Book-by-book coding instructions

ID # APE7335
TITLE: The Minor Poems of the Vernon MS.
ED.  Carl Horstmann (part 1) and F. J. Furnivall (part 2)
PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society 98, 117 (1892, 1901)


En-face? NO.

Key and code the following pages:

  1. Title page to part 1 (front and back)
  2. Title page to part 2 (front and back)
  3. Main text and Appendix = pages 1-786


  <FRONT> contains the title pages only.
  <BODY> contains most of the book, divided into three
    major divisions (<DIV1>s), containing the main text
    (pp.1-746), the Various Readings (pp.747-752),
    and the Appendix (pp.753-786) respectively.

     are used to separate the main text (pp.1-746)
     from the Various Readings (pp.747-752) and 
     the Appendix (pp.753-786).
     are used to mark the 55 separate poems or groups
     of poems listed in the table of contents; also to
     separate the various parts of the Variant Readings
     and the Appendix. Here are the <DIV2>s of the
     first <DIV1>:
   I     La estorie del Euangelie           (pp.1-11)
         (in 4-line stanzas)
  II    Verse Paraphrase of Psalm LI       (pp.12-16)
         (in 8-line stanzas with headings)
  III   Her biginne&thorn; an orisun       (pp.16-29)
         (in 8-line stanzas beginning with large caps)
  IV    A confessioun                      (pp.19-22)
         (in irregular line-groups 
          beginning with large caps)
  V     A preyer to the fiue woundes       (p.22)
  VI    A preiere to vre ladi              (pp.22-24)
         (in irregular line-groups 
          beginning with large caps)
  VII   A preyer at &thorn;e leuacioun     (pp.24-25)
         (in 6-line stanzas)
  VIII  A preyer at &thorn;e leuacioun     (p.25)
         (in irregular line-groups)
  IX    &THORN;e fyue Joyes of vr ladi     (pp.25-26)
         (in 6-line stanzas)
  X     An orisoun to god                  (pp.26-29)
         (no line-groups necessary)
  XI    An orisoun to vr lord Jhesu        (pp.29-30)
         [beware many long carry-over lines]
  XII   An orison to vr lady               (pp.30-32)
         (in 4-line stanzas)
  XIII  [A confessioun of wyrschip]        (p.32)
         (no line groups)
  XIV   [Another Prayer to the Virgin]     (p.33)
         (no line groups)
  XV    [Prayer for the Seven Gifts]       (p.34)
         (in 6-line stanzas)
  XVI   [A Confessioun for necligence]     (pp.34-35)
         (in 6-line stanzas)
  XVII  [An orysoun for .. fyue wyttes]    (p.35)
         (in two 6-line stanzas)
  XVIII [An orisoun for negligens]         (p.36)
         (no line groups)
  XIX   [Patris Sapiencia]                 (pp.37-43)
        Each section of this piece
        contains Latin verse (italics,
        beginning with large capital), 
        followed by Latin prose (italics,
        no large capital), followed by 
        English verse (italics, beginning
        with large capital)
        Record the Latin verse with 
        <LG>s and <L>s. Record the Latin
        prose with <P>s. Record the English
        verse with <LG>s and <L>s. Each
        section containing the three parts
        may optionally be recorded with a 
  XX    [Veni Creator Spiritus]            (pp.43-45)
         (treat both Latin (in italics) and
         English (in romans) as verse, even 
         though Latin has no line numbers.
         Begin stanzas at large caps.)
  XXI   [The Sweetness of Jesus]           (pp.45-48)
         (in 8-line stanzas)
  XXII  [A Prayer to Jesus]                (pp.48-49)
         (in 4-line stanzas)
  XXIII [Psalterium b. Mariae]             (pp.49-105)
         Contains sections (marked by
         large caps--except the first one,
         which has an extra large "A"),
         each of which contains Latin
         prose (in italics), followed
         by Latin verse (in italics),
         followed by English verse.
         Encode the sections as <DIV3>s.
         Encode the prose with <P>
         Encode the verse (Latin or
          English) with <L>; distinguish
          the Latin from the English
          with <LG>.
  XXIV  [Psalterium b. Mariae]             (pp.106-120)
         Contains sections (marked by
	 large caps), each of which 
	 contains Latin verse (in italics),
	 followed by English verse.
	 Encode the sections as <DIV3>s.
	 Encode the verse (Latin or
	 English) with <L>; distinguish
	   the Latin from the English
           with <LG>.
  XXV   [A salutacioun to vre lady]        (pp.121-131)
         (in 6-line stanzas)
  XXVI  [An orisoun to .. fyue woundes]    (pp.131-132)
         (in 6-line stanzas)
  XXVII [An orisoun to .. fyue ioyes]      (pp.133-134)
         (in 6-line stanzas)
  XXVIII  [A salutacioun to vre lady]      (pp.134-137)
         (in 12-line stanzas)
  XXIX  [Miracles of oure lady]            (p.138-167)
        subdivided into nine <DIV3>s
         (1) I.    = pp. 138-141
         (2) II.   = pp. 141-145
         (3) III.  = pp. 145-149
         (4) IV.   = pp. 149-154
         (5) V.    = pp. 154-157
         (6) VI.   = pp. 157-161
         (7) VII.  = pp. 162-163
         (8) VIII. = pp. 164-166
         (9) IX.   = pp. 166-167
  XXX  [De festo corporis cristi]          (pp.168-197)
        subdivided into three <DIV3>s, each of which
        is a parallel version:
        (1) Vernon manuscript  = upper text on each page.
        (2) Cambridge Dd.1.1   = lower left text on pp.169-72
                                 and 185-197; central text
                                 on p.168.
        (3) Harleian 4196      = lower right text on pp.169-72
                                 and pp.185-97; bottom bit on
                                 p.168 and 173-184.
            Subdivide these into <LG>s as needed
            at the headings.
  XXXI  Septem miracula de corpore cristi  (pp.198-221)
  XXXII Hou a man schal lyue parfytly      (pp.221-251)
        subdivided into eleven <DIV3>s:
        (1)  [intro]            = lines 1-50
        (2)  Videte ...         = lines 51-532
        (3)  Seuen dedly        = lines 533-642
        (4)  Seuen blessynges   = lines 643-682
        (5)  Seuen medicines    = lines 683-736
        (6)  Ten comaundmens    = lines 737-856
        (7)  Seuen vertues      = lines 857-912
        (8)  Twolue articles    = lines 913-964
        (9)  Seuen sacromens    = lines 965-998
        (10) Seuen principal    = lines 999-1036
        (11) Seuen werkes       = lines 1037-1158
 XXXIII Visions of seynt poul             (pp.251-260)
 XXXIV  Pope trental                      (pp.260-268)
        subdivided into two <DIV3>s:
        (1) Vernon manuscript    = upper text on pp.260-267
        (2) Cotton Caligula A.II = lower text on pp.260-267
                                   and page 268.
 XXXV   Spore of Loue                    (pp.269-297)
        subdivided into <DIV3>s at the italic headings, e.g.
        (1) [intro]              = lines 1-30
        (2) Of Meditacioun...    = lines 31-86
        (3) Meditacion of...     = lines 87-154
        (4) Of Contemplacion...  = lines 155-266
        (5) &THORN;e secunde...  = lines 267-398
 XXXVI  [&THORN;e Lamentacioun]          (pp.297-328)
 XXXVII A dispitison bitwene a god man   (pp.329-354)
 XXXVIII  Castel of Loue                 (pp.355-442)
        subdivided into <DIV3>s as follows
        (1) [Vernon MS version]          (pp.355-394)
        (2) Various readings             (pp.394-406)
        (3) Appendix to no. XXXVIII.     (pp.407-442)
           [Each of these may be subdivided as needed]
  XXXIX  [messagers of deeth]            (pp.443-448)
           (in 4-line stanzas)
  XL     [Two songs of Love-longing.]    (pp.449-462)
         subdivided into the two songs, with a 
         <DIV3> for each:
         (1) I. pages 449-451 in 4-line stanzas
         (2) II. pages 451-462 in 4-line stanzas
  XLI    A luytel tretys of Loue.        (pp.462-464)
         (in 4-line stanzas)
  XLII   [Of Clene Maydenhod.]           (pp.464-468)
         (in numbered 8-line stanzas) 
  XLIII  A Mournyng Song                 (pp.469-476)
         (in numbered 8-line stanzas)
  XLIV   Her is a luytel Sarmoun         (pp.476-478)
  XLV    Her is a disputison             (pp.479-484)
  XLVI   A disputison                    (pp.484-493)
         (in numbered 16-line stanzas)
  XLVII  [How to hear Mass.]             (pp.493-511)
         (in 12-line stanzas)
  XLVIII [Sayings of St. Bernard]        (pp.511-522)
         Subdivide into three <DIV3>s 
         corresponding to three versions:
         (1) Vernon MS = upper text on most pages
                         (not on p.519; all of p.521,
         (2) Laud 108  = lower left text on most pages
                         (left text on p.519)
         (3) Harl.2253 = lower right text on most pages
                         (right text on p.519; not
                         on p.521 or 522)
         (all in 6-line stanzas)
  XLIX  [Prouerbes of diuerse profetes]  (pp.522-553)
         Divide into <LG>s with names as <HEAD>s
  L     Cato                             (pp.553-609)
         Subdivide into <DIV3>s corresponding to 
         "little Cato" and "great Cato":
         (1) little Cato  pp. 553-562
         (2) great Cato   pp. 562-609
         Both of these are a jumble of Latin prose (in italics);
         French verse (in numbered six-line stanzas) and English
         verse (in unnumbered four-line stanzas). Only the 
         English has line numbers, but there are also some unexplained
         numbers in parentheses. Suggestion: encode the
         Latin prose with <P> (and <I>) tags; treat the English and French
         verse stanzas as <LG>s; record the stanza numbers with 
         the "N" attribute of the <LG> tag; record the marginal
         line numbers with the "N" attribute of the <L> tag; and
         ignore the marginal numbers in parentheses altogether.
  LI     Stacions of Rome                (pp.609-611)
  LII    Disputation between Mary ...    (pp.612-626)
          (in numbered stanzas)
  LIII   Susannah                        (pp.626-636)
          (in numbered stanzas)
  LIV    Testamentum Christi             (pp.637-657)
           Subdivide into three <DIV3>s corresponding to the
           three versions:
           (1) Vernon manuscript   =  upper text on each page
           (2) MS.Harl.2382        =  lower left text on each page
           (3) MS.Reg.17 C xvii    =  lower right text on each page
           (lines in Latin [in italics] are not numbered, but
           treat as verse lines anyway)
  LV     Thirty poems.                   (pp.658-746)
           Subdivide into thirty <DIV3>s corresponding to the
           thirty numbered poems. Stanza structure for each
           is clearly stated at the head of each poem; all
           stanzas are numbered.
    The second <DIV1> (pp.747-752) should be divided into six <DIV3>s
    corresponding to the numbered sections.
     (1)  XXXIV. St. Gregory's Trental         pp. 747-48
     (2)  XXXII. How to live perfectly         pp. 749-50
     (3)  XXXIII. The Visions of St. Paul      p.750
     (4)  XXXV. The Prick or Spur of Love      p.750
     (5)  XXXVII. A Good Man and the Devil     pp.750-51
     (6)  XXXVIII. The Castle of Love.         pp.751-52
    The third <DIV1> (pp.753-786) should be divided into 
    nine <DIV3>s corresponding to the nine numbered

  Folio references appear to be absent.

  may appear in the margins, with or without brackets, usually
  with note numbers. Also at the foot of the page, with note
  numbers. Also as head notes. Also interlinearly in parentheses.
  All unexplained parenthetical remarks can probably safely be
  recorded as notes.