Book-by-book coding instructions

ID # AHA2638
TITLE: The Romance of Guy of Warwick : the ... 14th-century version.
ED.  Julius Zupitza
PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society 42, 49, 59 (1883, 1887, 1891)


En-face? YES. Most of the book consists of a facing-page arrangement,
         with the version found in one manuscript (Auchinleck) on 
         the left page, and the version found in another (Caius) on
         the right page. All the pages from one version should be
         treated together as one <DIV>; all the pages from the other
         version likewise treated together as another <DIV>.

Key and code the following pages:

  1. Title page (front and back)
     = IMAGES 00000003.tif-00000004.tif
  2. Main text       = pp.2-674
     = IMAGES 00000006.tif-00000678.tif


  <FRONT> contains only the title page.
  <BODY> contains the main text, divided into three <DIV1>s.
     (1) The Auchinleck version of Guy of Warwick (plus
         a little bit of French original from the Corpus 
         = even-numbered pp. 2-288
         + all pp. 289-304
         + even-numbered pp.306-318
         + p.319
         + even-numbered pp.320-334
         + p.335
         + even-numbered pp.336-346
         + p.347
         + even-numbered pp. 348-358
         + all pp. 359-366
         + even-numbered pp. 368-490
         + even-numbered pp. 502-610
         + p.611
         + even-numbered pp. 612-628
     (2) The Caius version of Guy of Warwick
         = odd-numbered pp. 3-287
         + odd-numbered pp. 305-317
         + odd-numbered pp. 321-333
         + odd-numbered pp. 337-345
         + odd-numbered pp. 349-357
         + odd-numbered pp. 367-491
         + all pp. 492-501
         + even-numbered pp.503-609
         + odd-numbered pp. 613-629
     (3) Reinbrun
         = *all* pp. 631-674

     Use large initial capital letters as a guide to where to
     divide the <DIV1>s (with TYPE="section") into <DIV2>s. 
     Do not use the blank lines in the Caius version as a cue to
     divisions: they are present simply in order to make 
     corresponding parts of the two versions appear opposite
     each other.
     From page 384 to page 628, the Auchinleck version of Guy
     is divided into 299 stanzas. The stanza number appears
     in the margin, where it is easily confused with line
     numbers; the stanza number, however, is in bold type.
     Code these with <LG>, using the number in bold type
     as the value of the "N" attribute.

  (1) Folio references in the Auchinleck version of Guy (the first
      <DIV1>), as well as in Reinbrun (the third <DIV1>)
      appear in the margin and look like this:
      MS. 108r. col.1     =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="108a:1">
      MS. 113r. col.2     =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="113a:2">
      MS. 134r. b.        =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="134a:b">
      MS. fol. 134v. a.   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="134b:a">
      MS. fol. 134v. b.   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="134b:b">
      MS. fol. 135r. a.   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="135a:a">
      MS. fol. 135r. b.   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="135a:b">
  (2) Page references in the Caius version of Guy (the second <DIV1>; 
      the manuscript has page numbers instead of folio numbers) 
      appear between text and margin in brackets and look like this:
      [p. 118]  =  <MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="118">
      [p. 119]  =  <MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="119">
      [p. 120]  =  <MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="120">
      [p. 121]  =  <MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="121">
  (3) Cross-references in the Auchinleck version of Guy appear
      in bold type in the near margin, and look like this:
      C.4441   =   <MILESTONE REND="C" UNIT="line" N="4441">
      C.4471   =   <MILESTONE REND="C" UNIT="line" N="4471">
      C.4491   =   <MILESTONE REND="C" UNIT="line" N="4491">
      C.4507   =   <MILESTONE REND="C" UNIT="line" N="4507">
      Record these as milestones, UNIT="line" and REND="C", as
  (4) Additional cross-references appear in the margins of the
      Auchinleck version, and look like this:
      Turnbull, p. 166, l. 4283
      Turnbull, p. 167, l. 4309
      Ignore these.

  A few notes appear interlinearly in brackets. Record these
  as <NOTE PLACE="inter">, placing the note at the end of the
  preceding line, as usual.
  Most notes appear in the margins, linked to the text by
  superscripted reference numbers. Record these as <NOTE
  PLACE="marg">, placing the tag in the text at the point 
  indicated by the superscripted number, as usual.
   A few notes in the French text at the beginning of the
   book use double note numbers to indicate a range of text,
   e.g. (p.8):
     2_2 del        2e de2 seneschal uodrum parler
   As in previous books, record this as follows, preserving
   the doubled reference number both in the text and in the
     <L><SUP>2</SUP>e de<SUP>2</SUP>
     <NOTE PLACE="marg">2_2 del</NOTE> seneschal 
     uodrum parler</L>