CME Project Objectives

1. Select modern editions of Middle English texts.
2. Produce page-images of each of them (the entire edition).
3. Key and code selected portions of each edition (text proper 
   and textual apparatus), working from the page images.
4. Produce paper reprints of certain of the editions 
   (as required by Preservation) from the page images.
1. SELECTION : mcsparra / pfs

Selection is ongoing, based largely on a list compiled by pfs 
and mcsparra. 

     Good variety of genre, date, and dialect.
     ME work quoted by the MED.
     Importance of the work.
     Edition not (wholly) superseded.
     Edition in the public domain in US, UK, and Europe.
     Book available in a copy suitable for:
    Many items fail to meet one or more criteria, but are being
    used anyway. Items in journals will be scanned without being
    disbound. Some marred copies unsuitable for reproduction will
    be used because they are the only ones available for
    disbinding. Some are not available at all at the UM, and may
    be pursued on the used-book market. The public-domain
    criterion has not been violated.

    Once selected, books need to be physically acquired.

    Once selected and acquired by MEC, most books will require
    additional approvals. Books from the library stacks require
    approval by Preservation (if they are mislinked, they need to
    have that fixed too); books from the MED need to be approved
    by MED. Etc.?
    Approx. 50 books have been selected, acquired, approved,
    and (largely) disbound. Another 20 await the finding of
    a suitable copy.

   Once selected, acquired, and approved, books need to be:
   a. collated for completeness. Missing and excessively damaged
   pages need to be supplied (usu. in photocopy) from a  better
   copy. pfs
   b. mended, erased, etc. pfs+
   c. disbound (with some exceptions). pfs
   d. examined with respect to structure and distinctive
   problems, so as to supply a suggested DIV-structure, as
   well as other specific instructions, with each
   book to the keying vendor.
      Instructions placed on web and in directory where
      image files will go. pfs

   e. examined with respect to facing pages. If text (especially
   parallel text) is spread across facing pages, the book needs
   (1) to be identified as en-face; and (2) to have each of its
   pages in that condition matched with the facing page, the
   information to be entered in the books database. Thus:
         Book AHA4292. En-face? YES. 
         Page 47  [faces 48]
         Page 48  [faces 47]
         Page 49  [faces 50]
         Page 50  [faces 49]
         Page 51  [faces 52'
   At present, this information is being entered into the 
   book-by-book keying instructions only. pfs
   f. recollated, again checking for completeness, as well as
   text loss caused by the disbinding, attaching a filename
   prospectively to each page in a spreadsheet of which the
   second column contains the printed page number ("5", "iv" "465"),
   if any; the first column contains a sequential page indicator
   (P.00001 P.00002 etc.); and the third col. is reserved for
   feature codes (see step (g)).
   billhall +

   *NOTE: step (g) has been deferred except for recording the
   title page.
   *g. inventoried with respect to these features; a single code
   to be entered into the books database for each page.
      Publication Info
        BLP       blank page
        ERR       errata/corrigenda
   >>>> TPG       title page
        ILL       illustration
        ADV       publisher's advertisements, etc.

      Editorial apparatus
        INT       Editorial introduction
	    MSS   Summary list of MSS
	    MSD   Manuscript description
	    GRA   Grammatical analysis
        BIB       bibliography
        REF       references
        COM       Commentary (line-by-line, etc.)
	VAR       Stand-alone list of textual variants

        IND       comprehensive index (only one index in vol)
        TOC       table of contents
        LOI       list of illustrations
        LOT       list of tables
        MIX       index combining two or more of following
            NNI   author or name index
            PNI   places index
            SUI   subject index
            SPI   special index
        UNS       unspecified
        VOI       volume index
        GLO       glossary or word-index

     Text, etc.

        TXT       ME text
        TRN       Modern translation
        SRC       Source text (of ME translation)

Each book will be scanned in its entirety (chief exception:
journal articles). rashmi.


  Resolution:    600 dpi
  Color depth:   1-bit (bitonal)
  Contrast:      adjusted as far as possible to show all the text
                  and only the text. ('background suppressed' on
                  colored covers)
  Format:        Group IV tiff
  Settings:      de-skew ON; de-speckle OFF
A gray-scale 'target' image will be included with each book's image

  Stop-job criteria
     A scanning job should be stopped when any of these
     conditions are observed:
        Out-of-order pages.
        Missing pages.
        Missing or obscured text.
        Ugly pages (in texts that require preservation prints).
4. FILENAMES, etc.

  There are two primary entities to organize: IMAGES and TEXTS.
     IMAGE-organization is by volume. Files are arranged under
     the main CME directory in subdirectories named with the
     NOTIS id no. of the print copy (or a specially created
     record for the electronic copy, as that becomes available)
     AHA4292, etc.  Each subdirectory contains the image
     files for a single bibliographic item. All files containing 
     information related to that volume are prefixed with the 
     same ID no. For example, if the first volume (Bruce's 
     edition of the stanzaic Morte Arthure) has NOTIS id
     AHA2659, then the subdirectory AHA2659 may contain files 
     like this:
     TEXT-organization has yet to be worked out.

5. IMAGE PROCESSING (post-scan 1) nits

   The files for each book will be
   a. burned to CD (and duplicated):
   b. subjected to simple image QC, checking that
      the first and last file of the to-be-keyed
      section(s) correspond with the correct
      page, and that there are the right number
      of image files.
   c. shipped to the keying vendor, accompanied by
      keying instructions and a print-out of the
      page-to-image spreadsheet.
   d. subjected to fuller image QC (checking all
      image files against the original; the original
      then set aside).
   e. uploaded to the server.

   Selected volumes will be printed from the image files.
     1-1/2 to 2 inch left hand binding margin
     registration, front and back
     archival/acid-free paper stock

pfs 27 Jan 00