Substance Abuse


Brighton Hospital, Brighton - 810 225 2578 (Detox, Rehab and a Domiciliary SA Partial Hospital Program also)

FOOTE - Washington Way - Jackson, MI - 517 782 4001

Henry Ford Hospital - Maplegrove Center, West Bloomfield, MI (248) 661-6100

Dawn Farms has a 3-5 day detox program and aftercare tx. they are located in Ann Arbor.

Herbert Malinoff, MD, director of Pain Recovery Solutions, office is on Clark Rd, near Washtenaw Comm College - phone 434-6600. He is an addictions specialist and can do detox on an outpatient basis. We refer a lot of patients to him and he does great work in a short period of time. He also has a support group that is run out of his office by a psychiatric resident, who is also a social worker.

Chelsea Arbor Assessment Services @ 734-475-4029


This SAMSHA web site to find the closest place for patients in Michigan

Munson treatment Center in Traverse City @ 231-935-6382

Addiction Treatment in Traverse City @ 231-992-4804

Northern Michigan Substance Abuse Central Diagnostics and Referral (Access Line) 800-686-0749