Beginning Research with Monica Valluri Your first task is to do the programing exercise on my website ( ) . The easiest option is to start with the Jupyter notebook in this folder. First make a new copy of this notebook which you will edit What is Jupyter?: "Jupyter notebook" is a version of Python that works through a browser window and makes it easier to keep everything (comments, code, figures) organized (at least for this type of an exercise). You will need to make sure that Jupyter is installed. You can try to do this using pip e.g. type " pip install jupyter" at the command prompt in a terminal. Put the jupyter notebook (galaxy_exercise.ipynb) and data file (coordAa.dat.txt) in a new folder (directory). You will then open a terminal window and change directory to the directory that contains the jupyter notebook. At the prompt type "jupyter notebook" (all lower case). This should start up a browser window. You should see the file name displayed in the browser window. If you click on the file it will appear in the browser. To Run the Notebook: To run the code click on the play button '|>' (in the top menu bar) or click on the menu item "Cells" and then click "run all" it should execute the whole note book and you should see the first three plots that you are asked to make in the exercise. You should read the code boxes and the accompanying text carefully to make sure you understand how the plots are made. To proceed to the next item in the exercise Click "Insert" and "Insert cell below" and add your lines of code to the new cell. If instead you want to add some descriptive text, add this text to the cell and click on the button that says "Code" and click "Markdown" on the dropdown menu and then hit the |> play button. If you enter code you can click the play button after each line to check that you don't have any errors. When you are done click the play button or "Cells" "run". If your plot was created correctly it should appear below, if not you will get error messages which you will need to interpret and fix. The first few steps of the exercise have been done for you. You should work through the rest of it. Ideally do each new step of the exercise in a new box.