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About The Hyleg as Itself or as the Pars Hyleg (Part of the Hyleg)

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The Hyleg In Health

If properly calculated, the Hyleg should be the strongest planet or point in the chart, by placement, sign, dignity, and aspect. In this position, it serves almost as the foundation to the house of the self. If the foundation is weakened, the entire house is placed at risk. There are many other analogies that could be given. Remember the Chicago Bulls when Michael Jordan left the team. When you take away the strongest player on the team, how well can the rest of the team perform? So, I recommend strengthening your Hyleg, keeping it happy, especially at times when you particularly feel stressed or vulnerable. Keep your Hyleg strong, and it will provide support and strength to every other aspect of your life.

How?, you might ask. What I have found effective is to study the rulerships attributed to the sign and/or planet in question. The example chart used throughout this Hyleg discussion is not a chart for any real person I know of, but a chart given in error on an astrological listserv and which served as an excellent example! For the fictional individual represented by this chart, with both the selected Hyleg (the Ascendent at 28 Libra) and the alternate Hyleg (Fortuna at 20 Taurus), they are both in signs ruled by Venus.

I would recommend for this native, at times of life stress or illness, to surround themselves with either the objects or symbols ruled by Venus. For this purpose, it is worth investing in a good book devoted to rulerships! (I like both that by Billings and the one by Lee Lehman.) This person could make a point of:

They might also want to consider wearing a Venus amulet or talisman, such as those provided by Christopher Warnock,

Venus and Libra rule, in part:

Remember, this is an example. If your Hyleg was in Scorpio, for a different example, you might wish to wear Martian or Scorpio-ruled reds and scarab jewelry and taking some leisure time to read a mystery novel. Be sure to examine not just the sign of thte Hyleg, but the location of the planet chosen as the Alcochoden, the most dignified planet aspecting the Hyleg. In this chart, Venus is the Alcochoden and conjunct the Ascendent, adding additional weight to strength from Venusian elements and symbols. Here I have been discussing strengthening the Hyleg by the ruler of the sign in which it resides, but examine also its other dignities. In this example chart, the Ascendent and Fortuna carry these other dignities, which might be considered if extra strengthening is required.

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Last modified July 28, 2002.
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