AmVerse FAQs #4: DIV and LG TYPES

Every instance of all the <DIV> tags (<DIV1> <DIV2> etc.), as well as all the <LG> tags should have some value assigned to their TYPE attribute.

In many cases you may be able to assign the same TYPE attribute to all <LG>s or to all <DIV2>s, etc. (But don't do this without making sure that it is really justified). In Author/Editor it seems to be possible to insert an attribute globally using the FIND/REPLACE dialog box, like this:


See the A/E 3.5 manual, pp. 178-179.

<LG>s should have "stanza" as the value of TYPE, unless there is something specific to the poem that supplies a different word. E.g., a narrative poem may have linegroups called "chapters" or "fyttes" or "cantos." If so, use the word that the book itself uses; otherwise just go with "stanza."

<DIV>s are more varied. In general, follow these (probably conflicting) principles:

  1. Use the designation supplied by the book itself. "Chapter 3" should be recorded as <DIV1 TYPE="chapter">
  2. Use lower-case throughout ("chapter" not "Chapter").
  3. If the designation is not in English, and there is a ready equivalent in English, use the English. E.g., for "pars" or "partie" use "part"; for "capitulum" or "chapitre" use "chapter".

    If the designation in the book is a verbose version of a common English term, use the simpler form. E.g., if the book says "Prefatory Remarks by the Author," you shouldn't be afraid to translate this into <DIV1 TYPE="preface">

    Otherwise, use whatever is there.

  4. If there is no designation in the book, and the <DIV> is used to mark a series of items of similar type, use a term describing the form or genre shared by the items. E.g., in a book of poems, use

    <DIV1 TYPE="poem">
    <DIV1 TYPE="poem">

    Use the most specific term that is shared by the set. In a book of sonnets, for example, you can afford to be more specific:

    <DIV1 TYPE="sonnet">
    <DIV1 TYPE="sonnet">

    Similarly in a book of hymns or songs, you can use <DIV1 TYPE="hymn"> or <DIV1 TYPE="song">; but in an anthology of verse that mixes (say) odes, sonnets, songs, lyrics, just say TYPE="poem" for all of them.

  5. If there is no designation in the book, and the <DIV> is used to mark a series of items of dissimilar type, try nevertheless to find a term that can be shared. In a anthology of extracts in prose and verse, for example, you could use <DIV1 TYPE="selection"> for each selection. In an anthology that mixes letters, essays, songs, poems, etc., you may have to resort to <DIV1 TYPE="item">.
  6. If there is no series at all, just use a term that describes the form of the item as generically as can be (<DIV1 TYPE="letter">; <DIV1 TYPE= "preface">)
  7. If there is a hierarchy of divisions, with no ready term available to distinguish the different levels, use TYPE="part" for the larger divisions, and TYPE="section" for the smaller ones. If necessary, subdivide one or both of these: <TYPE="subpart">, <TYPE="subsection">.
  8. Here are some useful (?) terms. TYPE=

    table of contents
    advertisement (use this for publishers' lists of books for sale, often found at the end of books)
  9. Index