Process for Domestic Violence


UMHHC Policy 02-05-011 on Domestic Violence Care provides the background information. All Social Worker's should be knowledgeable about this policy.


The policy states "If domestic violence is identified, the health care provider will call the Abuse Consultation Team (ACT) at 763-0215 for consultation on reporting requirements, appropriate follow-up, to access a social worker to interview the patient and assess safety, and to notify the ACT that a domestic violence case has been identified or has been referred to the appropriate community agency.

The social worker or health care provider will:

Additional Interventions that should be considered include:

Social work documentation should reflect your awareness of presence of absence of domestic violence.

You might want to read a report from the National Institute of Justice about how health care providers can improve the adminissibility of medical records evidence in in domestic violence cases.

The social worker assigned to handle referrals specifically for Domestic Violence is: Latresa Wiley, MSW 936-3122 pager 32164.


Evidence Based Practice Information

Danis, F.S. The crimininalization of domestic violence. What social worker's need to know. Social Work. 48(2) 237-47, 2003.

Frasier, P.Y., Slatt, L, Kowlowitz, V, Glowa, P. T. Using the stages of change model to counsel victims of intimate partner violence. Patient Education and Counseling 43: 211-217, 2001.