Recent Keynote Lectures


  "Instability of Flow Between Rotating Disks," 11th CHAOS International Conference, Rome, Italy, 2018.

 "Virtual Nestos,"   Man and Biosphere UNESCO Conference, Chrysoupolis, Greece, 2017.

 "Active Control of Watershed Dynamics," UNESCO Chair Inauguration on Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems, Drama, Greece (2016).

 "Detection and Control of Hazardous Releases," 1st CREATE International Conference on Natural Disaster Prevention, Douliou, Taiwan (2016).

 "Impact of Climate Change on River Dynamics," International Conference on Watershed Modeling and Environmental System Development, Nanjing, China (2014).

 "Miracles of a Water Paradise - a Fluid Mechanics Perspective," International Conference on Aspects of Islamic Gardens: Multi-Meanings of Paradise, IMARET, Greece (2014).

 "Cyber-Enabled Scenarios of Extreme Events due to Climate Change," 10th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Orlando, Florida (2012).

 "Optimal Control of Chemical Spills in Wall Bounded Flows," 2nd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation, Montreal, Canada (2012).

 "Impact of Climate Change on Estuarine Bed Morphology and Aquatic Life," Joint EYE (11th) and EEDYP(7th) Conference on Integrated Water Resource Management under Climate Change Conditions, Volos, Greece (2009).

 "Source Inversion and Plume Control in Infrastructure Systems,"  40th Anniversary Symposium, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, Kobe, Japan (2008).

 "Control of Flow and Mixing in Environmental Flows,"  3nd Sino-American Symposium on Advanced Computational Modeling, Honolulu, Hawai (2008).

 "Control of Chemical Spills by Boundary Suction," Fluids 06 International Symposium, International Society of Mechanical Engineers,  Miami, Florida (2006). 

 "Detectability, Assimilation and Controllability of Environmental Flows," 7th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2006).

  "Hurricane Katrina: Optimal Levee Design and Operation," Symposium on Hurrican Katrina, Ann Arbor, Michigan (2005). 

 "Adaptive Control of Hydraulic Systems by Microsensor Arrays," XXX Congress, International Association for Hydraulic Research, Thessaloniki, Greece (2003).