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About The Hyleg as Itself or as the Pars Hyleg (Part of the Hyleg)

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Calculating the Pars Hyleg (Part of the Hyleg)

The Part of the Hyleg is fairly straightforward. Here is the methodology used to calculate the part for an example birth chart of:

9 Sept 1949; GMT 9.40am; 01 W 31 / 52 N 25 (Coventry, England).

+-------<11>14Vir22----<10> 9Leo09-----<9>25Gem43-----------+
| Sun 16Vir22  | Plu 17Leo06  |              |              |
| Jun 23Leo03  | Sat 10Vir27  |              |              |
|              |              | Mar  1Leo23  |              |
|              |              | Ura  4Can35  |              |
<12> 8Lib30----|-----------------------------|-----22Tau12<8>
| Cer 05Lib07  |                             | POF 20Tau38  |
| Mer 13Lib11  |     Astrolog 5.40 chart     |              |
| Nep 13Lib52  |   Fri Sep  9 1949  9:40am   |              |
| Ven 23Lib43  |  ST +00:00,   1:31W 52:20N  |              |
<1>28Lib55-----|   UT:  9:40, Sid.T:  8:46   |-----28Ari55<7>
|              |    Regiomontanus Houses     |              |
|              |    Tropical / Geocentric    |              |
|              |  Julian Day = 2433168.9028  |              |
|              |                             | Nod 16Ari50r |
<2>22Sco12-----|-----------------------------|----- 8Ari30<6>
|              | Jup 22Cap29r |              |              |
| Chi 03Sag45  |              |              |              |
| Ves 21Sag47  |              |              |              |
|              |              |              | Moo  8Ari08  |
+-----------25Sag43<3>----- 9Aqu09<4>-----14Pis22<5>--------+

Chart as above generated by Astrolog; edited to include Part of Fortune (POF) and Asteroids (Chiron, Ceres, Juno, Pallas, Vesta).


  1. Ascendant + Moon - SAN*
    PREFERRED FORMULA. [Formula from Bonatti, as given in translation included on pages 81-133 of Robert Zoller's book Arabic Parts in Astrology: A Lost Key to Prediction. New York: Inner Traditions, 1980.
  2. Asc + New or Full Moon Prior to Birth - Moon
    [Formula from Robert Hurzt Granite. The Fortunes of Astrology: A New Complete Treatment of the Arabic Parts. San Diego, CA: ACS Publications, 1980.]
* SAN = "Syzygy ante nativitatem" (the degree of the previous full or new Moon, whichever is closest to but prior to the birth).

NOTE: I would very much like to thank Sandy Curran for her help, discussion, insights, research, etcetera in clarifying which of these formulae is to be preferred in use.

  28 LI 53 = ASC
+ 08 AR 07 = Moon of Native
- 14 PI 26 = Full Moon Prior to Birth
Step 1: Convert all degrees to 360 framework.

AR = 0 / 360
TA = 30
GE = 60
CA = 90
LE = 120
VI = 150
LI = 180
SC = 210
SA = 240
CA = 270
AQ = 300
PI = 330

  208:53 = ASC
+ 008:07 = Moon of Native
- 344:26 = Full Moon Prior to Birth
Step 2: Do the math
IF NECESSARY bring the final number back to its proper place within a 360 circle by adding or subtracting 360 as appropriate.

208:53 + 008:07 = 216:60

NOTE: The second portion of the number will also need to be brought back within "60", since that is the base for that section of the number. Thus the "60" should really be "1:00", making the number 217:00. For those of you who think mathematically, we actually working with a compound numeral representing two separate bases. Part one of the number (before the ":") is in 360, and part two (after the ":") in 60. This concept is VERY difficult for many of my students, and just giving examples is the only way I've found to explain it. I allocate a "lot" of time to how to calculate lots!

217:00 - 344:26 = ???

Oops! 344 is larger than 217, which would give us a negative number to then place within the 360 degree circle. Personally, I find it simpler to add 360 to the 217, rather than doing the reverse with the negative number later.

577:00 - 344:26 = 232:34

Step 3: Translate back to sign and place in chart.
232:34 = 22 SCO 34 = Pars Hyleg

This goes just barely inside the 2nd house of the chart, conjunct the second house cusp.

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Last modified July 28, 2002.
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