Book-by-book coding instructions

ID #: ADQ4048
TITLE: Hoccleve's Works III: The Regement of Princes
ED. Frederick J. Furnivall
PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society extra series 72 (1897)


En-face? NO.

Key and code the following pages:

  1. Title page (both sides)        = pp. [iii-iv]
  2. Appendix to the foreword       = pp. xxiii-lxii
  3. Main text                      = pp. 1-197


  <FRONT> contains the title page only.
  <BODY> contains two top-level divisions:
    <DIV1> Appendix (pp. xxiii-lxii)
        <HEAD>The XIII Poems in the englisht De Guilleville's
              'Pilgrimage of the Soul.'
              <LB>Egerton MS. 615, Brit. Mus.</HEAD>
           <DIV2 TYPE="poem" N="1">
           <HEAD>(1) The epistle of grace sent to the seek
                 man. littera.<NOTE PLACE="inter">[26
                 stanzas of 7 lines each, <I>ababb,cc</I>.]
              <LG N="1">
    <DIV1> Main text (pp. 1-197)
        <HEAD>The Regement of Princes
              <LB>By THOMAS HOCCLEVE<NOTE PLACE="inter">[Harl. MS.
              4866. Leaf 1 in a hand about 1700 A.D.]</NOTE></HEAD>
        <HEAD>Heere begynnyth the Book how Pryncys sholden be
              governyd.<NOTE PLACE="inter">Oxford.
              <NOTE PLACE="foot">Signature of Edward Harley, 2nd
              Earl of Oxford, who made the collection of Harleian
              MSS. If the 'B H' is not the press|mark, I don't know
              what it is. On the fly-leaf is "See another copy of 
              this book in the [Harley] Library marked 35 A. 17."
              <LG N="1">
              <L N="1">Mvsyng vpon ...
  <DIV2>s, <DIV3>s
     In the first <DIV1>:
       The first <DIV1> (Appendix) contains 
       14 poems, each of which should be
       treated as a <DIV2 TYPE="poem">:
       (pp.xxiii-xxviii)  <DIV2 TYPE="poem" N="1">
       (pp.xxviii-xxxiii) <DIV2 TYPE="poem" N="2">
       (pp.xxxiii-xxxiv)  <DIV2 TYPE="poem" N="3">
    In the second <DIV1>:
       (stanzas 1-16)     <DIV2>
       (stanzas 17-288)   <DIV2>
       (stanzas 289-      <DIV2>
       (stanzas 289-301)    <DIV3>
       (stanzas 302-309)    <DIV3>
       (stanzas 310-313)    <DIV3 N="1">
       (stanzas 314-352)    <DIV3 N="2">
       (stanzas 353-396)    <DIV3 N="3">
       (stanzas 397-428)    <DIV3 N="4">
       (stanzas 429-473)    <DIV3 N="5">
       (stanzas 474-494)    <DIV3 N="6">
       (stanzas 495-518)    <DIV3 N="7">
       (stanzas 519-557)    <DIV3 N="8">
       (stanzas 558-572)    <DIV3 N="9">
       (stanzas 573-589)    <DIV3 N="10">
       (stanzas 590-639)    <DIV3 N="11">
       (stanzas 640-678)    <DIV3 N="12">
       (stanzas 689-694)    <DIV3 N="13">
       (stanzas 695-717)    <DIV3 N="14">
       (stanzas 718-777)    <DIV3 N="15">
       (stanzas 778-780)  <DIV2>

  Smaller structures
     All portions of the text contain numbered stanzas which
     should be tagged as line-groups <LG>, with the stanza
     number transferred to the "N" attribute of the <LG> tag.
     When additional text is included at the head of a
     stanza, include it all as part of the heading for
     that stanza, e.g.
        Record this:  (150. Beggar and Hoccleve.)
        as this:      
                      <HEAD>(150. Beggar and Hoccleve.)</HEAD>
     All portions of the text contain verse lines (<L>),
     many of them numbered (<L N="">).

  1. Folio references appear in the margin in brackets,
     like this:
       [leaf 38 a]
       [leaf 38 b]
       [leaf 39 a]
       [leaf 39 b]
     Record as:
       <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="38a">
       <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="38b">
       <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="39a">
       <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="39b">

     Insert the <MILESTONE> tags at the end of the line opposite
     which the folio references appear in the book.


   Editorial notes appear mostly at the bottom of the
   page, keyed to the text by footnote numbers.
   Treat these in the usual way. Example (p. 38):
     <L N="1027">And yen
        <NOTE PLACE="foot">yen R, than H (the same mistake occurs
        in the <I>Minor Poems,</I> I).</NOTE>
     moost it greeueth trew&euml;ly
        <NOTE PLACE="foot">trewly H, truly R.</NOTE>
   Occasional notes, both scribal (without brackets) and
   editorial (in brackets) appear interlinearly, in-line,
   or in the margin. Treat all of these in the usual way.
     p. 31, in-line:
        <L N="845">Vn-to my por&euml; cote, it is no nay,
           <NOTE PLACE="inline">[see l. 940]</NOTE></L>
     p. 36, margin, with nested footnote:
        <L N="944">&THORN;e blynd&euml; man of coloures al
        wrong deemeth.<NOTE PLACE="marg">&para; Cecus non 
        iudicat<NOTE PLACE="foot">R. continues: de coloribus;
        et nota hic de scriptoribus.</NOTE>&amp;c.</NOTE></L>