, Sydney, etc., etc. by Geo. Francis Train. With an introd. by Freeman Hunt.  
afk6765 At home and abroad: a sketch-book of life, scenery, and men. By Bayard Taylor.  
afk7244 Arctic explorations : The second Grinnell expedtion in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853,54,55 / by Elisha Kent Kane ... illustrated by upwards of three hundred engravings, from sketches by the author.  
afk7245 Professor Sonntag's thrilling narrative of the Grinnell exploring expedition to the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1853, 1854, and 1855, in search of Sir John Franklin, under the command of Dr. E.K. Kane. By Professor August Sonntag.  
afk7247 An Arctic boat journey, in the autumn of 1854.  
afk7255 Narrative of the north polar expedition : U.S. ship Polaris, Captain Charles Francis Hall commanding. / Edited under the direction of the Hon. G.M. Robeson, Secretary of the Navy, by Rear-Admiral C.H. Davis ... U.S. Naval Observatory, 1876.  
afk8437 Michigan. Being condensed popular sketches of the topography, climate and geology of the state.  
afk8720 The elevations of certain datum-points on the Great Lakes and rivers and in the Rocky Mountains.  
afm1929 Official information, Colorado : a statement of facts prepared and published by authority of the Territorial Board of Immigration.  
afm1949 Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado rivers.  
afm1971 Arizona and Sonora: the geography, history, and resources of the silver region of North America.  
afm1985 Preliminary report upon a reconnaissance through southern and southeastern Nevada, made in 1869, by Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, assisted by D.W. Lockwood, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army.  
afq0684 Resources of the Pacific slope : a statistical and descriptive summary of the mines and minerals, climate, topography, agriculture, commerce ... of the states and territories west of the Rocky Mountains / by J. Ross Browne ; with a sketch of the settlement and exploration of Lower California / [by A.S. Taylor].  
afq0861 Physical survey of Virginia. Her geographical position; its commercial advantages and national importance. Preliminary report, by M. F. Maury.  
aft8072 Views on the free navigation of the St. Lawrence, reported by Mr. Buel, to accompany joint resolution on the same subject from the Committee on foreign affairs. In the House of representatives, May 2, 1850.  
agd5638 The trail of the goldseekers; a record of travel in prose and verse, by Hamlin Garland ....  
agv9103 Life among the Mormons, and a march to their Zion: to which is added a chapter on the Indians of the plains and mountains of the West.  
agw1455 The land of gold. Reality versus fiction.  
agw1475 The wonders of the Yosemite Valley, and of California.  
aja1974 Nooks and corners of the New England coast. By Samuel Adams Drake ...  
aja1997 The White hills; their legends, landscape, and poetry. By Thomas Starr King. With sixty illustrations, engraved by Andrew, from drawings by Wheelock.  
aja2016 Marco Paul's voyages & travels. Vermont, by Jacob Abbott.  
aja2207 Harper's New York and Erie rail-road guide book ... with one hundred and thirty-six engravings, by Lossing and Barritt. From original sketches made expressly for this work. By William Macleod. 8th ed., rev., enl., and cor. to the present date.  
aja2210 The tourist's guide through the Empire state. Embracing all cities, towns and watering places, by Hudson River and New York Central Route ... edited and published by Mrs. S. S. Colt.  
aja2254 New York in slices: by an experienced carver, being the original slices published in the N. Y. tribune. Rev., enl., and cor. by the author ...  
aja2261 New York's great industries. Exchange and commercial review, embracing also historical and descriptive sketch of the city, its leading merchants and manufacturers ... Edwards & Critten, editors and proprietors.  
aja2449 The sights and secrets of the national capital: a work descriptive of Washington City in all its various phases, by Dr. John B. Ellis.  
aja2486 A winter from home. [Account of a journey through the southern states and up the Mississippi River to St. Paul.]  
aja2520 Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia, embracing important topographical and historical information from recent and original sources, together with the results of the last census population, in most cases, to 1854.  
aja2907 Ohio state gazetteer and business directory for 1860-61.  
aja2910 Historical collections of Ohio; containing a collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc., relating to its general and local history; with descriptions of its counties, principal towns and villages. Illustrated by 180 engravings ... By Henry Howe.  
aja3298 Wisconsin and its resources; with lake Superior, its commerce and navigation. Including a trip up the Mississippi, and a canoe voyage on the St. Croix and Brule rivers to lake Superior. To which are appended, the constitution of the state [etc.] By James S. Ritchie.  
aja3436 Western portraiture, and emigrants' guide: a description of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa; with remarks on Minnesota, and other territories. By Daniel S. Curtiss.  
aja3599 Report of the explorations in 1873 of the Colorado of the West and its tributaries, by Professor J. W. Powell, under the direction of the Smithsonian institution.  
aja3616 The marvellous country, or, Three years in Arizona and New Mexico. Containing an authentic history of this wonderful country and its ancient civilization ... together with a full and complete history of the Apache tribe of Indians ... By Samuel Woodworth Cozzens. Illustrated by more than one hundred engravings.  
aja3655 An expedition to the valley of the Great salt lake of Utah: including a description of its geography, natural history, and minerals, and an analysis of its waters; with an authentic account of the Mormon settlement ... Also, a reconnoissance of a new route through the Rocky mountains, and two large and accurate maps of that region. By Howard Stansbury, captain, Corps topographical engineers, United States Army.  
aja3663 Preliminary report concerning explorations and surveys, principally in Nevada and Arizona. Prosecuted in accordance with paragraph 2, special orders no. 109, War dept., March 18, 1871, and letter of instructions of March 23, 1871, from Brigadier General A. A. Humphreys, chief of engineers. Conducted under the immediate direction of 1st Lieut. George M. Wheeler ... 1871.  
aja5420 The United States Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. A personal narrative. By Elisha Kent Kane ...  
aja5435 The open Polar Sea: a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the North Pole, in the schooner United States. By Dr. I. I. Hayes.  
ajj9793 Old Mackinaw, or, The fortress of the lakes and its surroundings/ by W.P. Strickland.  
ajl3457 Incidents on land and water, or Four years on the Pacific coast. Being a narrative of the burning of the ships Nonantum, Humayoon and Fanchon, together with many startling and interesting adventures on sea and land. By Mrs. D. B. Bates.  
ajl3484 Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands. By Charles Nordhoff ...  
ajl3519 The Yosemite guide book: a description of the Yosemite Valley and the adjacent region of the Sierra Nevada, and of the big trees of California ... Published by authority of the Legislature.  
akr1255 Buffalo land: an authentic account of the discoveries, adventures, and mishaps of a scientific and sporting party in the wild West; with graphic descriptions of the country; the red man, savage and civilized; hunting the buffalo, antelope ... etc., etc. Replete with information, wit. and humor. The appendix comprising a complete guide for sportsmen and emigrants. By W.E. Webb ... Profusely illustrated from ... photographs, and ... drawings by Henry Worrall.  
arh0402 Guide to Boston and vicinity : with maps and engravings / by David Pulsifer.