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Hyleg Discovery Example

Using the same natal as for the Pars Hyleg calculation example, let's walk through the decision tree to find the Hyleg.

9 Sept 1949; GMT 9.40am; 01 W 31 / 52 N 25 (Coventry, England).

+-------<11>14Vir22----<10> 9Leo09-----<9>25Gem43-----------+
| Sun 16Vir22  | Plu 17Leo06  |              |              |
| Jun 23Leo03  | Sat 10Vir27  |              |              |
|              |              | Mar  1Leo23  |              |
|              |              | Ura  4Can35  |              |
<12> 8Lib30----|-----------------------------|-----22Tau12<8>
| Cer 05Lib07  |                             | POF 20Tau38  |
| Mer 13Lib11  |     Astrolog 5.40 chart     |              |
| Nep 13Lib52  |   Fri Sep  9 1949  9:40am   |              |
| Ven 23Lib43  |  ST +00:00,   1:31W 52:20N  |              |
<1>28Lib55-----|   UT:  9:40, Sid.T:  8:46   |-----28Ari55<7>
|              |    Regiomontanus Houses     |              |
|              |    Tropical / Geocentric    |              |
|              |  Julian Day = 2433168.9028  |              |
|              |                             | Nod 16Ari50r |
<2>22Sco12-----|-----------------------------|----- 8Ari30<6>
|              | Jup 22Cap29r |              |              |
| Chi 03Sag45  |              |              |              |
| Ves 21Sag47  |              |              |              |
|              |              |              | Moo  8Ari08  |
+-----------25Sag43<3>----- 9Aqu09<4>-----14Pis22<5>--------+

Chart as above generated by Astrolog; edited to include Part of Fortune (POF) and Asteroids (Chiron, Ceres, Juno, Pallas, Vesta).

1. Day birth? Y/N

	Y = Begin with the Sun ==> Go to #2

2. Evaluate the Sun ==> Go to #2a

	2a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		N = Go to #2b
	2b. Is it in a succedent house (1, 5, 8, 11) 
	Yes ... 
	and in a masculine sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius)?

		N = Go to #2c
	2c. Is it in a masculine quarter (houses 4, 5, 6, or houses 10, 11, 12) 
		and in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		[NOTE: These are also referred to as the lords of the five dignities.] 
		(See Table of Dignities.)
		Aspect to Mercury, ruler of sign ==> No
		Aspect to Jupiter, ruler of term ==> Yes, trine
		Aspect to Mercury, ruler of exaltation ==> No
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of triplicity ==> No
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of face ==> No

		NOTE: In the times of Al-Khayyat and those of Heller and Schoener (the 
			translators from Arabic to Latin), the triplicities were handled 
			differently than they are listed in the Ptolomeic chart. For this 
			example, I am using the table as given on this site. You may wish
			to explore the Chaldean dignities, which are linked on the 
			dignities page at the bottom, and these alternative triplicities
			from Lee Lehman's site, (
		DISCUSSION: Notice that upon the examination of aspects from the lords
			of the five dignities, it becomes apparent that the Sun is not 
			strongly aspected overall, lending further weight to my decision to 
			keep looking. Examining the other aspects, and seeing that the Sun 
			is badly aspected by both of the major malefics, I am particularly 
			uncomfortable with the idea of selecting it for the Hyleg. Jupiter, 
			the lord of the Sun's term, is in Capricorn in its fall, adding yet 
			more concern.
		N = Go to #3

3. Evaluate the Moon ==> Go to #3a

	3a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		N = Go to #3b
	3b. Is it in a succedent house (1, 5, 8, 11) 
		and in a feminine sign (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces)?

		N = Go to #3c
	3c. Is it in a feminine quarter (houses 1, 2, 3, or houses 7, 8, 9) 
		and in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		(See Table of Dignities.)
		Aspect to Mars, ruler of sign ==> Yes, trine
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of term ==> No
		Aspect to Sun, ruler of exaltation ==> No
		Aspect to Sun, ruler of triplicity ==> No
		Aspect to Mars, ruler of face ==> Yes

		DISCUSSION: Notice that upon the examination of aspects from the lords
			of the five dignities, we find that the Moon, while a more likely 
			choice	than the Sun, is also not strongly aspected overall. Mars, 
			the lord of the sign, is peregrine (lacking in dignity), again not 
			able to lend much strength to the Moon as a potential Hyleg.

		N = Go to #4

4.The SAN ("Syzygy ante nativitatem") is the degree of 
	the full or new Moon immediately prior to the natal chart, 
	whichever is closest to but prior. For the SAN, 
	was it a New Moon or a Full Moon?

	Full Moon ==> Go to #8

8. Evaluate Fortuna (the Part of Fortune) ==> Go to #8a

	8a. Is it in an angular house (1, 4, 7, 10)?
		Y = Go to #10

10. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
	[NOTE: These are also referred to as the lords of the five dignities.] 
	(See Table of Dignities.)
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of sign ==> Sort of, inconjunct, but Venus strongly dignified
		Aspect to Jupiter, ruler of term ==> Yes, trine
		Aspect to Moon, ruler of exaltation ==> No
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of triplicity ==> Sort of
		Aspect to Saturn, ruler of face ==> No

		DISCUSSION: Fortuna is much more strongly placed, although not really 
			any better aspected than the luminaries. The aspect from Jupiter 
			carries the same issues it brought to the Sun, that being Jupiter 
			is in its fall. Technically, Fortuna is an acceptable Hyleg. Since 
			I am not entirely satisfied that it is the best choice, I'll go 
			ahead and complete this with Fortuna, but then return to question 
			8, and change my answer, continuing with some of the other options 
			which could be considered for the Hyleg.

		Y = Of the lords of the five dignities, the one with the greatest
			dignity is now considered the Alcochoden ==> Go to #12

12. You have discovered the Hyleg.


8. Evaluate Fortuna (the Part of Fortune) ==> Go to #8a

	8c. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		N (arrived from any number other than #7) = Go to #7

7. Evaluate the Ascendent ==> Go to #7a

	7a. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
		(See Table of Dignities.)

		Y = Go to #10

10. Is it in aspect to the ruler of its sign, term, exaltation, triplicity, or face? 
	[NOTE: These are also referred to as the lords of the five dignities.] 
	(See Table of Dignities.)
		Aspect to Venus, ruler of sign ==> Yes, conjunct, and Venus strongly dignified
		Aspect to Mars, ruler of term ==> Yes, square
		Aspect to Saturn, ruler of exaltation ==> No
		Aspect to Saturn, ruler of triplicity ==> No
		Aspect to Jupiter, ruler of face ==> No

		DISCUSSION: The Ascendent is conjunct its ruler, Venus, the most 
			dignified planet in the chart and the chart ruler. I like this, and 
			feel much more comfortable with the Ascendent as Hyleg than 
			anything else I've seen yet. Given that Venus is the most strongly 
			aspected planet in the chart, I doubt we could find anything 
			better. The only option remaining is the SAN, in Pisces opposed to 
			the Sun. I think I'll stick with the Ascendent. NOTE: Some 
			astrologers say a person may have more than one Hyleg. Personally, 
			I'm not persuaded, however you could certainly try watching
			this native for transits or progressions to both the Ascendent and 

		Y = Of the lords of the five dignities, the one with the greatest 
			dignity is now considered the Alcochoden ==> Go to #12

12. You have discovered the Hyleg.

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