Home Stage

Returning home from the hospital is a period of celebration and is a very important milestone in the recovery procress. It can also be a very stressful period for all involved.

For some, the period from discharge to return to school can be a matter of days. For others it can be a period of several months. For this reason, maintain communication with school continues to be important. You should share with the school the target date that the team has shared with you. This will enable the school to prepare for the return and if necesary set up a means b y which your child can continue to keep up his school work. This may even involve some home tutoring for the period until return to school.

Keep in mind that for some children they may need and the school can accomodate a period of gradual transition to full-time school return. Children unable to tolerate a full day of school might need a period of half days. Children may be able to include their physical therapy activities within the school day.

Returning to school brings a child into contact with friends and peers. Some of these contact may have been started by visits with friends in the hospital. Consider encouraging your child to invite a friend or a few friends over to visit during the period of time between discharge and return to school. These visits can help your child learn about what has been happening in the school environment as well as provide opportunityh to share what she has been experiencing since injury.

A short visit to get re-acquainted with peers in the school environment a day or two prior to return to school can provide a gradual re-exposure to the school and peer system in a more relaxed bases than a full-day of classes.