Elsa Pirozzi was born July 18, 2001. Below are pictures and videos from 2004 in reverse chronological order.


On these pages, click on a picture to enlarge, or right-click to save.

In NYC to visit Heather.

At Dottie's in December.

Playing with Mackenzie.

In MD for the state fair.

Birthday party at Carole's.
(6 pictures).

Trips to NY in April and June.
(7 pictures).

Beginning to develop differentiated public and private personae, in Feb.
(4 pictures).

Playing with Rik, Ben, and Alex, in January.
(8 pictures).


Click to view a single time, or right-click for a menu and choose Save to disk... if you would like to watch a video more than once.

Singing Jingle Bells in December (4053KB).

Laughing in the hot tub on June 12, 2004 (663KB).

At a party for Lukas (5MB).

Riding her bike on April 7, 2004 (635KB).

Sending a singing valentine to the world Feb 14 '04 (1,403KB)

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