Matlab-Python Rosetta Stone




## workspace
who for vars in dir():
  if vars.startswith("__") == 0:
   print vars
In python dir() and locals() are helpful, except you have to get rid of the '__' vars. Dealing with imports is shown here.
whos vars() or dir() or dir(object) get the local vars or attributes of a particular object
class('1') type('1') or check the type of variable

## timing
tic; disp(); toc import timeit
timeit.timeit('"-".join(str(n) for n in range(100))', number=10000) #only for small pieces of code with no imports


from datetime import datetime
startTime =
print - startTime


time python
time functions

## strings
num2str(1) str(1) int to str
num2str(1,'%.2f') format(1,'.2f') or
int to str with 2 digits
str2num('1') int('1') str to int
? int('0x01',0) hex str to int
double('a') ord('a') #opposite is chr(97) char to int
dec2bin(10) bin(10) #opposite is 0b1010 dec to bin
rats(0.25) (0.25).as_integer_ratio() double to fraction
? '/'.join(string) join a list with slashes in btw
strcmp('abc','b') a==b compare strings
strrep('abc','b','c') 'abc'.replace('b','c') replace string
strcmp(class('abc'),'char') isinstance('abc',str) check if something is a string

## arrays
b = a(a>0) b = a[a>0] select positive elements
b(end+1) = 10; %b must exist b.append(10) #b must exist append values to array
length(a) len(a) length of list
size(a) s.shape #or a.size for max of mat? length of matrix
length(size(a)) a.ndims number of dimensions in array
a=1:10; b=1+0*a; c = [a' b'] np.hstack( (np.mat(a).T, np.mat(b).T) ) concatenate arrays
isnan(a) np.isnan(a) find values that are nan in an array

## figures
clf plt.clf() clear figure
gcf plt.gcf() get current figure
gca plt.gca() get current axis
grid on plt.grid(True) turn grid on
axis('tight') plt.axis('tight') tight axis
xlabel('x') plt.xlabel('x') xlabel
stairs(1:3) plt.step(range(1,4)) horizontal lines plot
clim([x1,x2]) plt.clim(x1,x2) color limit
plt.imshow(a, aspect='auto', origin='lower')
show matrix as an image
set(gca,'xticklabel',la) plt.gca().set_xticklabels(la) replace xticklabels

## misc
1 ~= 2 1 != 2 check if two things are not equal, note that ~ in python means invert integer's twos-complement representation, so most like you you want 'not' or '!'
plot.m execfile('') execute script
a = (0:9).^2 a = [x**2 for x in range(10)] list comprehensions
? convert -set delay 3 -loop 0 *.png Output.gif animations