Book-by-book coding instructions

ID #: ANT9911
TITLE: Hymns to the Virgin & Christ, The Parliament of Devils, 
       and other Religious Poems
ED. Frederick J. Furnivall    
PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society 24 (1867).


En-face? No, except for pp.106-113. (See Guidelines 
         and below for treatment of running parallel texts.)

Key and code the following pages:

  1. Title page = p.[iii-iv]
     = IMAGES 00000005.tif-00000006.tif
  2. Main text = [1]-128       
     = IMAGES 00000019.tif-00000146.tif

  <FRONT> contains the title page.

  The <BODY> is divided into seventeen unnumbered 
  <DIV1>s with <HEADS> in gothic type:
  "Hymns to the Virgin, Christ, &c.," 
  "Poems to Christ," 
  "A Song Called &thorn;he Develis Perlament...," 
  Some of these contain <DIV2>s: e.g. 
    "Hymns to the Virgin..." contains three 
        <DIV2>s beginning with "Veni, Coronaberis"
    "Poems to Christ" contains eight <DIV2>s beginning 
         with "The Sweetness of Jesus."
    "A Song Called &thorn;he Develis Perlament...," should be 
         divided into two <DIV2>s with TYPE="fit", 
         the first (pp. 41-47) unnumbered (give it N="1"> 
         and untitled, the second (pp. 47-57) numbered 
         and titled (p. 47):
         <DIV2 TYPE="fit" N="2">
         <HEAD>2. A fitte.</HEAD>
    "Kepe Wel Cristes Comaundement" (pp. 106-113) should
         be divided into two <DIV2>s corresponding to
         the parallel versions printed on facing pages:
         (1) Vernon MS version, even-numbered pp. 106-112
         (2) Lambeth MS version, odd-numbered pp. 107-113

     Most of the <DIV1>s, however, are simply divided 
     into <LG>s.


  Page references appear in brackets in the margins, in this form: 
    [Page 2.]       = <MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="2">
    [Page 3.]       = <MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="3">
    and so on. They should be placed at the end of the line opposite 
    which they occur. In some cases a superscript number occurs 
    in the bracket; in such a case, insert the reference at the 
    appropriate place, discarding the superscript numbers, as usual.
    The "[Col. 2.]" on p. 110 should be recorded as follows:
    <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="408b:2">

  Editorial notes (in brackets) occur sometimes at the 
  beginning of the poem, sometimes at the foot of the 
  page or end of the poem, sometimes in the margins. 
  Those at the beginning of the poem (generally MS. references, 
  with minimal description) should be embedded at the end of the 
  <HEAD> as a <NOTE PLACE="head">.  MS information appears at the
  head of the first poem in parentheses instead of brackets; treat
  this as a head note too.
  Notes at the foot (or end) should be embedded at the end of 
  the final line if no other indication is given. Those in the 
  margins should be embedded where superscript numeral indicates, 
  discarding superscript.  
  Footnotes identified by superscript arabic numerals should be 
  embedded as indicated as <NOTE PLACE="foot">, discarding 
  superscripts, as usual.
  Ignore the note at the beginning of the poem on p.4 
  ("The heavy Clarendon letters mark the red of the MS.")

  The final phrase ("Explicit parlamentum...") on p.57 
  should be treated as a <TRAILER>; 
  the editorial note that follows should be embedded at 
  the end of the last line of verse. Similarly with
  the <TRAILER>A-M-E-N.</TRAILER> and note on pp. 117,
  113, etc.