Book-by-book coding instructions

ID # AJD8171
TITLE: Sammlung altenglischer Legenden
ED.  Carl Horstmann
PUBLISHED: Heilbronn: Gebr. Henninger, 1878


En-face? NO.

Key and code the following pages:

  1. Title page (front and back ) = (unnumbered pages)
  2. Main text:                   = pp. 1-227.


  <FRONT> contains the title page only.
  <BODY> contains the main text, divided into two <DIV1>s.
  <DIV1>s are used to distinguish the items from the
          Vernon manuscript (I.) from the individual
          items from various manuscripts (II.)
    I.   Sammlung des Ms. Vernon       (pp.[1-98])
    II.  Einzellegenden                (pp.[99]-227)
  <DIV2>s in this book should be used to distinguish 
          the lives of the different saints.
  <DIV3>s in this book should be used to distinguish
          the different versions of the life of single
          saint. As follows:
    1. The first <DIV1> (pp.1-98) should be divided
       into seven <DIV2>s:
       <DIV2> (1) S. Paula             (pp.3-8)
       <DIV2> (2) S. Ambrosius         (pp.8-26)
       <DIV2> (3) De quadam virgine... (pp.26-34)
       <DIV2> (4) S. Theodora          (pp.35-41)
       <DIV2> (5) S. Bernard           (pp.41-61)
       <DIV2> (6) S. Augustin          (pp.61-92)
       <DIV2> (7) S. Savinian /Savina  (pp.93-97)
    2. The second <DIV1> (pp. 99-227) should be divided
       into eleven <DIV2>s, some of which are subdivided
       into <DIV3>s:
       <DIV2> (1) Kindheit Jesu
          <DIV3> (a) Harl. 3954        (pp.101-110)
          <DIV3> (b) Harl. 2399        (pp.111-123)
       <DIV2> (2) Canticum de Creatione
          <DIV3> (a) Trin.Coll.Oxf.57  (pp.124-138)
          <DIV3> (b) Auchinl. Edinb.   (pp.139-147)
       <DIV2> (3) S. Magdalena
          <DIV3> (a) Laud 108          (pp.148-162)
          <DIV3> (b) Auchinl.Edinb.    (pp.163-170)
       <DIV2> (4) S. Marina            (pp.171-173)
       <DIV2> (5) S. Eufrosyne         (pp.174-182)
       <DIV2> (6) S. Cristine          (pp.183-190)
       <DIV2> (7) S. Dorothe           (pp.191-197)
       <DIV2> (8) S. Erasmus
          <DIV3> (a) Harl. 2382        (pp.198-200)
          <DIV3> (b) Bedford           (pp.201-203)
       <DIV2> (9) Disputisoun ...      (pp.204-208)
       <DIV2> (10) Robert of Sicily    (pp.209-219)
       <DIV2> (11) Adam and Eue        (pp.220-227)
Smaller structures

  Most smaller structures (including some of those supplied with
  headings) can probably be handled with the <LG> tag,
  but use <DIV3> and <DIV4> if necessary, especially if
  there are clearly divisions at different levels--regular
  stanzas combined with heading-equipped sections, for
  example: the former would be tagged with <LG>, the latter
  with one of the <DIV> tags.
  There are apparently no folio references; if any are found, 
  encode them as usual with the <MILESTONE> element.


  Headnotes (e.g. on p.[1]) should be attached to the 
  <HEAD> for the <DIV>, as usual.
  Footnotes in this book are linked to the text by
  footnote numbers, asterisks (or similar flags),
  line numbers, and simple juxtaposition. Some
  notes are especially likely to cause problems:

  (1) The first <DIV1> (pages 1-98) uses two sets of footnotes:
      one set is keyed to line numbers like this:
        156) Ms. Non. 189) Ms. wey st. prey.
     the second set (containing extended Latin parallels) is 
     lower on the page and is keyed to line numbers with
     line references in bold type, like this:
        116 Et Raab mertetrix fuit, sed postquam domino
        credidit, salutem invenit; 123 et Judith se,
        ut adultero placeret, ornavit, quae tamen quia hoc
        religione, non amore, faciebat, nemo eam adulteram
        judicabat. (130131 Bene successit ...
     o  Distinguish these using the PLACE attribute of the NOTE
        element: encode the upper set as <NOTE PLACE="foot1">;
        encode the lower set as <NOTE PLACE="foot2">.
     o  Attach the notes to the end of the specified line, as
        usual. BUT: in the lower set, treat line numbers
        within parentheses as part of the preceding note,
        not as the beginning of a new note. In the example
        above, "(130 Zus.)" is part of the <NOTE>
        that is attached to line 123, like this:
         <L>&THORN;e noble wommon Judit,
         <NOTE PLACE="foot2">et Judith se et Judith se, ut 
         adultero placeret, ornavit, quae tamen quia hoc 
         religione, non amore, faciebat, nemo eam adulteram 
         judicabat. (<B>130</B Zus.).</NOTE></L>
      o  Observe that on the first page (p. [1]), the note
         beginning "V.6 der latein" belongs to the lower
         set of notes (PLACE="foot2"); there is no note
         belonging to the upper series ("foot1"); but there
         are some notes at the very bottom of the page, 
         keyed to the headnote by footnote reference
         numbers, that belong to yet a third level of notes,
         which may be distinguished with the simple
         <NOTE PLACE="foot">.
      o  In the lower set of notes, at the beginning of 
         a section, e.g. on page 61, the first note is
         typically linked not to a line number but to 
         the section as a whole, and should be attached
         to the <HEAD> for that section.
         Example (p.61)
          <DIV2 N="6">
          <HEAD>6. S. Augustin.
          <NOTE PLACE="foot2">6) S. Leg. Aur. c. 124: de sancto
          Augustino. Der Text Gr&auml;sse's enth&auml;lt leider
          manche offenbare Unrichtigkeiten.</NOTE></HEAD>
          <L>SEint Austin ...
  (2) In the notes to pages 101-123 (and occasionally elsewhere),
      there are many cross-references within the notes, and
      it is not always easy to distinguish between the line
      numbers that link the note to the text and the line
      numbers that are referred to within the note itself.
      In general, bold-face numbers preceded by "v." or "V.",
      or followed by a closing paren, are links to the text;
      all others are cross-references and should be treated
      simply as bold-faced text within the note. E.g., 
      on p.112:
         58) hym plur., wie 635. 636. 672. 698. 751. 796,
         daneben ham 231. 266. 385. 434, hem them (&thorn;em).
       is recorded as:
         <NOTE PLACE="foot">hym plur., wie <B>635</B>. <B>636</B>. 
         <B>672</B>. <B>698</B>. <B>751</B>. <B>796</B>, daneben ham 
         <B>231</B>. <B>266</B>. <B>385</B>. <B>434</B>, hem them 