Parent Intro

This site is design to help you as a parent or family member support a child’s successful return to school following a burn. This process is managed through a school reentry program. You can take time now to read more about school reentry programs, or continue on to find out more about what you can do to help your child.

The complexity of the process depends upon what you as a parent want to do as well as the needs of your child depending upon the severity of injury age of child and many other factors.

From a parent’s perspective it is useful to to break the process of school reentry into steps that need to be taken at different time/stages.

In this process, stages/steps include:

Through each transition you might want to consider the impact of these stages on siblings and how it affects them and how they might to be included.

You may also have questions about how to help your child deal with the upset of injury and hospitalization. Visit our section on Coping and Adjustment.