Disability Parking

Individuals who are eligible can apply for a temporary or permanent Disability Parking Permit.

The Secretary of State's Office provides a brochure entitled "Disability Parking Brochure" that can be shared with patients and their families. It describes eligibility and the process for applying. This link will take you to the page that has the entire list of brochures. It is located in the first section entitled "Owning a Vehicle".

The Secretary of State's Office also provide the Disability Placard application form online. It is a pdf file and can be filled out and printed (but not saved), or printed and then completed by hand.

Many disabled individuals may not only need a parking placard. They may not be able to drive for a period of time and need access to public transit. Keep in mind that seniors and the disabled are also eligible for special cards/passes and rates on public transportation. Information on eligiability and the application process can be located by contacting the local transit office.


If corrections or modifications are needed in this process, please notify: mlbowden@umich.edu.