Patient/family Education Regarding Advanced Directives


UMHHC Policy 03-07-010 on Advanced Directives provides the background information. All Social Worker's should be knowledgeable about this policy.

Forms for AD and DPOA can be downloaded for use.

Staff and students of the University cannot sign as witness to an AD or DPOA. However, family visitors or other patients can sign for another person.

Social work documentation should reflect your awareness of presence of absence of a DPOA or AD. If you provide information this too should be documented.


Evidence Based Findings

Dipko (2003) found that group education was more effective than individual education and was less time consuming.


Dipko, L. R., K. Xavier, et al. (2003). "Advance directive group education in a VA outpatient clinic." Soc Work Health Care 38(2): 93-106.