Referral for adults who are Blind

Patients treated at this hospital can access the Low Vision Clinic at Kellog. They offer the services of an occupational therapist who is trained in low vision. Currently that person is Jim Salisburg Fax referrals to 734-936-1991.


Michigan Commission for the Blind Offers mobility training. Proof of vision will be requested.

Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind

Michigan Schools for the Deaf and Blind

National Federation for the Blind - Has service to get newspapers by telephone.

Libraries with services for the blind in Michigan - Visually impaired can get books on tapes through their local library and interlibrary loan

American Foundation for the Blind -

Link to the Ann Arbor Library Resource An extensive list of resources for the Visually Impaired.

Resources for monocular vision (sight in one eye)

Implications of Monocular Vision. A more scientific review on implications of monocular vision.

Experience of Monocular Vision in Australia. Article based on indepth interview with 20 individual. Includes impact on activities of daily living as well as psychological issues.

Ohio Resources for the Blind

National Federation for the Blind in Ohio

Bureau of services of the visually impaired Ohio