Book-by-book coding instructions

ID # AHB1341
TITLE: Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden ... with the English
       translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown
       writer of the fifteenth century.
ED.  Churchill Babington and Joseph Rawson Lumby
PUBLISHED: Rolls Series 41 (1865-6). (9 volumes)


En-face? YES. Most of the book contains a facing-page
arrangement, with the original Latin text on the left
half of the opening and the two English versions sharing
the right half of the opening. We wish to key only
the English; thus we will be keying mostly odd-numbered

Key and code the following pages:

  1. Title pages to all nine volumes (front and back)
     = IMAGES 00000009.tif-00000010.tif
   2. Main text of volume 1, excluding the Latin:
       = vol.1, odd-numbered pp. [3]-431
       = odd-numbered IMAGES 0000097.tif-00000525.tif
  3. Main text of volume 2, excluding the Latin:
       = vol.2, odd-numbered pp. [3]-451
       = odd-numbered IMAGES 00000627.tif-00001075.tif
  4. Main text of volume 3, excluding the Latin:
       = vol.3, odd-numbered pp. [3]-479
       = odd-numbered IMAGES 00001127.tif-00001603.tif
  5. Main text of volume 4, excluding the Latin:
       = vol.4, odd-numbered pp. [3]-475
       = odd-numbered IMAGES 00001661.tif-00002133.tif
  6. Main text of volume 5, excluding the Latin:
       = vol.5, odd-numbered pp. [3]-461
       = odd-numbered IMAGES 00002211.tif-00002669.tif
  7. Main text of volume 6, excluding the Latin:
       = vol.6, odd-numbered pp. [3]-477
       = odd-numbered IMAGES 00002785.tif-00003259.tif
  8. Main text of volume 7, excluding the Latin:
       = vol.7, odd-numbered pp. [3]-497
       = odd-numbered IMAGES 00003333.tif-00003827.tif
  9. Appendix of volume 7
       = vol.7, all pp. [501]-538
       = IMAGES 00003831.tif-00003868.tif
  10.Main text of volume 8, excluding the Latin:
       = vol.8, odd-numbered pp. [3]-347
                and all pages 348-353.
       = odd-numbered IMAGES 00003917.tif-00004261.tif
         and  all     IMAGES 00004262.tif-00004267.tif
  11.Third appendix of volume 8
       = vol.8, all pp. [429]-521
       = IMAGES 00004343.tif-00004435.tif
  12.Fourth appendix of volume 8
       = vol.8, all pp. [522]-587
       = IMAGES 00004436.tif-00004501.tif


  <FRONT> contains only the title pages
  <BODY> contains the Middle English translations

    are used to encode the four separate translations,
    each of which should be placed in its own <DIV1>.
   (1) The translation by John Trevisa occupies the
       upper part of most pages through vol.8, p.352.
       Material from this translation is marked 
       "TREVISA" in the margin.
   (2) An anonymous translation occupies the 
       lower part of most pages through vol.8,
       p.339 (usually marked by "MS.HARL. 2261" in
       the margin); and then continues as the third
       appendix, vol. 8, pp.429-521
   (3) Caxton's translation appears only in vol.8, 
       where it occupies the lower part of pp. 341-352;
       p. 353; and then continues in the fourth appendix 
       (pp. [522]-587).
   (4) Another version appears only in the appendix
       to volume 7 (pp. [501]-538).
     are used to encode the Books (Libri) of the work.
     These begin with headings (e.g. "INCIPIT LIBER SEPTIMUS"
     at the beginning of Book 7), and they are also
     recorded in running headers throughout (e.g.,
     "LIB. VII").
         Note 1: version (4) (in vol.7, pp.[501]-538)
         consists only of chapters 15-26 of book 6;
         place the entire text of this <DIV1> within
         a <DIV2> corresponding to that book. I.e.:
         <DIV2 TYPE="Book" N="6">
         <DIV3 TYPE="Chapter" N=15">
         <HEAD>C<SUP>m</SUP> 15<SUP>m</SUP>.</HEAD>
         <P><NOTE PLACE="marg" Harl. MS. 1900 f. 248b.</NOTE>
         HUGUS Capet kyng of West France ...
        Note 2: the continuation of version (2) in
        vol.8, pp. 429-521, belongs to Book 7,
        the same book (and therefore the same <DIV2>)
        it was in when it left off on p. 339. The 
        chapter numbers are disarranged (42-43-40-41-42-48-49),
        but leave them the way they appear.
     are used to record the Chapters (Capitula) of
     each Book (Liber). These are marked in the
     text by headings, usually in italics, e.g.:
        Capitulum secundum.   (N="2")
        Capitulum tertium     (N="3")
        Cm 15m                (N="15")
     Sometimes the heading contains additional material, e.g.:
        Capitulum vicesimum sextum.
        Þe crownynge of þe emperour.
        <DIV3 TYPE="Chapter" N="26">
        <HEAD>Capitulum vicesimum sextum. &THORN;e crownynge 
        of &thorn;e emperour.</HEAD>
   A <DIV3> may also be used to record the poem headed "Laus
   summo Regi." in volume 8, beginning on p. 518.
   If there are other headings *not* associated with a chapter
   break, use your own judgment: either treat them as part of 
   the prose, not as headings, or use a <DIV4> if necessary.

   Folio references seem to appear only in connection with 
   version (2), in the margins, like this:
   f.387 a.   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="387a">
   f.387 b.   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="387b">
   f.388 a.   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="388a">
   f.388 b.   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="388b">

   Some of the texts in the appendices employ other
   milestones ("Fasc.Temp., 85b"  "Wals.i.286"). 
   Ignore these completely.
   Most notes are proper footnotes, with footnote numbers
   linking them to the right spot in the text. Treat these
   in the usual way, but note that some of the notes belong
   with version (1), some with version (2).
   A few footnotes appear with asterisks or other markers.
   Treat these in the usual way.
   A few notes may appear in the margins without any marker.
   Treat these in the usual way as marginal notes. E.g.
   (vol.1, p.163):
   Repetitive text in the margins should be treated as running
   headers, i.e., not recorded at all. Examples:
      MS. HARL.
      Ab urbe.
      A transmi-

   Extended quotations are marked in this edition by quotation
   marks at the beginning of every line. E.g., in vol.7,p.397:
   he made reasons...seyenge:
   " God made alle thynges by reason, and governethe thynges
   " made by reason; the sterres be movede by reason; and so
   " oure naturalle lyfe excedynge from reason by slawthe and
   " ignoraunce awe to be reducede by lawes and reasons.
   " Wherefore thau&yogh;he there be somme thnges in the rule of
   " seynte Benedicte, the intellect of whom the dullenesse of my
   " mynde may not comprehende, y suppose hit be beste to &yogh;iffe
   " credence to auctorite; 
   Separated from the printed page, without line breaks, these
   make no sense. I have three suggestions. When blocks of 
   beginning-of-line quotation marks occur, EITHER: 
     *remove* them all;
     *include them* but include a <LB> tag too (<LB>"God made alle thynges);
     *include them* but record them with a special character
   --whichever is easiest for you.