November 15, 1996

Culver Classmates,

The Class of 1989 has recently been touched by a tragic loss of one of our classmates. Whitney Chamberlin passed away on October 14 while attending graduate school at Duke University. He was pursuing a dual degree in business administration and environmental marketing.

As many of you know, Whitney was a tremendous person who had an important impact on Culver. Whitney first came to the Summer School in 1984 where he spent three summers as a member of Troop A. In 1986 Whitney traded in the troop tent camp for North and East barracks and joined Troop B in the winter school program. During his first semester at Culver, Whitney rose to the top of the class rankings with the highest GPA in the sophomore class. During his first class year, Whitney participated in the 1989 Presidential Inaugural Parade, was inducted into the Cum Laude Society and was named Captain of the polo team. Perhaps Whitney's greatest accomplishment at Culver was leading the polo team to the Interscholastic National Polo Championship and being named the Interscholastic Polo Player of the Year (the #1 high school polo player in the country). This singular honor not only brought recognition to Whitney but also to Culver.

After Culver, Whitney went to the University of Virginia where he was a member of the varsity polo team. In 1993, he captained the UVA polo team that won the National Intercollegiate Championships. Shortly after our 5th Reunion in May 1994, he moved to Costa Rica where he worked with a rain forest conservation group. This led him to pursue the unique dual degree at Duke, a program he had just started last September.

You will find several enclosures in this letter, including a 1989 article detailing Whitney's involvement in the National Polo Tournament Championship and a reply envelope for the Culver Annual Fund. In Whitney's memory, we have established the Whitney Chamberlin Memorial Fund and are encouraging classmates to contribute it. All funds raised in Whitney's memory will support horsemanship students either through scholarships or facility improvements - surely causes Whitney would be fond of supporting. It is participation that is important, not the amount. One of our goals is 100% participation from the class.

Contributions should be made to the Culver Annual Fund and in the memo section of the check, please write, "in memory of Whitney Chamberlin." We recognize that some of our classmates would prefer to contribute without restrictions to the Annual Fund. If this is the case, please do so.


Mike Wikoff Laura Spatz

(513) 985-5100 (210) 978-7421

Mike O'Connell Hyeson Bang

(313) 996-8720 (602) 301-6841