Mental Health Links


Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Disorders Association of America - General information site with information about types of anxiety disorders, finding a therapist or self-help group, medications, and available clinical trials. Also includes a section with people's own stories about their experiences with having an anxiety disorder.
National Institute of Mental Health - This site offers a Spanish as well as English text version. Informational site about anxiety disorders, treatment, and how to find help. It also has a list of available government publications related to anxiety, which can be viewed online or requested as paper copies.
Panic and Anxiety Education Management Services - Provides comprehensive information on panic-anxiety disorders and their treatment. - Internet search engine for anxiety disorders.
Mental Help Net - Comprehensive online information and resources pertaining to anxiety disorders
Anxiety Disorders - The Caregiver - A web site for caregivers or significant others of people with anxiety disorders.
Test Anxiety - A university counseling center-based web site with information and advice about coping with test anxiety.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Mental Help Net - Information about obsessive-compulsive disorder.
National Institute of Mental Health - Information about obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Screening - brief online OCD screening plus related information and web links.

Depressive Disorders
National Institute for Mental Health - Informational web page about university students, depression, bipolar disorder, and suicide.
Mental Help Net - Depression - Information about depression, diagnoses, and treatment.
Psychology Information - Depression - Information about depression, diagnoses, and treatment.
Depression Alliance - Information and web links about depression, diagnosis, and treatment.
Intelihealth - Informational web page about clinical depression and African Americans.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - An informational web site with many related web links. - Practical advice for dealing with suicidal thoughts

Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder and Manic Depression - Extensive web links for manic depressive disorder.
National Institute of Mental Health - Information about manic depression.
Manic Depression - A personal account of manic depressive illness.

Bipolar Disorder Chat (sites with access to Bipolar Chat experiences)

Antidepressant Medication
(Similar information will also be found under the list of depression web sites above.)
Psychology Information Online - Information about antidepressant medication.
Health - Antidepressant Medications for Depression
Holistic Drug Therapy - Antidepressants

Trauma, Sexual Assault, and Sexual Abuse
National Institute for Mental Health - Informational web page pertaining to post-traumatic stress disorder. - Information about post-traumatic stress disorder and related web links.
Parents and Loved Ones of Sexual Abuse and Rape Survivors
Acquaintance and Date Rape Resources
Sidran Institute - Website with information and resources for individuals who have experienced sexual or physical abuse.
MenWeb Men's Voices - Website for male survivors of sexual abuse.
Sidran Institute - Web page pertaining to dissociative identity disorder.

Eating Disorders
National Women's Health Information Center - Eating disorders page.
Something Fishy - Award-winning web site on eating disorders.
Recovery Is Possible - A personal account of coping with an eating disorder. - Extensive information and links to other eating disorder web sites. - The world of eating disorders powerfully exposed. Mixture of first-person accounts, harsh realities, and coping strategies.
Gurze Books - Source for books about eating disorders with descriptions.

Academy for Eating Disorders - Professional organization for people who work in the field. Information on research into prevention and treatment.

Anna Westin Foundation - Foundation created by parents of a woman who died from an eating disorder. Focus on education, advocacy and researchEating Disorders Coalition - Nonprofit with information on how to get involved with advocacy.

Gail R. Schoenbach F.R.E.E.D. Foundation. Founded by a woman who had bulimia. Offers financial assistance to people who need it for eating disorder treatment.

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. Nonprofit with hotline for questions, support groups around the country and referral information for treatment programs.

Drugs and Alcohol

National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, Prevention Online - Informational web page with many web-based links.
Smart Recovery - National self-help organization devoted to cognitive therapy-oriented recovery from substance abuse.

Personality Disorders

National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder (NEABPD) - Offers 2 handouts 1 on what BPD is and 1 for families.


Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
Youth Resource - Information and resources pertaining to gay and lesbian youth.
Gay and Lesbian Information Bureau
Institute for Gay and Lesbian Strategic Studies
National Coming Out Project - Resource guide to "coming out" for gay and lesbian individuals.

Self Injury
Cutting Self-Injury Panel
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Self Injury
The Helpline: Self Injury - A Search for Understanding
Self Injury - You're Not The Only One
Teen Advice About Cutting and Self-Injury
Focus Adolescent Services: Self-Injury
Self Injury

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Misunderstood Minds