PQR: Poems, Quotes, Readings

Love in a Bathtub

by Sujata Bhatt

Years later we'll remember the bathtub
the position of the taps
the water, slippery
as if a bucketful of eels had joined us ...
we'll be old, our children grown up
but we'll remember the water sloshing out
the useless soap,
the mountain of wet towels.
'Remember the bathtub in Belfast?'
we'll prod each other -

Bhatt, Sujata. "Love in a Bathtub." URL: http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/843.html

Contact info: pfa@umich.edu
URL of current page:http://www-personal.umich.edu/~pfa/poemquot/bathtub.html
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