Examples : Raw Data

This page contains most of the information abstractable from the eight sample maps themselves that seemed likely to be useful for cataloging them. I may have forgotten occasionally to note whether a map is colored or not, or how carefully it records latitude and longitude, but most of the textual information is here, identified as to its location on the map. Each map or other cartographic item is linked with the -icon to the corresponding completed record, allowing one to jump back and forth between the two.

ITEM 1: Cornell University Bird's-eye View

On recto

Information and Referral Center Day Hall 255-6200
Emergency Assistance 255-1111 or Pick Up a Blue-Light Telephone

Verso blank

[Description: Bird's eye view of Cornell campus from roughly the south-southwest with index of university buildings and departments keyed to numbers printed on the map. No scale given. No publication information given. No date given. Apparently a black-and-white reproduction or version of an otherwise identical colored map (also in the collection) which also contains other area maps on its verso and bears the following title on its front panel: Campus and Area Maps / Cornell University.]

Dimensions 46 x 82 on sheet 65 x 86 cm, measuring from inside the line that borders the map proper. Most index material outside the map proper.

ITEM 2: Air Force Flyer's chart on silk

Actually consists of two maps, one of Northeast China, one of Southeast China, on the two sides of the sheet. Description below applies only to the latter. For present purposes, I will regard the other map as being a separate bibliographic item.

Southeast China map contains two segments, Formosa being in an (as it were) separate map. But is located in the correct place relative to the mainland, and is to the same scale.

On recto, in the margin:

No. 34, Southeast China
For use by War and Navy Department Agencies only
Not for sale or distribution

Lambert Conformal Conic Projection
Standard Parallels 26o and 45o Scale 1:2,000,000

Compiled for the U.S. Army Air Forces by the Army Map Service
(LC, LN), U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.
November 1943, from International Map of the World, 1:1,000,000,
Sheets N.F50, N.G50, N.G51, N.H50, N.H51, N.I50, N.I51, 
Survey of India, 1941, Sheets N.F49, N.G49, N.H49, Survey of
India, 1942; Asia Transportation Map, 1:2,000,000, sheets NE and SE,
Army Map Service, 1943; Asia, 1:1,500,000, Sheet
X-13, Army Map Service, 1943; Formosa, Sheets 1,4,5,10,11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, Army Map Service, 1943

NOTE: Officers using this chart will mark hereon corrections
and additions which come to their attention and mail direct

NOTE: Location of major highways appears to be correct. Minor
highways and towns are uncertain.

Army Map Service, U.S. Army, WAshington, D.C., 302090

Scratched in by hand (on printing plate? conceivably on the map itself--hard to tell, very faint): 7/45 SS

Colored. Shows some topographic features and distinguishes Nov.-March from April-Oct. currents with green and red printing (overprinting?) respectively.

Dimensions: map 60 x 49; sheet 64 x 53 cm

On verso: A second complete map, No. 35, Northeast China

ITEM 3: Route Map

On recto(?) -- same side as front panel and Manhattan map -- on front panel:

New York Subway Guide 1977

On verso:

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority Revised
Map of Rapid Transit Facilities of New York City Transit

cNew York City Transit Authority 1972
Revised edition May 1977

[description: Diagram of subway routes laid over crude block outline of boroughs. Entire system on verso, Manhattan only on recto. Not drawn to scale.]

dimensions: sheet 56 x 46 cm folded to 19 x 10 cm; maps 43 x 44 cm. and 46 x 46 cm.

ITEM 4: Mixed purpose map/guide of Grassington district

On cover fold:

Grassington and district
footpaths & town maps & walks guide
Arthur Gemmell
Stile Maps

[Description: Town map of Grassington on front panel. Scale given as bar scale (100 yards = [5/8"] ) On back panel:]

First published 1981, Fifth Edition Dec 1992
cArthur Gemmell 1992
Stile Publications, 24 Lisker Drive, Otley, West Yorks.
LS21 1DQ 

ISBN 0 906886 60 0

In "General Map Notes"

The map is based on the six inch to one mile O.S.
maps 1910 edition brought up to date in respect
of field boundaries and other features important
to walkers by observation on the ground by
the author. Rights-of-way information is derived from
Definitive Maps amended by diversion Orders.

Most of the paths have been resurveyed for this
edition by Reg and Joyce Smith and the author.

Scale 2-1/2 inches to 1 mile

The map is divided into 1 km squares

Dimensions: general map split onto the two sides of the sheet, 23 x 39 and 23 x 39 on sheet 47 x 39 cm; town map on front panel 16 x 12 cm

ITEM 5: Atlas

Title page:

AZ Leeds & Bradford Street Atlas
Scale 1:15,840  4 inches to 1 mile
Geographers' A-Z Map Co. Ltd.
Head Office: Fairfield Road, Borough Green, Sevenoaks, Kent
Crown Copyright 1993

The Maps in this Atlas are based upon the Ordnance Survey
1:10,560 Maps with the permission of the Controller of
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

c1993 Edition 5

Includes index map pp 2-3; Black and white; 62 maps and street index; 12 x 20 cm

On back cover: ISBN 0-85039-125-3 List of A-Z Street Atlases and other publications. Contains 202 p. numbered continuously. Maps on pp. 4-126 index 127-201, key 2-3

ITEM 6: Thirlmere topographic map

On recto:

Sheet NY 31
Compiled from 6" sheets last revised 1897-1923.
Other partial systematic revision 1951 has been
incorporated. Major roads revised 1974.
cCrown copyright 1952
Made and published by the Director General of the 
Ordnance Survey, Southampton.
Reprinted with minor changes.

On front panel:

Ordnance Survey OS
Sheet NY 31
1:25 000 First Series

On back panel: [Extended descriptions of series]

Rest of verso: Index [map] for 1:25000 First Series (Provisional Edition); Key to "Conventional Signs"; Guide to "The National Grid and Reference System."

Dimensions: Map size 40 x 40; Sheet size 48 x 47; Folded size 24 x 12.

ITEM 7: Odd Chicago multimap, scaleless

On front panel:

Mapeasy's Guidemap to Chicago
Chicago's most unique and easy-to-use guide
A location map and guidebook in one!
Detail maps for:
 Magnificent Mile

On back panel:

MapEasy is a combination guidebook and
location map in one! It is easy-to-use,
informative, and FUN! Our color-coded
system shows you where hotels, restaurants,
retail shops, and attractions are actually
ISBN 1-878979-07-8

All rights reserved
P.O. Box 1889
Amagansett, N.Y.
11930. USA

On same side of map as panels (call it recto) are four maps labelled:

Verso has single large map labelled
All maps are hand-drawn, app. freehand in ink and colored
pencil. Most include drawings of prominent buildings,
etc., making them part "view" and part "map."

Dimensions: Sheet size 61 x 91 cm; Folded size 23 x 12 cm. Stock material is plastic-coated paper.

No indication of scale, or indication that any of the maps are actually drawn to scale.

ITEM 8: Historical map bound with extensive additional material

On map itself: Within border, in square panel:

Ordnance Survey Map of Britain in the Dark Ages
Second Edition
Outside of border:
MAde and published by the Director General of 

Scale of 1.014 inches to sixteen statute miles = 1:1,000,000
The submarine contours are given in Fathoms and are based
on admiralty charts.
cCrown Copyright 1965

Minimum Error Conical Projection with Rectified
Meridiens and Two Standard Parallels (59o 31' 24"
and 51o 44' 06")

Size of map: 98 x 76 cm (sheet slightly larger); Map tipped into book or booklet, described as follows: Title page:

Map of Britain in Dark Ages
Second Edition
Sixteen Miles to One Inch

Made and published by the Director General of the Ordnance
cCrown Copyright 1966
Text reprinted with corrections 1974

From foreword:

This is the second edition of a map of Britain in the 
Dark Ages which originally appeared in two sheets at
the scale of 1:1,000,000, North and South, in 1939
and 1935 respectively.

63p. 28 x 21 cm.
On cover: Ordnance Survey / Britain in the Dark Ages
On spine: Britain in the Dark Ages