Book-by-book coding instructions

ID # AEH6713
TITLE: The English Works of Wyclif hitherto unprinted
ED. F. D. Matthew
PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society OS 74 (1880)


En-face? NO.

Key and code the following pages:

  1. Title page (recto and verso)
  2. Corrections (p. [lii], unnumbered)
  3. Text (pp. 1-482)

  This item consists of a small amount of <FRONT> matter
  (the title pages and corrections), followed by the <BODY> 
  of the text, consisting of twenty-eight top-level
  divisions, which correspond to the various tracts
  headed by roman numerals.


  (p.1)         <DIV1 TYPE="tract" N="1">
  (p.28)        <DIV1 TYPE="tract" N="2">
  (p.39)        <DIV1 TYPE="tract" N="3">
  (p.52)        <DIV1 TYPE="tract" N="4">
                <HEAD>IV. OF PRELATES</HEAD>

    Many of these <DIV1>s are subdivided into chapters (capitula), 
    usually headed with something like this: "Capitulum 2m"
    Treat these as s. Example (p.57):
      . . . meyntenen hem in &thorn;is grete synne.</P></DIV2>
    <DIV2 TYPE="chapter" N="2">
    <HEAD>Capitulum 2<SUP>m</SUP></HEAD>
    <P><MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="67">Also prelatis letten men to do
       goddis wille &amp; comaundement, &amp; so &thorn;ei neden hem
  Smaller divisions
    Smaller divisions in the prose, which are rare, should be tagged as <P>,
    unless they are supplied with headings, in which case they need
    to be <DIV3>s.

  Page references appear in the margin, keyed to the text by an
  asterisk. They look like this:
    *[p. 80 MS.]
    *[p. 81 MS.]
    *[p. 82 MS.]
    Record as:
    <MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="80">
    <MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="81">
    <MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="82">
 Place the <MILESTONE> tag within the text at the point
 marked by the asterisk, removing the asterisk
 character itself from both text and reference.
 In some cases, passages from a different manuscript
 are inserted, and the page reference is given like
   *[p. 2 MS.Corp.]
 Use the same procedure, but add a "REND" attribute
 to capture the extra information:
   <MILESTONE UNIT="page" REND="MS.Corp." N="2">


  Most editorial notes appear at the bottom of the
  page, keyed to the text by footnote numbers.
  Insert these as <NOTE> elements within the 
  text, as described in the Keying/Coding Guidelines,
  omitting the footnote numbers from both note
  and text.
    Some notes contain a double footnote number,
    like this (p. 327):
       3_3 omitted CC.
       4_4 trowe &yogh;e CC.
       5_5 omitted CC.
    These are keyed to *two* reference numbers in
    the text. "3_3 omitted CC." means that "all
    the text between the first superscript
    number '3' and the second superscript number
    '3' is omitted by manuscript 'CC.'" Our solution
    to these is a kludge:
     (1) Find the two reference numbers in the
         text (e.g., the two '3's).
     (2) Leave both numbers in place, including
         the superscript tags (<SUP>).
     (3) Place the note into the text following
         the *second* of the two matching
         reference numbers.
     (4) Leave the "3_3" in place within the text
         of the note itself.
     Here is an example, from the same page (p.327):
     whi <SUP>4</SUP>trowen &thorn;ei<SUP>4</SUP>
     <NOTE PLACE="foot">4_4 trowe &yogh;e CC.</NOTE>
      not to hym? In &thornise two wordis ...

  A few notes appear in the margins, mixed in with 
  the modern English summaries; most of them are
  Biblical references that look like this (on p. 8):
    Luke vi. 46.
    Matth. xv. 8.
    Prov. xxviii. [9.]
    Isaiah i. [15.]
    Mal. i. [10.]
  Record these as <NOTE PLACE="marg">, as described 
  in the Keying/Coding Guidelines.
  A few indicate when one manuscript or another
  has a chapter break, e.g. (on p. 328):

    Cm 2m MM.
  Place this kind of information in a <NOTE> at
  the beginning of the <P> which begins next to
    <P><NOTE PLACE="marg">C<SUP>m</SUP> 2<SUP>m</SUP> MM.
    </NOTE>It were to wite ouer in  ...
Material at beginning of each tract

  All of the tracts begin with a short head-note by the
  editor. Treat this as a <NOTE> attached to the 
  <HEAD> of the <DIV1>, as described in the Keying/Coding
  Most (all?) of the tracts also contain a "SUMMARY,"
  following the head-note. Record this summary as a 
  separate <TABLE> or set of <TABLE>s within the head-note>
  <DIV1 TYPE="tract" N="24">
  <P>Mr. Arnold thought this tract not improbably the work
     of Wyclif, but did not print it, because he "found it
     to be a remarkably dull composition and to contain not
     a single new idea." ...
    <CELL>Chap. I</CELL>
    <CELL>Men must learn about Faith, Hope and Charity</CELL>
    <CELL>p. 347</CELL>
    <CELL>What Faith is, and how needful to man</CELL>
    <CELL>Ways in which Faith may fail</CELL>
  Many of the tracts also contain a scribal <HEAD> or <EPIGRAPH> 
  following the "SUMMARY." Record these with <HEAD> or <EPIGRAPH>
  as the case may be. If in doubt, simply use <HEAD>
   <Q><MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="124">Sicut enim corpus sine spiritu
   moritur ita opera sine fide.</Q><BIBL>iacobi 3<SUP>o</SUP>.</BIBL>
   <Q>fides sine operibus mortua est.<NOTE PLACE="foot">no text in
  <DIV2 TYPE="chapter" N="1">
   <HEAD>[Capitulum primum.]</HEAD>
   <P>For it is seide ...
  <HEAD>Tractatus de Pseudo-freris</HEAD>
  <DIV2 TYPE="chapter" N="1">
  <HEAD>Capitulum primum.</HEAD>
  <P><MILESTONE UNIT="page" N="81">For many beren ...
Material at the end of some tracts

  Some tracts end with an "explicit" of some kind.
  Record these as <CLOSER>
  . . . moste holy blissyng. Amen.</P></DIV2>
  <CLOSER>Here endi&thorn; &thorn;e testament of seynt
          fraunseis.<NOTE PLACE="foot">Finis
          testamenti W.</NOTE></CLOSER></DIV1>
  . . . when it were tau&yogh;t. Amen.</P></DIV2>
  <CLOSER>Explicit tractatus de pseudo freris.</CLOSER>