Arabic Parts

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About The Hyleg as Itself or as the Pars Hyleg (Part of the Hyleg)

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Hyleg. "A Persian term for the prorogator that governs the life of the Native. See Chapt. 2, note 12.
Chapt. 2, note 12. "The Latin spelling here is hylech -- from the Arabic hilaj from the Middle Pers. hilak 'let loose' which is a literal translation of the Grk. aphetes. This is a planet or point in the ecliptic that is "set free" to move by the diurnal motion until it encounters another planet or point that is considered to be fatal. Thus, the "Hyleg" is the prorogator that governs the life of the native."

Abu 'Ali Al-Khayyat: The Judgements of the Nativities. Translated with notes by James H. Holden from the Latin version of John of Seville. Tempe, Arizona: American Federation of Astrologers, 1988, p. 96, p. 4.

Hyleg. "[F]rom a Persian term for the physical body, it is a traditional term for a planet used to determine an individual's life span. It has also been called the giver of life, the apheta, and the prorogator. The various rules for determining which planet should be regarded as the hyleg are highly complex. This complexity, combined with the dubious ethics of predicting the length of another person's life, has caused this practice, as well as this set of terms, to be dropped from modern astrological practice."

Lewis, James R. The Astrology Encyclopedia Detroit: Visible Ink, 1994, p. 300.

Definitions and Related Terms from the Oxford English Dictionary.

hileg variant of hyleg, Obs.

hyleg hi.leg. Astrol. Also 7 hilege, hylech. [Of obscure origin. In Pers. (and Turkish) hailaj, `a calculation of astrologers by which they obtain evidence of the length of an infant's life', `a nativity'; said by the Persian lexicographers to be a Greek word, meaning originally `fountain of life'. The Pers. equivalent is given as kadbanu, lit. `mistress of the house'. In OFr. yleg, ilech (Oresme, 14th c.). ]
Ruling planet of a nativity; apheta (cf. quot. 1706).

hylegiacal. hyle'giacal, a. (sb.) Obs. [f. prec. ]
A. adj. Of or pertaining to the hyleg.

B. sb. = Hylegiacal place.

hylegial hy'legial, a. Obs. [see -ial. ] = prec.

promittor Astrol. Also 7 -er. [f. promit v. + -or. Cf. promissor. ]
A planet which `promises' or prognosticates that some event will take place on its arriving at some particular aspect with another planet, star, or point of the heaven (the significator); also applied to such an aspect.

promissor [a. L. promissor a promiser, agent-n. f. promitt-ere: see promit v. ]
1. Astrol. = promittor. Obs.

Access restricted, accessed July 28, 2002, 8:00PM.

Pars Hyleg. "This part is the root of the others and is taken by day or night from the degree of the conjunction or prevention which preceded the nativity or the question or the revolution, to the degree of the Moon, and this is then projected from the ascendant."

Guido Bonatti's Treatise on the Parts, as it appears in: Zoller, Robert. The Arabic Parts in Astrology: A Lost Key to Prediction. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, (c) 1980, 1989, p. 94.

General Discussion of the Hyleg and the Pars Hyleg, and Their Uses

"We have discussed the first, second, and third parts of the first house. It remains for us to discuss the fourth part, which is called the Part of the Hyleg, or pars hyleg. The ancients did not care to say much regarding this part because it is involved with so many things. But none of them are able to exist without it. But this part is able to exist without them. It is to these things as matter is to form. The ancients would have been able to set forth the doctrine on this is they had so desired, but they set it aside for the reason stated above. This part is the root of the others and is taken by day or night from the degree of the conjunction or prevention which preceded the nativity or the question or the revolution, to the degree of the Moon, and this is then projected from the ascendant. And this part is called the radix vitae [root of life] because it comprehends entirely the whole being of the native or querent or even the revolution, and if it is well disposed, it signifies universally the good "being" of the native and of other matters. However, if it is evilly disposed, it signifies the contrary of the aforesaid."
Zoller, Robert. The Arabic Parts in Astrology: A Lost Key to Prediction. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, (c) 1980, 1989, p. 94.

"The first of these is called the part of the hyleg or pars hyleg and it is a matter which the ancient wise men of this science especially observed. They found it reliable. It is taken both by day and night if a nativity, a question, or revolution is conjunctional from the degree of the conjunction; but if it is preventional, it is taken from the degree of the prevention to the Moon, and it is projected from the Ascendant. Albumassar said that this part is directed in the same way as the hyleg is directed. When its direction or profection arrives at the places of the benefics, it signifies good, but when it arrives at the malefics, it signifies evil and impediment and danger to the native or querent or to those whose revolution it is, or even if it is a universal revolution. And this is why many good astrolgers are deceived, because sometimes they see that many adverse situations arise which ought not to according to the hyleg. They considered only the hyleg and did not concern themselves with the pars hyleg. You, however, will not neglect this but always direct the pars hyleg both in nativities and questions and also in revolutions, and you will not err. It has its own significations besides other things which are of great efficacy."
Zoller, Robert. The Arabic Parts in Astrology: A Lost Key to Prediction. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, (c) 1980, 1989, p. 121.

Calculating the Pars Hyleg (Part of the Hyleg)

The Part of the Hyleg is fairly straightforward. Here is the methodology used to calculate the part for an example birth chart of:

9 Sept 1949; GMT 9.40am; 01 W 31 / 52 N 25 (Coventry, England).

+-------<11>14Vir22----<10> 9Leo09-----<9>25Gem43-----------+
| Sun 16Vir22  | Plu 17Leo06  |              |              |
| Jun 23Leo03  | Sat 10Vir27  |              |              |
|              |              | Mar  1Leo23  |              |
|              |              | Ura  4Can35  |              |
<12> 8Lib30----|-----------------------------|-----22Tau12<8>
| Cer 05Lib07  |                             | POF 20Tau38  |
| Mer 13Lib11  |     Astrolog 5.40 chart     |              |
| Nep 13Lib52  |   Fri Sep  9 1949  9:40am   |              |
| Ven 23Lib43  |  ST +00:00,   1:31W 52:20N  |              |
<1>28Lib55-----|   UT:  9:40, Sid.T:  8:46   |-----28Ari55<7>
|              |    Regiomontanus Houses     |              |
|              |    Tropical / Geocentric    |              |
|              |  Julian Day = 2433168.9028  |              |
|              |                             | Nod 16Ari50r |
<2>22Sco12-----|-----------------------------|----- 8Ari30<6>
|              | Jup 22Cap29r |              |              |
| Chi 03Sag45  |              |              |              |
| Ves 21Sag47  |              |              |              |
|              |              |              | Moo  8Ari08  |
+-----------25Sag43<3>----- 9Aqu09<4>-----14Pis22<5>--------+

Chart as above generated by Astrolog; edited to include Part of Fortune (POF) and Asteroids (Chiron, Ceres, Juno, Pallas, Vesta).


  1. Ascendant + Moon - SAN*
    PREFERRED FORMULA. [Formula from Bonatti, as given in translation included on pages 81-133 of Robert Zoller's book Arabic Parts in Astrology: A Lost Key to Prediction. New York: Inner Traditions, 1980.
  2. Asc + New or Full Moon Prior to Birth - Moon
    [Formula from Robert Hurzt Granite. The Fortunes of Astrology: A New Complete Treatment of the Arabic Parts. San Diego, CA: ACS Publications, 1980.]
* SAN = "Syzygy ante nativitatem" (the degree of the previous full or new Moon, whichever is closest to but prior to the birth).

NOTE: I would very much like to thank Sandy Curran for her help, discussion, insights, research, etcetera in clarifying which of these formulae is to be preferred in use.

  28 LI 53 = ASC
+ 08 AR 07 = Moon of Native
- 14 PI 26 = Full Moon Prior to Birth
Step 1: Convert all degrees to 360 framework.

AR = 0 / 360
TA = 30
GE = 60
CA = 90
LE = 120
VI = 150
LI = 180
SC = 210
SA = 240
CA = 270
AQ = 300
PI = 330

  208:53 = ASC
+ 008:07 = Moon of Native
- 344:26 = Full Moon Prior to Birth
Step 2: Do the math
IF NECESSARY bring the final number back to its proper place within a 360 circle by adding or subtracting 360 as appropriate.

208:53 + 008:07 = 216:60

NOTE: The second portion of the number will also need to be brought back within "60", since that is the base for that section of the number. Thus the "60" should really be "1:00", making the number 217:00. For those of you who think mathematically, we actually working with a compound numeral representing two separate bases. Part one of the number (before the ":") is in 360, and part two (after the ":") in 60. This concept is VERY difficult for many of my students, and just giving examples is the only way I've found to explain it. I allocate a "lot" of time to how to calculate lots!

217:00 - 344:26 = ???

Oops! 344 is larger than 217, which would give us a negative number to then place within the 360 degree circle. Personally, I find it simpler to add 360 to the 217, rather than doing the reverse with the negative number later.

577:00 - 344:26 = 232:34

Step 3: Translate back to sign and place in chart.
232:34 = 22 SCO 34 = Pars Hyleg

This goes just barely inside the 2nd house of the chart, conjunct the second house cusp.

Pars Hyleg: How Used / Interpretation

Now, normally, I have found only conjunctions, oppositions, and squares to the parts to be really felt by the native, but I am not going to argue with Bonatti who knows a great deal more about this than I do. :-) In the text quoted above Bonatti clearly states that, for major parts such as the Pars Hyleg and Fortuna, he uses progressions, directions, and any of the classic aspects. These are normally considered to include the conjunction, opposition, square, trine, and sextile, in rough order of impact.

Notice that in this example, the only planetary aspect to the Pars Hyleg is a sextile from Jupiter, although it is also opposed (separating) to the Part of Fortune. These are mixed indicators, generally positive. All applying aspects by direction are to minor bodies (asteroids) and thus not considered. The first directed aspect with a Ptolomeic planetary body is a conjunction to Jupiter. With no major aspects from the Pars Hyleg to a malefic, and without looking at the Alcochodon or other indicators, one would expect this native to live at least until age 75 when the Pars Hyleg would cross the IC, as the first angle touched by the part. Please note, that with the improved understanding of health and medicine we have now, many of the indicators which represented death or disability in the Renaissance and Middle Ages now may indicate merely a health crisis instead.

Calculating the Hyleg

OK, you remember I said calculating the Part of the Hyleg was the EASY part? ;-) Here comes the FUN part -- figuring out the REAL Hyleg! The following material is my understanding of the methodology presented by Al-Khayyat (in the James Holden translation). To me, it appeared that Al-Khayatt took some shortcuts in his explanation or made assumption in the understanding of his students. I have attempted to clarify those in a way which made sense to me, however, it may be that my own understanding is flawed. For the serious students of astrology or a person with special interest in the Hyleg, you would of course try to refer to the original source.

Please note that you must use the standard table of dignities to answer many of these questions. This link will open a table of dignities in a separate browser window, so that you may easily go back and forth between this decision tree and the dignities.

1. Day birth? Y/N

	Y = Begin with the Sun ==> Go to #2
	N = Begin with the Moon ==> Go to #5

2. Evaluate the Sun ==> Go to #2a

	2a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #2b
	2b. Is it in a succedent house (1, 5, 8, 11) 
		and in a masculine sign 
		(Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius)?

		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #2c
	2c. Is it in a masculine quarter (?????) 
		and in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		[NOTE: These are also referred to as the lords of the five dignities.] 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		Y = Go to #12
		N = Go to #3

3. Evaluate the Moon ==> Go to #3a

	3a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #3b
	3b. Is it in a succedent house (1, 5, 8, 11) 
		and in a feminine sign (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces)?

		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #3c
	3c. Is it in a feminine quarter (?????) 
		and in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		Y = Go to #12
		N = Go to #4

4.The SAN ("Syzygy ante nativitatem") is the degree of the full or new Moon 
	immediately prior to the natal chart, whichever is closest to but prior. 
	For the SAN, was it a New Moon or a Full Moon?

	New Moon ==> Go to #7
	Full Moon ==> Go to #8

5. Evaluate the Moon ==> Go to #5a

	5a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #5b
	5b. Is it in a succedent house (1, 5, 8, 11) 
		and in a feminine sign (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces)?

		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #5c
	5c. Is it in a feminine quarter (?????) 
		and in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		Y = Go to #12
		N = Go to #6

6. Evaluate the Sun ==> Go to #6a

	6a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #6b
	6b. Is it in a succedent house (1, 5, 8, 11) 
		and in a masculine sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius)?

		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #6c
	6c. Is it in a masculine quarter (?????) 
		and in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		[NOTE: These are also referred to as the lords of the five dignities.] 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		Y = Go to #12
		N = Go to #4

7. Evaluate the Ascendent ==> Go to #7a

	7a. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		Y = Go to #10
		N (arrived from #8) = Go to #9
		N (arrived from any other number) = Go to #8

8. Evaluate Fortuna (the Part of Fortune) ==> Go to #8a

	8a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #8b
	8b. Is it in a succedent house (1, 5, 8, 11)?

		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #8c
	8c. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		Y = Go to #10
		N (arrived from #7) = Go to #9
		N (arrived from any number other than #7) = Go to #7

9. Evaluate the SAN ==> Go to #9a

	9a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #8b
	9b. Is it in a succedent house (1, 5, 8, 11)?

		Y = Go to #10
		N = Go to #8c
	9c. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? (See Table of Dignities.)

		Y = Go to #12
		N = Go to #8

10. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
	[NOTE: These are also referred to as the lords of the five dignities.] 
	(See Table of Dignities.)

		Y = Of the lords of the five dignities, the one with the greatest dignity 
			is now considered the Alcochoden ==> Go to #12
		N = Go to #11

11. Are any of the five inner planets in aspect? 
		Y = Select the one with the greatest dignity to be the Alcochoden 
			(however the native will be frail) ==> Go to #12
		N = For a natal, health will be a constant challenge; 
			for a horary, there is no future in this question.

12. You have discovered the Hyleg.

Hyleg Discovery Example

Using the same natal as for the Pars Hyleg calculation example, let's walk through the decision tree to find the Hyleg.

9 Sept 1949; GMT 9.40am; 01 W 31 / 52 N 25 (Coventry, England).

+-------<11>14Vir22----<10> 9Leo09-----<9>25Gem43-----------+
| Sun 16Vir22  | Plu 17Leo06  |              |              |
| Jun 23Leo03  | Sat 10Vir27  |              |              |
|              |              | Mar  1Leo23  |              |
|              |              | Ura  4Can35  |              |
<12> 8Lib30----|-----------------------------|-----22Tau12<8>
| Cer 05Lib07  |                             | POF 20Tau38  |
| Mer 13Lib11  |     Astrolog 5.40 chart     |              |
| Nep 13Lib52  |   Fri Sep  9 1949  9:40am   |              |
| Ven 23Lib43  |  ST +00:00,   1:31W 52:20N  |              |
<1>28Lib55-----|   UT:  9:40, Sid.T:  8:46   |-----28Ari55<7>
|              |    Regiomontanus Houses     |              |
|              |    Tropical / Geocentric    |              |
|              |  Julian Day = 2433168.9028  |              |
|              |                             | Nod 16Ari50r |
<2>22Sco12-----|-----------------------------|----- 8Ari30<6>
|              | Jup 22Cap29r |              |              |
| Chi 03Sag45  |              |              |              |
| Ves 21Sag47  |              |              |              |
|              |              |              | Moo  8Ari08  |
+-----------25Sag43<3>----- 9Aqu09<4>-----14Pis22<5>--------+

Chart as above generated by Astrolog; edited to include Part of Fortune (POF) and Asteroids (Chiron, Ceres, Juno, Pallas, Vesta).

1. Day birth? Y/N

	Y = Begin with the Sun ==> Go to #2

2. Evaluate the Sun ==> Go to #2a

	2a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		N = Go to #2b
	2b. Is it in a succedent house (1, 5, 8, 11) 
	Yes ... 
	and in a masculine sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius)?

		N = Go to #2c
	2c. Is it in a masculine quarter (?????) 
		and in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		[NOTE: These are also referred to as the lords of the five dignities.] 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		DISCUSSION: I am not sure what the difference is between the quadrants 
			and the masculine / feminine quarter referred to here by 
			Al-Khayyat. Because of this, I check for an aspect to lords of the 
			five dignities, but am inclined in the case of this doubt, to keep 
			looking for a more definite match for the Hyleg.
		Aspect to Mercury, ruler of sign ==> No
		Aspect to Jupiter, ruler of term ==> Yes, trine
		Aspect to Mercury, ruler of exaltation ==> No
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of triplicity ==> No
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of face ==> No

		DISCUSSION: Notice that upon the examination of aspects from the lords
			of the five dignities, it becomes apparent that the Sun is not 
			strongly aspected overall, lending further weight to my decision to 
			keep looking. Examining the other aspects, and seeing that the Sun 
			is badly aspected by both of the major malefics, I am particularly 
			uncomfortable with the idea of selecting it for the Hyleg. Jupiter, 
			the lord of the Sun's term, is in Capricorn in its fall, adding yet 
			more concern.
		N = Go to #3

3. Evaluate the Moon ==> Go to #3a

	3a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		N = Go to #3b
	3b. Is it in a succedent house (1, 5, 8, 11) 
		and in a feminine sign (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces)?

		N = Go to #3c
	3c. Is it in a feminine quarter (?????) 
		and in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		(See Table of Dignities.)
		DISCUSSION: Same issues as above for the Sun. Cadent house alone is a 
			fairly significant concern.
		Aspect to Mars, ruler of sign ==> Yes, trine
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of term ==> No
		Aspect to Sun, ruler of exaltation ==> No
		Aspect to Sun, ruler of triplicity ==> No
		Aspect to Mars, ruler of face ==> Yes

		DISCUSSION: Notice that upon the examination of aspects from the lords
			of the five dignities, we find that the Moon, while a more likely 
			choice	than the Sun, is also not strongly aspected overall. Mars, 
			the lord of the sign, is peregrine (lacking in dignity), again not 
			able to lend much strength to the Moon as a potential Hyleg.

		N = Go to #4

4.The SAN ("Syzygy ante nativitatem") is the degree of 
	the full or new Moon immediately prior to the natal chart, 
	whichever is closest to but prior. For the SAN, 
	was it a New Moon or a Full Moon?

	Full Moon ==> Go to #8

8. Evaluate Fortuna (the Part of Fortune) ==> Go to #8a

	8a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		Y = Go to #10

10. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
	[NOTE: These are also referred to as the lords of the five dignities.] 
	(See Table of Dignities.)
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of sign ==> Sort of, inconjunct, but Venus strongly dignified
		Aspect to Jupiter, ruler of term ==> Yes, trine
		Aspect to Moon, ruler of exaltation ==> No
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of triplicity ==> Sort of
		Aspect to Saturn, ruler of face ==> No

		DISCUSSION: Fortuna is much more strongly placed, although not really 
			any better aspected than the luminaries. The aspect from Jupiter 
			carries the same issues it brought to the Sun, that being Jupiter 
			is in its fall. Technically, Fortuna is an acceptable Hyleg. Since 
			I am not entirely satisfied that it is the best choice, I'll go 
			ahead and complete this with Fortuna, but then return to question 
			8, and change my answer, continuing with some of the other options 
			which could be considered for the Hyleg.

		Y = Of the lords of the five dignities, the one with the greatest
			dignity is now considered the Alcochoden ==> Go to #12

12. You have discovered the Hyleg.


8. Evaluate Fortuna (the Part of Fortune) ==> Go to #8a

	8c. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		N (arrived from any number other than #7) = Go to #7

7. Evaluate the Ascendent ==> Go to #7a

	7a. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		Y = Go to #10

10. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
	[NOTE: These are also referred to as the lords of the five dignities.] 
	(See Table of Dignities.)
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of sign ==> Yes, conjunct, and Venus strongly dignified
		Aspect to Mars, ruler of term ==> Yes, square
		Aspect to Saturn, ruler of exaltation ==> No
		Aspect to Saturn, ruler of triplicity ==> No
		Aspect to Jupiter, ruler of face ==> No

		DISCUSSION: The Ascendent is conjunct its ruler, Venus, the most 
			dignified planet in the chart and the chart ruler. I like this, and 
			feel much more comfortable with the Ascendent as Hyleg than 
			anything else I've seen yet. Given that Venus is the most strongly 
			aspected planet in the chart, I doubt we could find anything 
			better. The only option remaining is the SAN, in Pisces opposed to 
			the Sun. I think I'll stick with the Ascendent. NOTE: Some 
			astrologers say a person may have more than one Hyleg. Personally, 
			I'm not persuaded, however you could certainly try watching
			this native for transits or progressions to both the Ascendent and 

		Y = Of the lords of the five dignities, the one with the greatest 
			dignity is now considered the Alcochoden ==> Go to #12

12. You have discovered the Hyleg.

The Hyleg In Health

If properly calculated, the Hyleg should be the strongest planet or point in the chart, by placement, sign, dignity, and aspect. In this position, it serves almost as the foundation to the house of the self. If the foundation is weakened, the entire house is placed at risk. There are many other analogies that could be given. Remember the Chicago Bulls when Michael Jordan left the team. When you take away the strongest player on the team, how well can the rest of the team perform? So, I recommend strengthening your Hyleg, keeping it happy, especially at times when you particularly feel stressed or vulnerable. Keep your Hyleg strong, and it will provide support and strength to every other aspect of your life.

How?, you might ask. What I have found effective is to study the rulerships attributed to the sign and/or planet in question. The example chart used throughout this Hyleg discussion is not a chart for any real person I know of, but a chart given in error on an astrological listserv and which served as an excellent example! For the fictional individual represented by this chart, with both the selected Hyleg (the Ascendent at 28 Libra) and the alternate Hyleg (Fortuna at 20 Taurus), they are both in signs ruled by Venus.

I would recommend for this native, at times of life stress or illness, to surround themselves with either the objects or symbols ruled by Venus. For this purpose, it is worth investing in a good book devoted to rulerships! (I like both that by Billings and the one by Lee Lehman.) This person could make a point of:

They might also want to consider wearing a Venus amulet or talisman, such as those provided by Christopher Warnock,

Venus and Libra rule, in part:

Remember, this is an example. If your Hyleg was in Scorpio, for a different example, you might wish to wear Martian or Scorpio-ruled reds and scarab jewelry and taking some leisure time to read a mystery novel. Be sure to examine not just the sign of thte Hyleg, but the location of the planet chosen as the Alcochoden, the most dignified planet aspecting the Hyleg. In this chart, Venus is the Alcochoden and conjunct the Ascendent, adding additional weight to strength from Venusian elements and symbols. Here I have been discussing strengthening the Hyleg by the ruler of the sign in which it resides, but examine also its other dignities. In this example chart, the Ascendent and Fortuna carry these other dignities, which might be considered if extra strengthening is required.

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